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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Happycat, no bias its just that Vista enforces some OS rules that not all software was particularly designed for and so it will take some adjustment to get up to speed and at the same time enforce backwards compatibility. SC is really not alone in this regard when it comes to Vista... believe me it is a real challenge sometimes Hubert
  2. hellraiser, sounds like you may have downloaded one of the older versions of the demo... can you try another and newer download link and see if that helps as there was a slight issue with the original demo release. Thanks! Hubert
  3. Hey just glad to see you got it working For future reference with anyone having the same problem, Vista seems to be a bit particular when programs are installed in the Program Files directory (in some cases) so as a quick workaround if you install into another directory such as 'Games' it seems to resolve the issue. For example: C:\Games\Battlefront\Strategic Command WWII Pacific Theater Hubert
  4. Thanks I will take a look and see what I can figure out.
  5. Hey Hellrasier! Let us know when you are ready for Head to Head as I am sure there are quite a few SC old timers ready for a game
  6. Not at all, send to support@furysoftware.com. Alternatively you could attach an image directly to this forum and I can look from there. Hubert
  7. xwormwood, good points and I'll see what I can do for future releases
  8. William, For the two Japanese Corps that the AI receives this has mostly to do with a game engine issue and the design of the main campaign. As you will notice the Japanese player cannot purchase Corps but the game engine is coded to look for these units as a primary source to fulfill its GARRISON requirements. One of the tricks I've been using (or sleight of hand) in these latest releases is to give the AI a few free Corps in critical areas of the map to use as GARRISON units thereby freeing up some of the stronger units such as Tanks, Armies etc., to be used on the front lines. The issue really is that sometimes the AI does not do as good a job at freeing up stronger units when they are located in cities etc., as a human player would but if a Corps is available it *knows* to use these units to fulfill city GARRISON positions etc., and then more or less does this for sure. So long story short if I added in these scripted Corps for the Japanese AI it does a pretty good job of putting them in cities and using its stronger units to move to the front. When I tried it with let's say a free SNLF unit it sometimes replaced the unwanted unit in a city but not everytime... now with Corps it does it much more consistently. Either way this is as you've probably guessed just a simple way of helping the AI out and not really a way to just throw more units at you and call it a better AI etc. If memory serves I have one arrive at Rangoon and one at Canton and I think that is pretty much it. For the combat losses to be honest I am not sure what that might be since as Blashy mentions these losses can go both ways. Maybe try watching what the AI does on attack and on defence in Malaya and replicating its moves to confirm?
  9. scottsmm, Are you using Vista? Can you provide a screen capture of the exact error message so I can view it and might be able to better understand the issue? You can do this by hitting the PrtScn button on your keyboard and then pasting the contents into MS-PAINT and saving it as a JPG etc. Thanks, Hubert
  10. scottsmm, I think I see the source of confusion on our part as we are thinking *full game* when it comes to our responses while you are still confined to the demo. I think once you play the full game you'll be able to test out your strategies in more detail. I think power moves to Pearl Harbor and Midway can be good but it all depends on how your opponent reacts, AI or Human and like Blashy mentions it might just delay the inevitable push back by the US as they do receive quite a few naval reinforcements (as well as ramped up MPPs) as the game goes on. Either way I think you'll have lots of fun testing it all out Hubert
  11. Ah yes, the colors for the minors in this release have changed and are more similar to the US olive green color so I can see it as being a source for confusion. Even still the units themselves are not exactly the same but I can see how this might initially appear to be the case. Hubert
  12. Hi Rich, Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done in game to improve this functionality but I like the suggestions and I've made a note of them. Thanks! Hubert
  13. Von Altair, Thanks for the feedback and especially your well thought out suggestions as there is a lot there for consideration For Leningrad, and really not to split hairs, much of what you suggest is still debatable as it could be argued the German High Command (especially Hitler) would not have minded if Leningrad had quickly surrendered as originally hoped. Additionally the Germans did have a second offensive planned to take the city in 1942 but were thwarted by Soviet Sinyavin relief offensive. As for resupply to the city they did receive limited supplies not only in the summer via barges along coast of Lake Ladoga but even more so in the Winter once the lake froze over as Leningrad was never completely surrounded if you take the lake on the east side of Leningrad into account. Granted once the Germans realized it was not going to be easy to capture the city they did lay siege in the hope to "starve" out a victory, but in fairness to the Soviet defenders of the city, they never did surrender. For cheap Garrison units, it is a good suggestion and often suggested in the past but I think the main fear is that it would throw off game balance too much since as it is now it requires (especially for the Japanese player) you to maintain a balance of forces throughout the critical areas of the Asian mainland etc., i.e. otherwise a Japanese player could throw an overwhelming amount of force towards Chungking with the current units available which would not necessarily be historical either. Of course if we were to introduce Garrison units the other option would be to make less units available to Japan to compensate but I think the end result would be pretty much the same. Hubert
  14. CSS, Very glad to hear you like it Unfortunately, for myself, I can't take all the credit this time around as the Carrier re-design is primarily based on PowerGmbH's suggestions and of course we have Bill101 to thank for the design of the main campaign but I agree with you that it did come together very nicely for this Pacific Release! For the Global version of SC... if all goes well we just might see this in the not too distant future Thanks for the offer on the margaritas and if I am ever in Texas, closest I ever got was New Orleans, I'll definitely take you up on your offer Hubert
  15. scottsmm, The Demo is only 6 months and plays until the beginning of June 1942 so it is likely you won't see much from the US (in that time frame) as it prepares its forces for the battles ahead. As Blashy mentioned losing Hawaii and/or Midway would be devastating to the Allied AI if I didn't plan for that accordingly so the current script planning enables the AI to continue the fight regardless of these losses. Plan is to of course add more variety to the AI as we move forward and don't be surprised if it plays more dynamically in the patches to come
  16. Sygarius, Attached is a sample of the units British units (top) and US units (bottom) in game. Is this not what you are seeing?
  17. Abukede, glad to hear you are enjoying the game and not to worry as things should slowly start to heat up with the US throughout 1943 and into 1944-45. US needs some time to re-organize and get its units and ships into place, AI is purposefully more methodical and slighly more risk adverse than a human player would be, but after that you should see lots of action Hubert
  18. Von Altair, If a resource is completely surrounded, i.e. all available land tiles around the resource are occupied by your enemy forces then the unit in the resource can only restrengthen back to a max of 5. Also as Stitch mentions each time units on a resource need to reinforce their experience level will drop so over time it should hopefully get easier to capture the sieged unit so long as sufficient damage is inflicted each turn. I can understand the frustration but if we were to change the overall model it would likely become too easy to conquer these resources and in the end throw the timeline of the game quite a bit off. As it is now, and really for the most part throughout the SC series, if you throw enough manpower at capturing a resource it can be captured and the speed of these captures plays well within the actual historical timeframe in game terms. Granted, sometimes you need a little more than what was needed historically and sometimes a little bit less. The reinforcement jumps can be looked at in many ways and these abstractions are sometimes needed simply for game play. Also as Rambo points out there are historical justifications for this as well when you consider examples such as Leningrad that was pretty much surrounded for 2 and a half years yet was never fully captured. Hope this helps, Hubert
  19. Correct and this part of the Carrier implementation goes back to SC1 and is not really anything new game mechanics wise.
  20. I just re-read your entry and you mentioned that you moved the Carrier first? If that is the case then it would not intercept as its AP would be 0. Either way if I am not understanding the issue correctly I would still suggest you send me the saved turn where I can repeat this. Hubert
  21. If you have a saved turn where this is re-created and I can repeat the steps you described above please send it to me at support@furysoftware.com and I'll be happy to take a look. Thanks! Hubert
  22. doktor57, if you have the saved turn of where you were not able to attack could you send it my way at support@furysoftware.com and I'd be happy to take a look. Just as an aside, was there rain over the Carriers or the potential targets? If so they also could not attack if this is the case.
  23. Timskorn, just a correction as I believe that cities and ports for the Pacific release only have a spotting range of 1.
  24. If I have a chance to add this feature, how would you guys prefer it implemented? Add a right-click option? Something else?
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