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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. All good common sense comments altho' they seem more relevant for MG's in defense. And yes, if one can fire at 800+ meters range like was often possible in CMSF, that is what to do. In the scenarios I have recently played I was attacking and LOS was restricted to only a couple hundred meters (to an enemy position) most of the time. So, it was very dangerous to set up an MG since one didn't really know what else might be out there, and how can one tell if a mortar is out of ammo, or if there are more mortars as yet unseen? Hence my tactic of using tanks with an inf screen to blast enemy inf (once I feel confident the ATG's are KIA or cannot see me), and keeping the MG's safely out of harm's way. (At least every time I tried using em in this situation enemy mortars would do a lot of damage.) I just wondered if there was any technique for using MG's at short ranges. eg: In CM1 it was generally fatal to use inf flamethrowers in the lead of an attack as they would be priority targeted and killed quickly. We learned that one only brought up inf flamethrowers to kill already suppressed inf.
  2. "the game is too generous right now with how much ammo a player can acquire" Agreed. It's also a completely different issue with RT players who can pause every second and thus resupply a company from the same truck in the time it takes WEGO players to load a guy. That's why I don't understand why we're talking about "how long it would take in RL" (which I agree with btw). In GAME terms it is a PITA to have a whole bunch of inf who has just run in from the front line sitting around a supply vehicle waiting for each unit to load, acquire and disembark before the next can do so as if there was a quartermaster in there making them sign in triplicate for the ammo. (Oh wait... that sounds really granular.) Secondly, it just doesn't seem right that you can load 5K+ rounds on one or two men and have them run back with no/very little noticeable tiring effects. At the very least they could be restricted to walking/MOVE. I like the idea of restricting ammo loads to a max 500 rounds (or less) per man - perhaps a lot less if they are also carrying other heavy gear, satchel charges, AT weapons etc. Right now, it's a waste of time having supply vehicles at a scenario start if all we do is spend ten minutes loading the troops with max ammo. May as well have the troops start that way in the editor.
  3. Is there an explanation about all the anti-aliasing settings (and the other settings) that nVidia provides. I currently have all the antialiasing settings at max. Is that wrong? I don't have performance problems but obviously I want the best looking image and have never figured out for certain what settings to use.
  4. Will this work with CMBN? Also your readme says install one near tree and one far tree folder. Can you be more explicit re what we call them or what you mean... Thanks.
  5. We're assuming you have CMSF patched to the latest version(?) Makes a huge difference.
  6. And I always feel like I'm cheating or being gamey by loading up in the set-up turn. I mean if that's how we all play our games, why not have every scenario start with troops loaded to the max? I would be far more inclined to go with the more realistic default load-out if I knew it wouldn't be such a PITA (esp in WEGO) to aquire more ammo.
  7. Ah, so small maps are the problem (again). It's rare to have 800m ranges to work with (at least in the most recent campaign I played). Most of the time it's been 300m LOS at most. And am unclear what effect if any MG fire has on troops in foxholes.
  8. I think I have seen units given a 360 degree arc do nothing. ie: They all stay exactly where they were. I thought maybe that's what he meant.
  9. Playing WEGO: In scenarios where one has armor, I find that MG's to be fairly useless, almost deathraps. They are a priority target for mortars which are usually unseen, can can't pack up and run away fast enuff when spotting rounds arrive. I find myself using a combination of inf scouts to find enemy ATG's (and tanks), arty to kill the ATG's, and only then send the tanks in supported by some inf to blast out inf defenders. Enemy mortars are less effective vs tanks and inf as you can keep em moving. MG's that require deployment seem to get hit much of the time as they need time to set up/pack-up. How do you guys use MG's effectively?
  10. If you have a unit facing in any direction and give them a facing or covered arc in another direction, they will move to face in the arc direction - defiinitely in buildings. So, not sure how you managed to have ambushers facing away from a wall and only have them turn and ambush when someone enter the room via that wall. Hmmm... or do you use FACE to get them to the other side of the room, then a 360 degree arc, so they don't move away from that position. (I still use 180 degree arcs out of habit.)
  11. +1. Acquiring from proximity rather than actual have the entire team or squad mounting a vehicle (or buddy) is surely the more realistic AND easier method.
  12. I always thought Das Boot was originally a German TV series and later re-edited for the big screen. But found this: "Several versions of the film and video releases have been made: The first version to be released was the theatrical 150-minute (2½-hour) cut, released to theatres in Germany in 1981, and in the United States in 1982. It was nominated for six Academy Awards (Cinematography, Directing, Film Editing, Sound, Sound Effects Editing, and Writing). Much more footage had been shot for the film than was shown in the theatrical version, and in 1985, a TV miniseries of Das Boot was shown on German and Austrian television. Aired in three parts, it had a runtime of almost five hours. Petersen then oversaw the editing of six hours of film, from which was distilled Das Boot: The Director's Cut, 216 minutes long (3 hours, 36 minutes), released in 1997, which combines the action sequences seen in the feature-length version with character-development scenes contained in the mini-series. In 2003, the Starz/Encore movie networks finally premiered the complete, uncut miniseries version on U.S. television. This version, running 293 minutes (4 hours, 53 minutes), without commercials, was released to DVD on June 1, 2004, as Das Boot: The Original Uncut Version."
  13. It seems designed as a mobile AT bunker since it arrived when Germany was on the defensive everywhere. (When was it designed?)
  14. It's an interesting question WHY we in the west seem to be apologizing for everything and allowing such "bad" behaviour from the ME amongst others. We've seen what happens when one gives kids such wide latititude with little responsibility. Why is it ok for adults in other countries (and our own now) to behave badly but we have to "understand" them and allow them, even when they threaten and cause violence and death? My background is East Europe where WE were the ones oppressed for centuries.
  15. I don't understand how annyone can play (anything) using such a small screen. Must have very young eyes.
  16. Welcome aboard! You can check LOS from every waypoint or unit using the TARGET command (and cancel it after of course).
  17. "The rest will arrive later on." Ah... Ooops...
  18. Great site for tanks and AC's - all on one page. (Altho' made me sad so few are in the CM2 games.)
  19. I had done reasonably ok up to then so I chose the historical SPLIT. The Victory Calculations of CM2 were again weird. I won all the previous scenarios handsomely - most Total Victories IIRC. When I CF'd after 20 turns in the final scenario after beating up on the first line of US troops, I was given a Draw, and a campaign result of Minor Defeat.
  20. This is the game for all you ultra-realists: http://www.defence.pk/forums/general-images-multimedia/45008-most-realistic-video-war-game-yet.html Ultra-Realistic Modern Warfare Game Features Awaiting Orders, Repairing Trucks. Designers say the new game explores the endless paperwork, routine patrolling a modern day soldier endures in photorealistic detail. Modern Warfare 3 will blow away its predecessor in the realism department, being the most "true to life" installment of the game ever produced. A "majority" of gameplay will have players hauling equipment, cleaning vehicles, experiencing home sickness and "filling out paperwork." Check out the full report after the break. We're so bummed we weren't invited to the reveal junket, which had journalists sleeping in the Pentagon and being briefed in "the war room" (which actually has a sign: "No Fighting Allowed!").
  21. Hope they don't feature flamethrowers only on Touch. Visions of everyone deserting PC gaming for playing CM2 on your smartphone. (Aaaargh!)
  22. The Brits were still doing that sort of thing during the Malaya insurgency. I think during and after that it became increasingly unacceptable. There was some expose story and official apology about Malayan atrocities going on when I was in the UK last May.
  23. Am curious why folks insist on using Norton ("the work of the devil") when there are better free ones out there like AVG etc.
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