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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Thanks everyone as I and the rest of the development team surely appreciate it
  2. George, Sorry to hear about the trouble but to be honest I am not really sure what the issue is. Can you send me a screenshot of the in game situation so I can have a better idea of what is going on? To do this simply press the 'PrtScn' button on your keyboard, i.e. Print Screen, and then open MS-Paint and paste the screenshot using Edit->Paste. Save it as a JPG and send it to me at support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  3. Just wanted to pop in quickly and thank everyone for their positive responses to the game so far as well as to the entire Beta and Design team that worked on this release. For some information on the development of Strategic Command WWII Pacific Theater we had several designers working on the campaigns this time around including the smaller mini-campaigns. Robert Carver put together the fantastic Midway, Philippines and Ich-Go campaigns and Moonslayer simply outdid himself with the brilliant Guadalcanal campaign. Even if you enjoy the larger more strategic campaigns such as Operation Z and you don't normally take the smaller mini-campaigns for a spin, I highly recommend them in this case as they are pretty much the best mini-campaigns of any of the SC series developed so far. Additionally my hat is off to Bill Runacre for his outstanding work on the main Operation Z campaign as well as each of the mini-campaigns he put together for this release including Operation Detachment which can be seen in the Demo. From my perspective, I can honestly say he really outdid himself on these campaigns and if we are lucky we are likely to see more collaboration like this on future projects Hubert
  4. No problem at all and yes we are all unfortunately human Hubert
  5. Thanks for the report gentlemen and as I posted in another thread unfortunately there is a small glitch in the demo that will be fixed shortly but if you restart the demo between campaigns this error will not occur. Note, this is related to part of the Demo limitation system and does not come into play with the full game at all. Sorry about the trouble and I hope this helps, Hubert
  6. William, Unfortunately there is a small glitch in the demo that will be fixed shortly but if you restart the demo between campaigns this error will not occur. Note, this is related to part of the Demo limitation system and does not come into play with the full game at all. Sorry about the trouble and I hope this helps, Hubert
  7. Kellysheroes, Thanks for your question and I'll just reiterate what Timskorn has stated above. The AI is always a top priority and game engine wise this is the best AI of the series as the logic has been continually worked on as shortcomings arise. I'lls also add that the Pacific Theater has had to be one of the most difficult AIs to code for the SC series when you have to take into account all the naval requirements as well as the island battles, i.e. amphibious assaults and landings from island to island etc., and if the AI was weak in this regard it would be quickly apparent. Many tweaks and enhancements have gone into ensuring that the AI was up to the task and I honestly don't think the end result will disappoint. As usual there will be a Demo available where you can judge for yourself and it includes the first 6 months of the war starting with the attack on Pearl Harbor. In this time period alone and even just looking at the Japanese AI perspective, it will have to appropriately handle the attack on Pearl Harbor, an amphibious assault of the Philippines, an invasion of Thailand, Malaya and Burma, an additional amphibious assault on the Dutch East Indies including significant naval action, fighting in China and possibly secondary naval engagements at Midway should the situation arise. These are no small tasks even for a Human player There will be an additional mini campaign included in the Demo and of course the AI difficulty options still include the usual Production and Experience point bonuses to give the AI appropriate handicaps for your skill level. Hope this helps, Hubert
  8. Yes my original post might have sounded misleading... just to clarify there is no Demo just yet but there will of course be a Demo available as soon as the game is released as is always the case with our releases.
  9. Jarhead0331, for this release and specifically for the main Operation Z campaign the Special Forces unit slot has been modeled to represent US Marines for the USA and Japanese SNLF for Japan. For all intents and purposes I am guessing that they are the crucial units you are looking for but feel free to take the Demo out for a spin and decide for yourself since there is a lot more to the game than just these two unit types . Hope this helps, Hubert
  10. Thanks John, I just took a look and I now remembered that this is by design, i.e. reinforcement costs are relative to the original base costs of units regardless of PT or other applicable deductions/increases. The reason for this is it would be difficult to keep track which units were purchased with PT, which units were purchased with the soft build penalty and so on... so we just opted to have PT apply only to new purchases and leave everything else the same as trying to keep track of these values caused a lot of issues with the game engine in terms of keeping all the values straight. Hope this helps, Hubert
  11. Rich, just caught this thread again and I thought I would mention that the original game does include a World Map whereas the other releases do not. Hope you are enjoying the games Hubert
  12. John, this program should be found in your 'Extras' folder in your SC2 or WaW/PDE installation directory.
  13. scottsmm, you might be surprised as this is a very different game from the European Theater but of course I'll never say never
  14. Nupremal, good question and to be honest off the top of my head I am not 100% sure but it should be easy enough to test via the Editor if you have the chance.
  15. Thanks arado234 and not to worry the Leafs are not likely to do much for quite some time I'll just add that PDE has a completely different set of campaigns to reflect the context of Patton taking on the USSR as well as a few "what-if" campaigns for regular WWII.
  16. xwormwood, honestly not to worry as it is not a *required* condition for a Japanese victory at all. As I mentioned before there are quite a few appropriately designated STRATEGIC and TACTICAL victories scripted for the Japanese player that take into account the full historical context of the time and really the only reason this single DECISIVE victory condition was added was to give players the option to continue playing once they achieve their STRATEGIC or TACTICAL victories without the game ending prematurely. I guarantee you that there are players who, for example, once they conquer China and British India may want to take the fight to the Americans (without the game automatically ending) no matter how futile that endeavor may be and we need to take that into account. This allows Japanese players to play to the campaign end date and if they are not able to go any further they can still win the game if the appropriate STRATEGIC or TACTICAL victory has been achieved. Hope this helps, Hubert P.S. I should add that even though the condition exists, considering supply, distances, and the manpower and resources available to the US, it will be a real challenge to pull it off (close to impossible), against the AI or otherwise
  17. Les, fair enough and while we can't please everyone at the same time no need to post your gripes here as this is really a dead issue in these forums. Either way sounds like you won't be around anymore so take care and we'll just have to go forward without you. Since this issue has been beaten to death and does little to contribute to discussions on the Pacific Theater I'm just going to go ahead and lock this one up. Hubert
  18. AZGungHo, Without giving it all away prior to release, both your points are taken into account as well Hubert
  19. Noranddave, while there is no official campaign included with what you have in mind I think it is a great idea for a MOD and with the power of the Editor I am positive it won't be long (after release) where you will see such a campaign idea created. Hubert
  20. Gentlemen, not to worry as much of what has been written here has been taken into account for the final Victory Conditions. Bill has done an excellent job of including a variety of Victory Conditions for Japan ranging from Strategic to Tactical but at the same time we did include a single Decisive Victory condition that includes knocking out the USA. Why? Well, while not necessarily historically accurate and likely to only come into play for AI players, it was important to include a condition for those players that enjoy taking over the whole map without the game ending prematurely. Essentially we needed to take into account all playing styles as well as the historical context of the era and I think the current Victory Conditions achieve just that . Hope this helps, Hubert
  21. In case you haven't spotted the Forum Announcement at the top we are pleased to report the first Interview for the game but this time around from a slightly different perspective. This was an interview conducted with one of our Beta Testers, Captain Andrew, and he gives some really good insight as to what to expect with the new release. Here is the direct link for the interview over at the Wargamer: http://www.wargamer.com/article/2604/strategic-command-pacific-interview Enjoy! Hubert
  22. Unfortunately no but this is something I am looking to add for down the road. Hubert
  23. The readiness bonuses a unit receives from its parent HQ is a factor of the parent HQs strength so in using your example, the bonuses would indeed be halved if the HQ was at strength = 5.
  24. There was a bug I found in the Pacific Theater build that is likely related to the same issue here... do you happen to have a saved turn where the AI moved its unit out of Moscow so I could take a look? Thanks, Hubert
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