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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. The 50% simply means does the unit in port also receive damage from the attacking unit and if so the regular combat calculations apply so it could be up to 4 points as you've seen. This is a change from earlier versions of SC2 where it was only a base of 10% for resources. The counter attack values are correct, just from the port itself. For Carriers, your assessment is correct, if the Carrier set to Fighters has action points available and is in range of the Tacs target, then it should escort.
  2. For fortresses with no barbed wire on the side of the attack, defending units do not get the extra defensive bonuses, just the entrenchment.
  3. Ah yes, the attachments here in the forums are purposefully small... basically for screenshots only etc. Glad to see you've got it all figured out Hubert
  4. Hi Big Al, The AI does not purposefully fill these GARRISON positions with Air (like it does with available Corps, Armies etc.) but it could be coincidental that these positions end up being filled with Air if the air unit is operated there by the AI to cover a weakened position, i.e. enemy air is nearby in greater concentration, or if it is a move by the AI simply to reorganize air towards enemy units. Once there though it does assume the GARRISON event until it is replaced. Hopefully that makes sense! Hubert
  5. Hi Doug, All these carriers have a strike range of 4 so in the first example, the Carrier is out of range at 5 tiles and would need to move at least 1 tile closer to successfully attack the Japanese tac air just west of Rangoon. For the second example I suspect this is the same issue as each carrier begins well out of range of the fort hex in the Marshalls. Not sure about the file size limit as I received the file... did it not upload the first time around? Hubert
  6. On Vista, and for any program installed into the 'Program Files' directory, it pretty much does exactly what Capt Andrew mentions in that it stores saved game files into a 'Virtual Folder'. This is directly connected to it security system and its User Access Control system. I'm not sure of all the details on why it does this but there is a pretty good link below that explains how to access them once you navigate to your SC Pacific Theater installation folder. Essentially you just have to click on a button in your navigation window called 'Compatibility Files' that will then direct you to the 'virtual folder' http://www.hanselman.com/blog/VistasShowCompatibilityFilesAndTheScrumptiousWonderThatIsFileVirtualization.aspx I also like the idea that Capt Andrew suggested which is to create a shortcut to your desktop to this virtual folder as well. Another option of course is to install to another directory other than 'Program Files' as this does not seem to happen if you do so, i.e. C:\Games\Strategic Command WW2 Pacific Theater etc. Hubert
  7. Hi Kalvera, Unfortunately the answers are no to both 1 and 2. Hubert
  8. RevJack, I could be wrong and with all that was going on at my end when the game was originally released that is probably not a surprise, but I believe that initially the game was scheduled to be shipping in 1-2 weeks after the original announcement was made (i.e. last Sunday December 7th) but checking the order screen now it does say that the game will be shipped to you once you order so it is likely that orders are already going out. Either way I am sure that Battlefront will make a comment on this in the morning to clarify. Hubert
  9. Hi RevJack, Very glad to see you are enjoying the game so far, albeit just the demo, and while I am not sure when the CDs will begin shipping exactly (should be soon) I'm sure Battlefront will provide an update when this is the case. Hubert
  10. Actually that makes sense if you were raiding as the DDs will chase the subs on convoy lanes... were you moving them around and they just weren't finding them? My concern would of course be if they were chasing subs that were not set to 'Hunt' and were not raiding as that would be a bug.
  11. My guess is that the #FRIENDLY_POSITION is possibly incorrect. You can have multiple #FRIENDLY_POSITON entries just make sure that the top one refers to the location from where you want to pull units from. In your example a #FRIENDLY_POSITION of London would do the trick. Glad to see you are getting the hang of the AI scripts! Hubert
  12. Congrats Nupremal and thanks again Timskorn, you are a class act
  13. John, there was always code to have the Destroyers chase subs on Convoy lanes that are set to 'Hunt' (much like a Human player would) but that is pretty much it. If you have an example of where it is clear that Destroyers are purposefully lurking around subs even under FoW I'd be happy to see it as otherwise I'm going to guess this is honestly largely coincidental.
  14. Good ideas guys and while this would be perfect for Multiplayer the challenge is always making sure the AI is up to par... we'll see!
  15. Did I ever mention that we were in good hands with Bill?
  16. Big Al, Good points and you are pretty much correct in your assessment. This is something that I want to improve upon but one of the hurdles, considering now the size of the maps and the number of units, is speed. Essentially the more detailed the AI planning the longer it takes to play out a turn so this is always a concern... but if I can get it to improve with the right algorithms that are cost efficient then this is something we might just see down the road. Thanks for your thoughts, Hubert
  17. Kalvera, Unfortunately this does not exist at the moment... its something I am considering though as it is not the first request By the way I saw the screenshot of your campaign in progress, looks good! Hubert
  18. Multiple fleet missions are allowed as long as they do not have the same final #GOAL_POSITION and as long as they have enough units available for the #SIZE of each plan. Hubert
  19. Hey Colin, I just stickied a thread at the top to help everyone find multiplayer opponents, feel free to post in there as well. Hubert
  20. bayfire, Quick FYI that I just stickied a thread at the top for those looking for Multiplayer opponents, hope this helps you find some gaming contacts
  21. Thought it might be a good idea to sticky a thread for players looking for opponents. Post your contact info here and happy gaming
  22. I took a look and the only reference I can see to Macarthur in the scripts (unless I missed one) is for a UNIT event that has him arrive in Adelaide. I can see how this assumes the historical defeat of the Philippines and perhaps it could be adjusted to only trigger if the Philippines surrender. I'll let Bill weigh in on this one and we'll make any necessary/applicable changes for the first patch.
  23. Hi Michael, its a good idea but unfortunately probably not doable for this game as the framework is mostly already set. I do like it for perhaps a future title as there are other things we could also do like damaged resources etc. just to add some more flavour to the game Hubert
  24. Interesting idea guys , I'll talk to Bill and we'll see if any of this might get added in a future patch. Hubert
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