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Everything posted by Bergerbitz

  1. Waitwaitwait...Mad Matt is gone? When did this happen? Why wasn't I consulted? First Dorosh and then Matt...who else can I poke fun at? Well...besides Emrys. (He and Eisenhower grew up together, y'know...)
  2. Naw...some guy named SonOfDorosh was accusing GeorgeMC of giving him herpes through some CMx1 mod back in 2002. The usual waiting-for-release stuff... EDIT: Oh, and everyone in France is playing CM:BN now.
  3. Indeed! See the link for the commercial and gratuitous use of (erf) Joan Collins shoulder pads: (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6gxuk_william-shatner-daughter-for-oldsmo_shortfilms). ...er...before you get your 20 quatloos...do you have change for a 50 quatloo bill?
  4. 20 quatloos to the one who names the make of the automobile in the (deftly hinted at) commercial!
  5. Or the muffler bearings in the Kingtiger...after October, 1944, of course.
  6. It's dead easy to figure out. Just go to the CM:BN Pre-Ordered thread, count up all the folk who said they got their pre-order in. Multiply that number by 1.5 to include the silent minority who lurk and never would post such a thing. Then multiply that figure by the cost of the game. Then subtract Battlefront's overhead costs (beer, donuts, pizza and electricity costs for Matt's Dance Dance Revolution game and etc -- should be roughly 50% to 60% or so) and you have it. So...how much profit would that be? $87.53 is my best guess.
  7. Just heard this guy and his band (amazing guitar, too) last Sunday. The MP3s don't do them justice. http://www.carlosdeljunco.com/
  8. The rumour is them steelboxes is made from a secret cache of recycled and rusty stalhelme found in a bog around Pripyat-like back in Fiddy-Tree. Thet thar makes it kewl...go an' buy one, already!
  9. I never loved a box at first sight since I was 16. ErHUM...oh, look..."What Not to Wear" is on... Oh... consider it pre-ordered! Thanks, BFC!
  10. "A Walk in the Sun" is another one...curiously good. It's like pickles and peanut butter sandwiches. And "Forgotten Soldier" is being made into a film? I'll bet Dorosh is growing big, juicy warts after hearing about that one. You newbies can ask me about that one...the old timers around here might remember him and his opinion about Guy Sajer. Heh...
  11. Dunno if this has been posted before, but here: A pleasant trip down memory lame -er- lane. Gawd -- I remember using Windows 1.0 for about a week and then going back to DOS and not looking back until Windows 3.11. Then there was Windows ME...but like "New Coke" we won't talk about that, will we?
  12. Yep...reckon ya'll pass thet chicken, then...
  13. Shouldn't he have to sing three La Marseillaises and eat five baguettes for his penance as well?
  14. I check at least four times a day. It's as natural as scratching my man-bits now. That reminds me...
  15. I have seen that Valley and, yae, the buttons were Most Gnarly... ...wait, what is this thread about?
  16. Yes, but you'll always be Emrys. And you're right... ...again...
  17. Say...why does Steve never visit the Urdu forum anymore? There's some wicked poetry in there these days.
  18. And where's the wee hatchets like that fellah on the right has got? BFC!! Fix or do sumfink!
  19. Okay...so it's just after 4:00pm Pacific...what week is it now? Would it be sooner in Newfoundland? Greenland? Finland? Anyotherland?
  20. I'm impressed he's wearing a helmet -- not like the kids around these parts. I'll still get my "Save the Bicycles!" T-shirt printed to appease the old codgers here, though.
  21. In racing terminology, DNF also means "Did Not Finish". Seems kinda fitting, eh?
  22. You're so darned well-behaved. I cried like a baby for it, only to stop long enough to burn lit cigarillos into the soles of my bare feet. Then I cried for it some more.
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