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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. From what I can see, one gets a smoke explosion with one central and about 4 puffs around it. The other folders in the d/l are EXPLOSIONS. MUZZLE FIRE, MUZZLE FLASH and TRACERS. But, all the bmp's are black. So, does that mean that we don't get to see those FX at all since they supplant the default graphics? There is no read me file, so am not sure what the designer's intentions are or what is the purpose of the other included files.
  2. Apologies if anyone has already mentioned this, but in addition to bombing anything to do with oil production, there was the critical German target of the ball-bearing factories in Schweinfurt which enabled pretty much all the German engines, so arguably was an even more critical target.
  3. The Koreans hated the Japs who were occupiers and treated em as 2nd class citizens (like they treated everyone else actually), so unlikely from there.
  4. We have to put ourselves in the minds of a people (Allies) who were tired of fighting and taking horrific casualties. All we knew is that the Japs were fanatics who would fight to the last man, woman and child (they'd already seen what that meant in Europe, and the Japs were even more fanatic). The Jap faction that wanted peace was not ascendant until AFTER the Atomic bombs were dropped, at which point the Emperor stepped in to override his military fanatic Supreme HQ types.
  5. I recall a lot of discussion in CMBN about this problem and I was advised as above. Perhaps the problem has been alleviated in CMFI and patches (and I simply never noticed)?
  6. Yes, this is a great use of XO's, 2IC's, HQ Support units in the game. But, isn't this rather unrealistic? It seems like a good argument for not burdening this game with those extra units in the first place. I'd prefer to have medic units since I need medics all the time. I know that having too many medic units is perhaps unrealistic as well, but when one is using so many 2IC, XO and HQ Support units as medics and ad hoc AT units am not sure why that is preferable.
  7. IIRC the Allies were experimenting with the concept of creating a firestorm in Dresden as a new method of using their bombing fleet to enhance destruction. The firestorm didn't happen by accident. And it worked brilliantly from their POV. Not sure why Dresden was selected. Maybe they needed a "virgin" city untouched by previous bombing so they could have a proper appreciation of the results.
  8. You are correct. However, this is specifically addressed in the article. However, they don't mention money/budget. This makes me think that (one again) this vast organization is looking to get stuff from independent designers for free (while the big contractors make billions).
  9. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/09/13/wikicoin?page=0,0
  10. You stated it yourself quite well. Unless there are height issues, usually you can fire an MG via BIPOD over a wall, but on a deployed TRIPOD it may be too low.
  11. "The trick is, send a scout unit or something like it with a short arc to where you want to place your F.o. firrst. let them see if they draw any fire, if they are safe, then move the F.O into position." I have been doing that. But, vs the AI, it seems to spot and fire on the FO even if the preceding recon unit was not seen/ignored. Re HIDE: I thought that if the FO can still see the enemy target when HIDING (ie: one can still get a clear TARGET line to the objective) it could still spot for arty while HIDING. Often my recon guys can be on HIDE and they could still see the enemy clearly and I could (if desired) TARGET the enemy (which of course would have caused them to UNHIDE.)
  12. Yes, the Tiger was the result of a graphics design competition in some obscure Volkswagen office... "WooHoo... willya look at dose cool overlapping wheels! This will sell millions!"
  13. I also got burned out playing scenarios and having to stop and install a new mod every day. I may wait until an entire new game family is complete and modded to the max before playing. Otherwise, I feel I am playing a Beta of the game, and am burned out/bored with it before it has been perfected. And then we're onto a new release...
  14. Yes, this thing gets better and better. (And I never was interested in Pacific War.)
  15. Or propaganda.. unless they could shoot canister and the plane was low and close enough. (Or, on the ground lol.)
  16. All good points. I noticed that an inf unit in front of an FO tends to catch fire. I think the problem I have (in this scenario) are the short LOS distances makes it too easy to see the FO. I keenly await CMSF2 etc as I hope we'll start to see much larger maps where maneuver and mobility is more important.
  17. Thanks Aris... Will these CMFI mods work with CMBN? And/or are they appropriate in the CMBN era?
  18. We seem to miss the point that any entity that starts a nasty war with the quasi-religious goal of to eliminating other "subhuman" races needs to be eliminated by any means possible. GB was desperate and used whatever methods it could devise merely to survive during the years it stood alone. Equally, with the Jap fanatics who wanted to die to the last man, woman and child, why should the Allies lose a million more men AND kill many more Jap civilians in the process of invading the home islands, when a couple of atom bombs forced a surrender with comparably LESS loss of civilian life. How many posters here would even exist if we'd lost another generation of men in the Pacific? Seems to me that deterrence is knowing that if you start a war, you can expect a very nasty retribution. So don't. Am really tired of predators trying to "explain the morality" of their actions to their prey by attempts to rewrite history.
  19. Me neither lol. Now we can have some fun...
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