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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. "Best to follow along with some troops, and wherever the troops have been, sneak into those spots." I agree completely and always use inf to do the initial recon of possible FO locations. Sometimes the inf gets nailed, and sometimes they don't. But, even when I SLOW MOVE the FO to the intact "unspotted" recon inf location, the enemy AI seems to spot and shoot at the FO as if he is waving a red flag. This is most pronounced in the small maps or when LOS is short so it makes sort of sense. But, how does one use a FO in that situation when using a regular HQ may double the FFE time and one only has 60 minutes. If this scenario (#5 of Conrath) was 2 hours I would be using HQ's as spotters more.
  2. One can only wish Noob was around in Hitler's time so he could use these arguments to convince Herr Hitler to conquer the world's knitting championships and kill his spare time instead lol. However, I recall some of Noob's philosophy was common when I was fifteen as well. So, I guess we need to cut the boy some slack.
  3. No that's fine. I prefer vs AI as H2H is too time-consuming (for me anyway). So, thank you...
  4. On these small maps I have been having a lot of trouble getting FO's into a position where they can 1) see a target that my recon have ID'd, and 2) keep em alive long enuff for the arty to arrive. It seems that no matter how carefully I SLOW move em into position, the AI seems to be able to spot em with little problem and of course makes em a priority target. Am sure the problem is with the small maps and/or short LOS distances where one has to get too close to the enemy. But, has anyone found any tricks/techniques to mitigate this? Am on mission#5 of "Conrath's Counterattack" and the one hour we get isn't much to get full use out of the arty unless one preplots. (And I would have preplotted all the wrong places.)
  5. I wonder if it was the sort of gun that started its career as an AA gun like the 88mm(?)
  6. I think the average soldier had had enough and was already unwilling to fight hard at the war's end. Expecting them to start up vs the Soviets after all the propaganda that the Soviets were our beloved Allies would have been unbearable and could arguably have led to rebellions/revolutions. It took years to convince the western populations that the Soviets were evil and hence the Cold War.
  7. "telepathy" - ok, I am with the program now... Looking forward to SS using "Occult Forces" next... Seriously tho... I suggest that an FO without a radio should have the same (longer) delays as a regular officer.
  8. In terms of making a game fun and more "playable" the shorter set-up times are fine. What would be great would be a "GAME" mode for those wanting more of a game experience and a 'REALISTIC" mode for those who enjoy real-time simulation.
  9. Good, cos you basically ARE advocating the killing of women and children... the women and children of the VICTIMS while you protect the rights of the aggressors and murderers. Would it have been ok if the VICTIMS were allowed to decide whether to drop nukes on Germany and Japan? Would that then be moral, Noob?
  10. "It has nothing to do with radios..." Ok, I get that in a game. But, given the attempts at realism elsewhere in CM2, this seems like a strange and unnecessary abstraction.
  11. You want to talk about civilians and children, Noob? What about the masses of children and civilians that the Japanese and Nazis were killing on a daily basis? What would you say to them if you could have shortened the war by one day and save thousands of THOSE civilians' lives, and instead you allowed them to be murdered? Where is YOUR morality? (My parents lost all their families in the war. Would have been more than happy to drop nukes on Germany, which was the direct cause of their murders and 20+ MILLION other deaths if it meant they would have survived.) The way you write I can only assume you are young and have been cocooned in a safe bubble your entire life and have not yet been subjected to the realities of life and war.
  12. Mom's would also love it as you'd be calling them all day long.
  13. Re track damage you can check the damage window. Otherwise, if there is no obvious reason why the units are still going slow, it may be a bug.
  14. Given the high casualty rate among FO's, it's good when a scenario gives the player a couple. However, in Conrath, many other officers can call in arty - altho' with increased delays.
  15. +1 to PT. And the same re nuking Japan for that matter. Saved possibly hundreds of thousands of Allied soldiers' lives which would have been lost in Operation Olympic invasion. (And I wrote as much in the Hiroshima book when I was there.)
  16. It's faster to post mods to CMMODS first: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/
  17. Is Brit doctrine that the Warrior requires crew as it is expected to support the inf, or is it primarily just a transport to get the inf safely to their objective?
  18. Can they be modded better, or is it a function of inadequate initial coding so nothing can be improved?
  19. Well it's obvious... CM2 demonstrates very effectively that Allied sandbags etc are higher than Axis. That's why our guns and MG's can't see over them.
  20. I remember that Human Wave command. But, never figured out how to use it effectively, so never used it. Would have been useful in the massive 3 battalions+ per side CMBB tourny am in right now. For all its sophistication compared to CM1 I am continually amazed at how many good/useful commands features were removed like MOVE TO CONTACT, movable waypoints etc. I guess they are slowly being put back in. But, why were they removed in the first place?
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