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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. "dealing with casualties on the battlefield is a very real and immersive element and adds a unique factor to this series that should mean something tangible in all battles. I sincerely hope that a future patch or in CMx3 that BFC add a core point reflection for this as standard." Yeah, Buddy Aid is one of the greatest advances over CM1 and should be given points weight in all scenarios. IIRC, there is no advantage even in campaigns other than collecting better weapons for the next scenario. If I am wrong please point me to the relevant section in the rulebook as it should be a very important feature.
  2. "we could have a mirrored ME final or something." imo those are really boring (maps), you know what the other guy has if it's the same as yours, and it's still impossible to get absolute balance.
  3. This is one of my pet peeves every time someone brings it up. The issue is that it is utterly pointless for the AI to give us the LOS to the target of the third ammo bearer/gun layer when in order to play the GAME we need to know if the GUN/GUNNER has LOS and can shoot at the target. I can understand that it's hard to move a 40 ton tank a couple of inches to the side to get LOS for the gunner. But, when it happens for a MG it's plain ridiculous. Either the LOS system needs to be addressed and revamped, or the AI should be able to move a MG (at least) so as to be able to shoot what the guy immediately to your side can plainly see.
  4. Yes, it's like saying the deadly British archers at Crecy or Agincourt were much more effective than WW1 artillery.
  5. You could use the model established by "Birthday Bash" tournies at weBoB: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/forums/104/Birthday-Bash-10 They work really well. One is competing against players on one's own side, so balance is not an issue.
  6. Maybe what you are really saying is more opportunity for balanced scenarios where the western allies aren't using high tech to beat up on a bunch of crappy enemy units and the real victory conditions are to win with no or virtually no friendly casualties. Hopefully NATO vs the Ukraine/Russia in CMSF2 may do the trick.
  7. That's a great book. Read it a looong time ago. Most of what I recall about it was about German atrocities carrying over into SE Asia where apparently a lot of SS and Wehrmacht ended up. As a movie sure, but I bet a lot would be "redacted".
  8. I am sure I have it then. Thank you... (Did you redo the mod bmp's. Or did they simply need renaming from CMBN?)
  9. Thanks. d/lding now... so it won't work in CMBN?? (Or did you already mod that one?)
  10. Hmmm... I should try headphones. Then I won't be able to hear the wife screaming at me to shut the stupid game off! However, when wearing headphones, don't you find it harder to spot the wife creeping up on you with a kitchen knife?
  11. Some of the most fun scenarios feature mixed nationality forces as you get to see the strengths and weaknesses of each nation's weapons systems.
  12. "BF has removed the plane's shadow..." Never thought of that. But, you are right, it did make a difference in immersion. Wonder why shadows aren't put back.
  13. "I wonder if there's a logic setting which would disable the audio feed once the camera is no longer over a friendly unit or blob thereof? I think it should be doable and would make a worthwhile restriction on exaggerated target detection and ID capabilities. By no means is this statement confined to mortars, either." Wouldn't that make the game go silent when not near a friendly?
  14. For a second I thought the couple on the right in the 2nd pic were Russian inf crew. Must be the helmet shape and uniform color.
  15. Doesn't that simulate rangefinders and experienced ears who put the info together from different vantage points?
  16. You guys do know that all this footage has been on utube for a while in separate videos. someone just edited it all together to make a "story".
  17. Any chance some kind soul could make that into a .wav as a CM mod?
  18. I like what you are trying to with this mod. But, I felt the sounds were a bit dull... as if one was a distance away. Close up one would hear crisp "cracks" of bullets whizzing by one's ear. If that was a MG42 firing, it didn't have the dreaded "zipper" sound, more a fast "budda, budda, budda" of a different weapon (but maybe it wasn't a MG42).
  19. "f***ed up the weapon names in CMSF" I saw there was a thread elsewhere about changing uniform filenames so that one could still use older patch uniform mods with the newer CMBN/CMFI patches. Unfortunately, many of us lesser talents are scared to touch or mod anything. I find CM2 quite intimidating.
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