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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Gotta watch the PSU requirements man. Your PC can be in a world of hurt running a card without the PSU juice to handle it. Yeah the GS versions are usually much weaker but also much cheaper. The laptop cards have a "Go" or "M" associated with them. All cards in the 9000 series are DX10. Has anybody tried the new 182.50 drivers released on April 2nd?
  2. This guy is clearly uninformed! This has all been discussed like a year ago. Although for the most part, we're all with you on the CMBB love.
  3. Honestly I thought it would be ok since she was clothed, albeit just barely clothed. Although I knew it was borderline, but at least some of us enjoyed it while it lasted. Let's not ever speak of that previous image I got an infraction for. Now that one was a clear violation of the rules. But I know it got lots of laughs.
  4. Don't do it Noltyboy, stay the hell away from this steaming pile of sh*t called Peng. The more you post in these threads the more you stink in RL. Then you'll start buying more deodorant to cover it up. But the stench will be too strong.
  5. Thats good to hear and now BFC will have no excuses this time out.
  6. How disappointing, showed up here looking for a nice pair of titties and there's nothing here. How sad, it's ok though, I'll fix this thread. There, now nobody will go through the pain and agony of clicking on this thread without getting the eye candy.
  7. Poo Badley, you should know by now it's an effect from the Peng thread or just the mere mention of it.
  8. This pretty much sums up the Peng thread:
  9. That's not the worst of it either, isn't Charles brain still in a jar? Now that's gotta slow things down a bit.
  10. Yeah I'm sick and tired of waiting for the game to ship. Hey BFC, can you please release a half-baked, buggy, unpolished game so I don't have to bear the agony of logging in to see it's not ready. Thanks I appreciate it! Are you serious? Complaining a game is taking to long to release. Umm, is it just me or am I the only one happy to see games, any games by any developer, stay in the oven for as long as it takes. Although the Brits module is being a bit overshadowed by the highly anticipated CMx2:Normandy. One thing I think BFC should do that they normally don't do is launch their next game(CM:N) forums a bit early.
  11. They did the same damn thing with the BMP show, half of it was spent on the Bradley. Yeah we all know it's the US counterpart to the BMP, but come on. I'd say about half the shows are about the restoration of the vehicle and the other half is a documentary split between the actual vehicle and a counterpart or similar vehicle.
  12. Nah, I have no regrets with upgrading whatsoever. Seems pretty stable to me. I've thrown several games, new and old, at my new Vista PC and have no problems at all. Except of course the CMx1 games, although CMSF runs great. I still got my old XP Pro PC for CMx1 duties anyway. Ha, I forget why I'm suppose to hate Vista so much. Not that I'm gonna turn into a Vista defender now or anything. It may be a bloated resource hog, but I think the Vista hate is a bit overdone. Anyways, I assume Phil has a Vista machine, otherwise this thread is pretty pointless.
  13. I didn't notice any difference at all. It's still unplayable on my 9800GTX+ Vista 32-bit PC. Can you post your Nvidia control panel settings please.
  14. Bottom line is this, Bond would kick Bournes ass, hands down.
  15. Oh man, forgot to check Youtube, thanks for posting that taylor. Also caught the Wow, what blast from the past. I remember my brother was in charge of flying and bombing while I was in charge of shooting the fighters. For those that don't know what the hell we're talking about, here's a clip of the actual gameplay. Bear in mind though this is 1983, that clip can be viewed in HD though. Edit: Sh*t, I'm getting old!
  16. So I assume you own MoW, I do not and was really comparing the original Soldiers game. This is new to the series, IIRC this was not the case in the original. I think all you controlled was a single squad.
  17. Speaking of B-17 bombers, anybody remember this game for the Intellivision from the early 80s. Still probably one of my all time fav games!
  18. I don't recall ever experiencing a situation with my mortar's not firing except if there's friendly forces near the target or if they're low on ammo. I'd love to see one of your examples though, run some tests in the QB and feel free to post something. What Joachim is getting at is to be aware of the positioning of the mortar in relation to the HQs LOS to the target. If your directly behind the HQ, then more rounds will either land short or even right on target but will block LOS. So to avoid this, not completely but to minimize this effect, put your mortars off to the sides of the HQ.
  19. **Bumpity Bump** This just released IGN preview was music to my ears. It's great to hear their staying true to the realism standard of the original OFP. I know some like myself thought it would be streamlined for the masses. Check it out here! Btw, that guys Flickr site is still being updated regularly.
  20. The ToW series and MoW really aren't very comparable. You only command a single squad of infantry in MoW versus the company sized and much more in ToW. But the control you have over this squad is in great detail from managing weapons, ammo, mines, AT weapons, etc. You can also take control of tanks, field guns, APCs. There's also a direct control feature, it feels like a FPS in this mode, but the view is still RTS. It's definitely worth downloading the demo to try. Just don't don't expect a game anywhere similar to ToW. Really the only these games have in common is the view/RTS angle and the WWII era. It is getting decent reviews as well, http://www.gamerankings.com/pc/944723-men-of-war/index.html
  21. It's the same as CMBB, all on-board mortar can be spotted by any HQ. All off-board(FOs) spotters are independent and don't need HQ, no HQs can spot for them either. Biggest difference IMO is the dust/smoke the arty kicks up, can have negative effect on the accuracy of the barrage.
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