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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. He has vastly improved the look of CMBN with his amazing vehicular mod graphics. But, apparently he now has hardware issues. And we still have several vehicles unmodded. Anyone with any sway at BF can get them to help him out? Aris/Fuser should be a contractor.
  2. Sounds like a great idea if only I recall how good your map was. Hope you use it for other scenarios vs the AI as well.
  3. They probably only work on the rather small CMBN maps if the opposing force has no armor and one can keyhole firing the HE at a significant target (eg church steeple) esp if you want to conserve your own tanks' HE.
  4. I also thought that RL was the only way to play when CM1 came out (and I was your age). Lots of stress, adrenaline rush, and agility of mind was tested. Alas, age dulls the reflexes, and I just don't like the stress any more.
  5. Is there any way to restrict an onmap gun from firing its whole supply in a WEGO turn? Unlike vehicles where one can set another waypoint to clear the target so that the tank fires for x seconds, moves and ceases firing, one cannot realistically do that with a gun (it takes several minutes to limber, move and unlimber). Do we really need a UI control to control the number of shells fired?
  6. Re the video interview with an M4 maintenance guy: "inadequate, under-gunned and underarmored deathtraps..." He obviously never played CMBN, otherwise he would be changing his recollections...
  7. "I never could get all three on the screen no matter how many StuHs I picked in the editor." Yeah, there may be something strange going on with the StuH's since (IIRC) we all have had multiple numbered variants show up in scenarios with other tanks with mod variants. I wonder if it's got something to do with that darn space that seems to have been added by error by BF - compounded by the need in those cases (ie including the StuG early) to change the names using the Properties menu instead of the useal Rename method.
  8. This looks impressive Lt Bull. But, what's the crayon level conclusion re bogging/immobilization rates in the game vs RL?
  9. Not sure I understand the "loads the files with the blank space after the name, first." bit. All 2 of the mod variants (with numbers on the skirts) have the blank space (for the StuH), so they should each be loaded randomly, no? If you are correct re the other mods then something strange is going on with the StuH mod. (And I did check/change the name by clicking on Properties as Aris instructed to make sure the space was there for all variants.)
  10. Try completely disabling ZA and then reinstalling. (I had a lot of problems but simply removing ZA Toolbar solved them for me.)
  11. So why do I get exactly the same mod version (the default version with no mod number) when I load Dealership. If random, I should get different versions each time (well, on a probability basis).
  12. It's usually about guys trying to justify their jobs and get promoted - so whatever nonsense they come up with has to be made to look like vitally critical info. (Remember all that "genuine" intel re WMD's in Iraq?) The corollary of that is when Intelligence shows (for example) that there are a couple of SS Panzer Divisions refitting around Arnham and the info is ignored cos the commanders (eg Monty) don't want their complex ego-gratifying master plans to be derailed. And so hundred of paras and others die for nothing... Plus ca change...
  13. +1 to the above. Wife and I cooked TG dinner on Monday so we could enjoy 4 days of leftovers, and boy are we getting sick of turkey, stuffing, yams and all the rest by now LOL...
  14. How do we know you are really speaking for Steve and BFC when you could simply be a subversive rogue poster trying to muddy the waters? However, Happy TG to everyone!
  15. That is very sad and bad news since your mods have enhanced CMBN greatly. This is a reason why BF should get you a new computer, or somehow help. All that free work you did to make their game so much more attractive and imo better... Any chance you can work on some of the other simpler models like the US guns etc?
  16. This is great news for when (hopefully) we can have larger battles that require more time.
  17. Ok I see what you mean re the uniforms, I forgot that shirts and pants are in one graphics .bmp file. However, unless you have tested otherwise, I now believe (as I said earlier) that each mod variant is used in sequential order, NOT in random order. If it were lloaded randomly, every time I loaded the Dealership scenario, I should see different numbers for the tanks (as I always use all variants) and I do not. What I see, is the first default mod variant every time (at least for the StuH's which is what I have been looking experimenting with). What I did was exchange the names of the default (plain vanilla) variant which ALWAYS was shown with a variant with numbers, and now the numbered variant is ALWAYS shown. Hope others can test this out so we know definitively since... if I am correct, we should be able to create platoons with appropriate platoon numbers.
  18. I posted elsewhere re my experience with multiple options for your mods, and I get the sense (not throughly tested) that the mod variants are chosen in sequential order (since when I look at the Dealership scenario, I always see the same variant of the mods as the first (default) variant in the mod folder. ie: I do NOT see different mod variants/numbers every time as one would expect if the system was selecting the mod variants at random as previously thought. That means that if you made a series of (say 4) mod numbers for a platoon of 4 tanks, they should show up as a platoon with the correct 4 numbers.
  19. I had the privilege of playing Decisive Action on the Red team (made up of wargamers) vs Blue team led by Lunsford and his officers (some fort in Colorado IIRC) and we gamers wiped the military pros butts. Which just goes to show that we gamers are VERY good at PLAYING GAMES. (And that's one reason I get PO'd about discussions re "realism" in entertainment games like CMBN.)
  20. Since nobody seems to know... my (non-comprehensive) test indicates that the default tank name mod.bmp is always loaded first. Then if there is a 2nd tank, tank name mod option 2.bmp is loaded. If there is a third tank and a third mod option then tank name mod option 3.bmp is loaded. If there are more tanks in the scenario than mod options I think that the 4th tank would then again have the default mod loaded. So, loading of mod options is NOT random, but sequential. Presumably, this would be the same for uniforms. Jackets and pants then would always be the same combination for the first man, 2nd man, third man etc. UNLESS there were a different number of jacket and pants mod options. So, if there were 5 jackets and 3 pants options, the 4th man would have the 4th jacket and the 1st pants. Hence the "mishmash" look that we all love - but it's not random at all. Just my theory... Anyone have other info to contradict this?
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