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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Really looking forward to see what you've accomplished.
  2. LOS in CM2 is just plain weird cos who cares that the 3rd ammo guy can see the target. It's not as if we or the AI can move the gun/MG/whatever to get LOS. All we need to know is whether the GUN can see the target. Guns and MG's normally cannot fire over walls, not cos of any foxholes, but cos the wall is determined (in CM2) to be too high to see over. Game hint: MG's can only fire over walls if UNDEPLOYED. (Don't think this rather important info tidbit is in the manual, but it really should be... as should all the other little tricks/features like that.)
  3. I am pretty sure about it. I would try not to split em unless they are already Vets or better and preferably under control of a Co HQ that has at 2 heart/morale, so they still gain a morale level even after a split.
  4. IIRC you can plot multiple moves for an entire formation at the same time. Then you can move the movable waypoints for each unit in the formation to keep em in whatever "battle formation" you want. An auto battle formation however, would be useful. eg: "Line Abreast"; "V"; "Inverted V" etc. I do like the idea of mass copying of pauses and targets in waypoints and the type of movement for a formation. That takes time manually.
  5. Many times the casting decisions have a lot to do with a nation's film subsidy conditions and contracts with local Actors' Unions.
  6. There was a discussion about this some months ago. The conclusion was that the "over the side" leaping was propaganda PR films. In RL it was way too dangerous, gear could get snagged etc.
  7. If you can use CMSF stuff in CMBN that would be impressive. I had no idea that was possible.
  8. I admire your innovative ideas to get the look you want (or close to it). So we can use mods/vehicles etc from CMSF in CMBN???
  9. You have to laugh at the vision of a German troop chappy calmly walking up to a T-34, draping his coat over the driver's vision slit, putting toothpase or whetever on the gunner's sights, his forage cap on the commander's periscope, then using a crowbar to jam the turret mechanism and finally crowbaring open the hatch while a mate goes off and mixes up a molotov cocktail. One wonders at what point do they notice the rest of the Soviet tank company laughing their heads off, applauding like it was a Laurel and Hardy skit.
  10. Looking forward to the new "sorta desert" look. Shame we can't use CMSF terrain and maps in CMFI. (Actually, why is that?)
  11. Gorgeous. I just can't resist saying however, that it looks like it would fit into CMBN's overcast skies more than CMFI's more sunshiny look. (I thought NA and Italy camo was lighter, more yellow.)
  12. For what it's worth, the US Army uses/used the SPR Normandy landing scene to demonstrate the most realistic depiction of the chaos of war (and how to lead/function in that environment) that they could find. However, there is a big difference between verisimilitude and "reality". Reality is often boring. Entertainment is full of drama, emotional content, conflict, clash of egos and theories of life - so basically, this thread.
  13. We've talked a lot on CM2 forums about how tanks become useless if all the exterior equipment that can be damaged is damaged - periscopes, view slots, gun damage, perhaps even thermobaric FX?
  14. Phew, that's a relief... thanks... Wouldn't want to replay 3 missions. I love the surprises.
  15. I know what you are saying noob. But, if you want the "troof, the whole troof and nothing but the troof" don't watch any movies or TV (or read fiction books). They, like games, including (gasp) CM, are entertainment products (and I include most "News" shows in that description as well these days).
  16. Except that these are KOREAN (and do not portray the Japs sympathetically).
  17. Enemy capturing guns and actually knowing how to use em are two different things. That's like worrying about the enemy capturing one of your abandoned tanks. The big issue is that gun crews should be able to take cover in foxholes or whatever when something threatens their gun and recrew when they can. It would mitigate the problem that foxholes etc don't provide protection to guns.
  18. Just be aware that Saints and Soldiers is an LDS (Mormon) film which means proselytizing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saints_and_Soldiers eg: "As Gould sees Deacon's body being carried away, he takes out Deacon's Book of Mormon, places the photo of Deacon's wife into Deacon's hands and keeps the Book of Mormon because Deacon had offered it to him earlier." However, loved PIECE OF CAKE and the FOYLE'S WAR series I saw when in the UK. I have mentioned elsewhere that MY WAY is a very impressive depiction of Japanese fanaticism in a HUGE war film that starts in China, travels to the East Front and ends in Normandy. Great relationship drama as well as amazing set-piece battles. You never heard of it cos it was made by Koreans(!). Seen it and it is amazing. I must see Brotherhood of War...
  19. "I don't feel it has any place in the battle space..." Totally agree. So many arguments are made that this, that or some other feature is not represented cos the game represents "troops imminently about to be in battle". So, "MOVE" really should be replaced by "MOVE TO CONTACT".
  20. Both Pz Platoon HQ's and Pz Co HQ are alive (as are all HQ's actually) altho, I lost the Pz Co 2IC from immobilization. So, you reckon I can just keep going? (What is the decision mission bug btw?) If I do need to reload, I have a saved file "ENDGAME" (saved at the end of mission #3) as well as a "SETUP" file that I created when I started setting up mission #4.
  21. I guarantee anyone who sees the MY WAY movie that they will be impressed by the depiction of Japanese fanaticism and the desire to win or die. Knowing about it intellectually is not like seeing it enacted on the big screen. It will definitely put players in the "right" frame of mind regardless of which side they play. (Yes, I am getting a % of box office net lol.)
  22. Looks like they were trying to fudge the numbers. Clearly they needed to invest more in the vastly improving "Other" weapons. And either the tanks or the ATG's were not doing so well, so they lumped em together.
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