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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Cantona66, There is a bug when you have campaigns and/or saved games from incompatible versions of PDE within your PDE installation. For example, if you have WaW saved games within your PDE saved game folders or WaW campaigns in your PDE campaign folder this error might occur. I would suggest to clean out these folders of any of these files or do a full uninstall and clean reinstall and the problem should go away. Hope this helps, Hubert
  2. Can you try one of the alternate Video Acceleration modes or Full Screen/Windowed modes found in the SETTINGS dialog to see if that helps? Moving this to the Tech Support Forum
  3. Lone_Wolf, Can you try downloading and installing your latest Video Card drivers to see if that helps? Also, you can try toggling the Full Screen/Windowed option as well as the Video Acceleration option in the Settings dialog to see if any of these make a difference. Let me know if this helps, Hubert
  4. Lampcord, on your first turn and in a subsequent turn in 1944 there are POPUPS that tell you pretty much which cities/areas to cover. Any unit type will do and for a quick reference these popups can be viewed out of game if you navigate to the Campaign subfolder under Media. The filed are 'japanese_communication_1941.bmp' and 'japanese_communication_1944.bmp' Hope this helps, Hubert
  5. You know it might be related to the change in the date to 2009 as there are some date checks on the files... I'll look into this more for the first patch. Hubert
  6. Yes I suspect Blashy and JJvR are correct and the small fix that I posted a few weeks back is likely responsible for this message. Otherwise under normal circumstances it would of course mean that the campaign had been edited by your opponent. Can anyone confirm that they downloaded the beta patch fix and then received this message before I investigate further? Thanks! Hubert
  7. Niko, There are campaigns on CMMODS for all of the different versions of SC2, i.e. Blitzkrieg, PDE, WaW and you simply need to make sure you are downloading the right campaigns for your particular version, otherwise they may not show up on the list of campaigns. Hope this helps, Hubert
  8. Hi Baron, Can you send me a saved turn so I could take a look? Thanks, Hubert
  9. Scottsmm, Segmentation Error is just the heading type of various in game errors that cause the game to crash. The sub-type is usually more important and tells me more or less where in my code the problem exists. In this example it was in the 'animate_purchases' routine. Hubert
  10. Hi Willy, If you play the game well into 1945 you should see a lot of Allied AI activity and eventually a push towards the islands of Japan. If you navigate to your installation directory you should see a folder called 'Save'. In there are the saved game files and even an 'autosave' will do the trick. If you are on Vista you may have to click a button in the 'My Explorer' window called 'Compatibility Files' which should then show you the various in game folders such as 'Save' etc. Hubert
  11. Stitch is correct, can you send me a saved game turn to support@furysoftware.com so I can take a look. I need this so I can properly assess what the AI is doing or not doing as I can use it to properly analyze in game data that I simply can't garner from a screenshot. Hubert
  12. bowen, That doesn't sound right at all to be honest as the US AI should be doing much more than just sitting there. Can you tell me if you captured Australia or the Hawaiin Islands as that may affect the US AI scripts. Did you make any customizations? Either way can you send me a turn so I can take a look to see what might be going on? Thanks! Hubert
  13. Hi FuChu, Please download the following temporary fix until we officially release the first patch. It is a test beta of the first patch and fully compatible with any games in progress: http://www.furysoftware.com/download/Strategic_Command_WWII_Pacific_Theater_v10101Beta_Patch.exe
  14. If it is just a matter of increasing the height it should work fine but save your campaign first before you proceed in case you do encounter any issues. If you expand the map height and then decide you want to shift your map down a bit this will also work and the script coordinates should be updated accordingly. Hope this helps, Hubert
  15. Cantona66 I think I may have misunderstood, I thought you meant to reduce the map size. When you say 'expand downwards', do you mean increase the map height, i.e. change a map from 50 tiles in height to 100? Or are you referring to shifting the contents? Hubert
  16. Cantona66, Unfortunately no as the game engine will complain due to these positions being out of bounds, i.e. no longer on the game map. Hubert
  17. Hi AzGungHo, Your current saved turn is likely too far along for me to see what might be amiss but if it happens again where he does not arrive past the due date then please send a turn my way and I'll take a look to see what the issue might be. Hubert
  18. Hi AzGungHo, He should have arrived in time, can you send me a saved turn so I can take a look? Hubert
  19. Great to hear and I'm very glad you've got all the games Hubert
  20. Hi Bcdane, There is a slight error with the MPP calculation of occupied resources in China by Japan. It's a little tricky but for v1.00 of the Pacific Theater release, Chinese IM and IT levels apply to the occupied Chinese resources that Japan holds but to answer your question more specifically this is how it should all break down. Japan 110 x 50% IM = 55 MPPs China 89 (8x8 + 5x5) (Incorrectly calculated in v1.00 as 67 MPPs, i.e 89 x 75% Chinese IM) Manchukuo 88 x 80% Convoy = 70.4 = 70 MPPs French Indo-China 15 MPPs Grand Total of 207 On the MPP report screen it would show Japan + China as the Chinese convoy is not yet setup until China surrenders, i.e. it would look like the following: 55 + 67 = 128 (Japan + China) 70 Manchukuo 15 French Indo China For the first patch the Chinese MPPs will of course be properly calculated as 89 MPPs Hope this helps, Hubert
  21. Hi Cantona66, Very odd indeed. Have you tried using Alt-Tab to see if that helps? Hubert
  22. norvandave, Can you try downloading and applying the latest video card drivers for your system to see if that helps? Also, can you try switching between full screen mode and windowed mode to see if either setting makes a difference wrt this error? Hubert
  23. You can just edit the script to 100% trigger on the date of your choice and change all the condition positions to a single entry that is never satisfied, i.e.: #CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [1] [0]
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