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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. 'Owner' for a strength event simply tells the game engine which 'Flag' to show when disaplaying the strength event POPUP string and really nothing more than that. The affected units depend upon the values set in the #MAP_POSITION entries. For the overlap question, units can only be affected once per event as this was an issue during original testing that we corrected.
  2. Nupremal, can you send me the AI turn that causes the crash? Thanks, Hubert
  3. Just in case you've missed the new announcement at the top of the forum, Jeff has put together an excellent AAR for his Guadalcanal campaign. Read all about it here! Hubert
  4. One correction, the #DATE for POPUP events is actually not a failsafe date like it is for the UNIT scripts. Also I would check that your position 99,22 refers to the appropriate start tile. For example, if you want to check for naval units within 7 tiles make sure 99,22 is a sea tile like a port etc.
  5. Big Al, I believe that would work... nice implementation Hubert
  6. There are routines as part of the generic AI engine that will have units try and capture oil and mine resources that are in range but not as part of any generic planning etc.
  7. If you use the P/Q new units will be placed closest to the applicable capital. If you use scripts then you can have placements arrive at your desired #DESTINATION_POSITION. Not the perfect solution of course and this is something I am working to improve for the Pacific Theater release.
  8. For subs they automatically go after convoy routes in the fall/winter and spring but otherwise you can script them to move via Fleet scripts. You are right that there is no specific 'move subs' flag but it can be done with some ingenuity by taking advantage of the #FRIENDLY_POSITION line as the Fleet scripts always select units closest to this position. So if you know the current position of the subs and can find a #FRIENDLY_POSITION that is closest to the subs then it will pick your subs for movement etc. For air units these are automatically assigned to plans and moved accordingly and not via scripts.
  9. Big Al, As you guesssed the game engine also has generic OFFENSIVE/DEFENSIVE capabilities and in this case I simply let the AI handle the offensives as it saw fit rather than try and script specific actions. Hubert
  10. Hi Arado, In silent mode subs are not invisible but have the following capabilities: · Silent · Sub can pass through hidden enemy units except for a Destroyer · Sub cannot attack convoy lanes · Hunt · Sub cannot pass through hidden enemy units during FoW · Sub can attack convoy lanes For the Pacific Theater release however, subs have been enhanced so they are unspottable except by Destroyers when running in 'Silent' mode, but running in 'Silent' mode reduces the AP to 2/3 Hope this helps, Hubert
  11. Hi Thefly, Unfortunately the only way to resolve this would be for development testing on a similar Netbook (on my end) and since I don't have access to such a system it is unlikely to occur. Probably not the answer you were hoping for but it's the best I can give at the moment. Hubert
  12. Nupremal, I found the issue and consider it fixed for the next patch. Hubert
  13. Nupremal, can you send me a saved turn so I can take a look? Send to support@furysoftware.com
  14. SeaMonkey, As Robert mentioned we are discussing the Victory Conditions for all the campaigns but for this one I would still be in favour of having the campaign end in a Major Victory for the US if they reach the historical objectives. I only suggest this as I think it would feel odd for the US player to achieve all its objectives and have the game report this as a Stalemate/Tie. Rather I prefer to see the Japanese acheive Minor or Major Victories if they hold on to their objectives in the alloted time etc. I do like the idea of alternate objectives but I am not sure if this can easily be done via the Editor as we now have a new system of highlighting the GOAL positions for each side so the objectives are clearly definied when viewing the map.
  15. Rocko1, Robert has done this with the Yamato and even added quite a few Media items to spice up the scenario, from Kamikaze attacks to various Bombardments of Japanese positions. It does not disappoint. Hubert
  16. Sombra, I'll reiterate what Robert mentioned in that this is a historical campaign in which the Japanese were at a significant disadvantage. Think of it like a Battle of Berlin scenario where the Germans have little hope of victory against superior Allied forces. For reference the following Wiki entry shows that the Japanese, in real life, also suffered tremendous casualties (24 o 1) relative to the US forces: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippines_campaign_(1944%E2%80%9345) Casualties and losses 14,000 killed (USA) 336,000 killed (Japan) That being said as the Japanese you are really forced to scramble in that the challenge is not IF you are going to lose but WHEN you are going to lose. The timeline is the real challenge in this campaign and if you can hold onto Manila and Clarkfield before the campaign ends then Victory is yours
  17. True, but the main idea behind the initial setup for only city/capital resources is that these give supply when captured so this was why I have them as primary targets for AI scripting. After looking into it a little bit I realized why it is currently implemented this way. The custom scripts and the generic offensive/defensive planning that the AI implements itself are based on the same core engine so it would take a bit of work to split this logic up so that it would know the difference between a custom plan and one that is engaged automatically and so on. This is why the targets are limited to "supply" targets only, for now.
  18. Sometimes there are several due to dates, as you have noticed, and sometimes due to other factors such as available unit size etc. For example sometimes the AI will have 10 units available or only 9 or only 8 etc. so you will also see multiple scripts listed to take this into account.
  19. Nupremal, it does not get set to 0, rather it is as you suspect a constant value to tell the script how many units to buy each time the event is run. Hubert
  20. Can you send me a saved turn so I could take a look? I'll need the turn leading up to the surprised encounter so I can repeat what you are seeing, thanks!
  21. Phenicus, not at the moment but this is something I have always considered for down the road. For example, I've enjoyed saved game Editors in older games such as Panzer General etc. as well.
  22. We just posted the first AAR for the upcoming release that covers the 1944-45 Philippines Campaign. This one was written by Robert Carver, the campaign designer, and while there are a few more planned, this is the first and it can be found under the Battlefront Blog at the following link: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&show=SC-WW2-Pacific-Theater-AAR-1944-194-Philippines.html&Itemid=213 Enjoy, Hubert
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