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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I have always believed inthe KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid).
  2. I appreciate that you notice those items Rocky. I haven't noticed the tech improvements on my systems. And re the UI changes I don't find they have significantly altered my gameplay. For sure, the biggest improvement is the "return" of the ability to prioritize AT vs AP targets. The rest may simply be too subtle for me to notice (as yet).
  3. You know, I have watched thousands hours of WW2 documentaries and seen heaven knows how many stills, and it's very hard to see insignia on actual combat pics. Maybe you have one picture of troops that shows insignia. But, that's one picture. Where are the thousands that would prove your point so easily? Of course the collectibles that JK links to are pristine and clean. I keep asking for links to documentaries and picture galleries that show combat troops who have been in combat for some time and what they look like. I think it's reasonable that there be solid evidence in bulk, not just one or two unique pics vs thousands that show otherwise. And the issue isn't "Have you been in the milltary", but "Have you been in serious combat for several weeks in WW2." I would be very impressed if anyone here has been.
  4. The irony of technology luddites like me having Windows 7 and tech savvie giys like you having old tech... It goes against nature...
  5. As helpful as the "auto-historic formation selector" is, I see a lot of questions re where to find certain units. It would be nice if there was an "alternate" editor setting so one could simply cherry pick what one wanted regardless of actual historical formation composition. I know that this will bring the usual wrath down on my head, but I liked the CM1 unit editor... and I speak as someone who spends a HUGE amount of time actually PLAYING CM2 campaigns and scenarios extensively. Sometimes I wonder if there are only a few of us "players" with most critics spending their time nitpicking historical and tech aspects.
  6. And thanks also for the translucent bushes. I really appreciate both mods.
  7. Seriously guys... You saying you don't find anything odd about how the AI calculates victory levels in CM2?? I liken it to the difference with a prop aircraft (CM1) that has a fairly predictable/stable flight parameter, and a modern jet that is inherently unstable and things can go from one extreme to another too fast for human control. We've discussed that very often one has to assess one's victory levels based on one's personal judgement and ignore the system calculation.
  8. "significantly changed the way the game plays?" No, not significantly. Of course the terrain is different and the stock Luftwaffe uniforms are xnt. But, in terms of gameplay... what do you find different?
  9. Also: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/forums/3/Challenges
  10. CM2 is starting to be a pretty mature software and I haven't seen any great differences in CMFI. But yes of course I would miss the intense all-night discussions about exactly how many lugnuts the PzIIIN used in its driveshaft. (Er... For the serious types out there, that was a joke .)
  11. Thanks for the explanation. I see Paint.NET (but not MSPaint) Is that the correct program?
  12. Yes, the value is tremendous. Well done BF. I only wish there was a way to pay (say) $150 and get the full family in one shot. I find that I get bored by the limitations of each module quickly and the add-on modules do not necessarily add enuff different/original stuff to really make a huge difference. I thought about continuing to buy the games but not playing until all modules are in place (with all the patches and mods as well). But, I also know it will be bloody tough to have that discipline as one always wants to see the new stuff asap.
  13. Not using any. It's about as baffling to me as smart phones. Unfortunately I don't have a 12 year old to explain all the new stuff to me.
  14. So once again... Do'oh! Oh well, I can only hope my very time consuming experience provided at least a little useful feedback. PS: I only CF'd the penultimate scenario as I didn't want to replay it. The beach set-up was the same as the first time (when I had never CF'd). I played till 20-30 minutes the first time (and no reinforcements).
  15. No sorry, I was never in WW2, that was my parents you're thinking of. I keep looking at the wallpaper shots mod in all CM2 games as well as combat pics from other sources, and it's very hard to see any insignia, esp on the Germans. But, it stands to reason that no one wants to go into battle wearing bright colors. I imagine troops would dirty them up asap regardless of orders. But, no worries if others prefer the Napoleonic look - so long as there are mods that heavily camo the patches etc.
  16. So I did better surviving until the reinforcements arrived? WooHoo! I think it would make a better "gaming scenario" if the reinforcements arrived about 15-20 minutes into the scenario, so one has time to do recon and then start up with the arty. There is little point in attacking without the arty imo. Also, 2X or more the number of Axis units would be good for such a large map.
  17. Check the repository. Lots of good mods (incl terrain) in there for all CM games. Also CMMODS is good.
  18. You'll need to refer to the manual... Hope there is an online version if you do not have a hard copy.
  19. And plz don't take it personally. I know these scenarios are a huge labor of love. FYI: Am having the same issues with "The Fleeting Moment" campaign. It's getting so I just want to CF just to see what the next mission brings. The campaigns in CMSF were extremely good. Maybe cos they were fictionalized. So, the designers focused on making fun challenges rather than trying to imitate some RL battles which attempt to be as ghastly to play as they were in RL. I know this may sound rather extreme, but playing these scenarios and campaigns also takes a great deal of time and mental energy (at least for me). So, my frustration level gets a bit tested. (And I get testy.) Actually, from the discussions about minute technical accuracy details that we have on these forums I wonder how many people here are actually playing these scenarios & campaigns as opposed to simply using the game as an entryway to impress others with technical/academic knowledge of the minutia of WW2 equipment. Sorry... rant over...
  20. I havta continue to agree with gundolf. Maybe most of the enemy are KIA or routed. But we all know how much damage a few surviving units can do ESPECIALLY in CM2. Many times (mostly in CM1) I thought I had the game wrapped up, got in a rush to seize some extra VL's, and suffered a lot of casualties from some unseen potent enemy units. Those were great games to the end. The tendency for early surrender in CM2 takes some of the pleasure away.
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