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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. This board won't allow edits after a few hours go by. Not sure what the time limit is.
  2. I hope something was done with it as a scenario as the map looks great. I wonder if processing power became a problem as it is very detailed. And once you start to add units...
  3. I enjoyed the Brits the most as they have less ammo and many of their vehicles are quite vulnerable compared to the US. I loved ROYAL MUD MARINES as a great scenario that showcases many of the interesting light-skinned vehicles as well as troops. If you can win at that you have gotten a feel for how to win as the Brits.
  4. Dang, I just downloaded the first version... Once more into the breach etc...
  5. Looking forward to listening. Thanks...
  6. They look very nicely subdued and worn. Is that original in-game, or did you "enhance" the image?
  7. Re tanks and variants: Also note there is something possibly wrong with the StuG and StuH mods since BFC added a space after the name and the .bmp for those 2 tank models ONLY. In the Dealership scenario (at least) I have found that I only ever see the mod with no numbers and never a variant with a number. It doesn't seem to make any difference whether I add a space after the name or number, or whether I change the name (add a number) via the Properties menu or via the usual Rename method. (Hope someone understands what I'm talking about.)
  8. Ah it's called Marsh Uniforms (which I have) - nothing like the name Fuser was quoting. So what is the 2nd uniform mod he quotes? BTW: I think we established that when one renumbers mod variants (which again I do all the time) the result is a random mixture. ie: One can't choose what armor turret to put with which body. Oh, but I just remembered that CM2 uniforms are one graphic not like it used to be in CM1... Ok, never mind... duh...
  9. Maybe I don't know how to navigate the Repository, but I looked in Uniforms and Mods and can't find anything by author "Stoppel" or by the names "Z_Pack_5_Ger_Uniforms.brz", and "Pack 3 German Uniforms." Anyone have links? Thanks...
  10. Within a single battle it's not a huge problem even tho' it is irritating. But, it can ruin a campaign if one loses 20%+ of one armor to bogging/immobilizations each battle. In HOFFNUNG I started with 5 Panthers and 5 MkIV's and by battle 5 or 6 I was down to 2 of each with all but one loss being due to immobilizations. And I was moving very carefully on SLOW all in every battle. As I said b4, this isn't supposed to be CM: TANK DRIVER SCHOOL.
  11. On a side note, Soviet political dogma wanted to stress the mass of the people and de-emphasize the individual - hence the skills of tankers were not as honored as the artillerymen who functioned en mass and who appear to get most of the credit for defeating the fascists. It's one reason that the Soviets have Artillery Museums that honor their artillery arms that seem to have higher status than their tank museums. At least when I was in the Soviet Union that seemed to me to be the case.
  12. Yes, it will be interesting how stoex handles two companies of inf plus vehicles in RT. One sacrifice I predict will be very little play time at level 1 or 2 (unless paused for photos), so most play time spent in levels 3 and 4 and higher to see as much as possible.
  13. "...but it doesn't feel right." <I agree, but I was commenting on in-game tactics that work. I do not subscribe to the opinion often heard here that CM2 is the ultimate in realism, or that it SHOULD attempt to be more realistic at the cost of being fun. I believe that CM2 and any other CM series games are xnt ENTERTAINMENT GAMES that should attempt to be FUN first, and realistic second. Verisimilitude should be the objective. Actual realism is very often NOT fun.>
  14. "Working-class Germans had been given lots of - unmet - promises since 1933 to 1939." I was thinking of the working class ones who got it made under the Nazis. Look at who were Hitler's closest pals in the 30's. I am sure that many/most other working class people did not. But, at the start many did not join the Nazi Party either - not until it became unwise to not be a Nazi - and of course promotions, the best jobs etc went to Nazis. Quote: "Or perhaps they just misjudged them based on class prejudice, became awed by the propaganda and liked the rearmament and reassessment of Germany as a Major Power, then decided to give them a vote of confidence jumping into the bandwagon with the early cheap annexations and victories, and eventually decided to actively oppose them when it was clear they were taking Germany to its ruin." Well that too, but that's in addition to the reasons I listed.
  15. Is this an updated version of the app that was at CMMODS (and here maybe) a couple of months ago? Or is it the same one. (I have a file with exactly the same name already from 2 months ago.)
  16. Hitler gambled and won so many time in the early days, that much of the moderates who may have opposed him were unable to come up with arguments why he should not continue being correct. With the enormous gifts/bonuses of land and opportunities for amassing wealth and power being given to otherwise working class Germans thanks to the Nazis, it must have been incredibly hard to resist the siren call. There is a reason why the aristocrats were some of the more anti-nazi types - they had little to gain in power, prestige or wealth. (Of course many aristocrats were happy being Nazis as they saw it as opposing the evils of communism - and this include many in the British aristocracy - a historical even rather embarrassing to the current reign and suppressed in UK media.)
  17. So, is it correct that the key issues are: 1. Since you are plotting it preplanned, you can pick anywhere on the map. >Yes< 2. So you are getting the FO in line of site to....here is where I am not clear....make the fire come in acurately, to see if there is actually something there, or both? Does the perfect accuracy of pre-planned still exist if a delay is plotted? >The preplanned fire will come in accuratelyxregardless of delay. The point is to move the FO, (or some recon unit) to have LOS on the target area to determine if there is anything there to shoot at. If not cancel, or if the FO has LOS to a new target ADJUST to the new target.< 3. The advantages of LIGHT and LONG. I was moving toward that myself, particularly as a WEGO player. The power of any arty 81mm or more means that one usually only needs a few well placed shells to cripple most guns and soft targets. So the important thing is the accuracy. If one is on target, you want to save ammo by cutting off the barrage relatively quickly. As I read the manual, the conceptual issue for the Adjust Fire command is that it is not to be used when we often want to use it--when the asset's fire is inaccurate. Supposedly, as I read it, the FO is supposed to automatically adjust inaccurate fire, over time, if he has LOS. The Adjust Fire is only to change targets--or if the target has moved. But, of course, viscerally that can seem counterintuitive. When I haved called in a Fire Mission, and it is coming in inaccurately, my first inclination is to use the Adjust Fire command to direct it back onto the target. Adjusting the fire of inaccurate arty is, unless someone corrects me, an incorrect use of the Adjust Fire command. <The FO has to be able to see the spotting rounds when using ADJUST to get accurate fire.> I don't know if it is a CM1 holdover that makes that feel odd, or just intrinsically confusing to some of us. How we used Adjust Fire in CM1 now seems, in my opinion, to have been co-opted by the Linear Fire mission. Frankly, as I have said before, the Linear Fire mission feels to powerful in CM2..... in gaming terms. Others will have to comment on the 1940s reality. But back to your tactic, Erwin. I am trying to turn it into a plausible real-life story: "Ok, guys, we are going to start hitting that farmhouse on the map that you already meticulously calculated to barrage. Give us 15 minutes, and we will go see if something is actually there worth expending shells." ? <Exactly>
  18. How did you get the mixture of uniforms for the crew?
  19. MOSwas71331: Here's the $20 I promised you... *Test message*
  20. One tactic I have used with some success is to order preplanned LIGHT & LONG fire with max delay (15 mins IIRC) on a location the FO cannot see at the start. Hopefully he can get to an observation point with LOS to impact area in 15 mins. (If not you can always adjust or cancel). Once arty starts falling using LIGHT and LONG, it's generally faster to ADJUST fire to another location (within LOS this time of course) rather than wait and order up a new strike. The reason to use LIGHT and LONG is that if the arty does the desired job quickly, or isn't needed at that location, you can ADJUST without wasting too much ammo, and there should still be enuff time left for the arty to fall on other targets. I love this sort of realistic detail.
  21. Will PP process as small as $1, and what fee do they charge?
  22. I notice they also mention Panzer Elite. That was a great game ahead of its time, but I recall you almost had to be a programmer to get it working right - esp with mods etc. Constant crashes etc.
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