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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I assumed you were using a mod by Aris. If you are, it is easy to go into the mod folder and rename the option you don't want so that the system ignores it and it is not chosen at all. You can also get into the base game graphics somehow. But, someone else can advise better than I can.
  2. You can go into the mod folder and rename the option with the "2 tarps" so it doesn't appear if that's what you want. Looking better and better. I admire your persistence.
  3. "he used a tactic that negated my advantage..." well, do tell...
  4. Hey there... very generous of you. Thanks... (U from BoB?)
  5. Re shaders being OFF, I also noticed that in certain situations (hard to know if it's many or only a few) the graphics (terrain, uniforms etc) look better with shaders OFF. The shaders seem to increase contrast and detail gets lost in the darker areas. (However, that could be the way I adjusted my NVidia card settings.) Am also experimenting with adding more color and vibrancy to the game graphics, so that when I turn on "movie mode" I get a more realistic subdued color look, (ie: not the "unrealistic" B/W WW2 movie look). Otherwise, I think there is an overly colorful "toy" look to the game, and those beautifully modded camo'ed vehicles seem to stand out in terrain rather than blend in.
  6. "how seamlessly the map blends into the background/surround image..." +1. really lovely.
  7. Not addressed to you at all, Luke. I was simply commenting on how impressive it is that such a small item gets address by BF. We have seen other people get excoriated on these forums for raising similar minor issues that no one else even seemed to notice. So, this is very promising.
  8. Love the goggles. But, probably more suitable for an Afrika Korps mod??
  9. The more the merrier, so thank you... BTW: what was wrong with blue image #4 that it needed replacing?
  10. Wow. Now I am really impressed with the detail addressed in the game by BF when only one person noticed...
  11. "The TacAI really does need the flexibility to move the gun around if there's a threat closing in on the gun crew..." Thank you for that Steve. However, as you know a major pet peeve is the 3rd ammo bearer seeing and able to fire at a target but the MG/gun crew unable to move a couple of inches so that the primary weapon can fire at it. Is that something that can be addressed?
  12. Again, are these the same that were on CMMODS a few days ago? I just downloaded a whole bunch. Gotta lot of renumbering to do...
  13. Looks really clunky and slow. But if it works it will be better than nothing. So, the best of luck to the developers.
  14. Aris, I d/l your .psd splash BG screens. Any chance they will be available as bmp's as I do not have photoshop?
  15. fabulous. thank you... altho' now I have to do a complete reinstall of my corrupted CMSF... thanks AVG!
  16. Ok thanks. I renamed all the old M10 files so it will be interesting to see the result. (I think that only the "wheels" in both versions are identical.)
  17. That's it then. After 14 years of being a fan, the game is ruined for me! (I guess I'll have to go off and have kids or something now...)
  18. Given your description it sounds like the more mortars the better to neutralize the Axis superior direct fire power. And what is "tank spamming"?
  19. One great strategy (which seems almost gamey) is use the set-up turn to call down arty on places you suspect MAY have enemy troops, but to which your spotters have no LOS to, with a delay. You advance your troops to those locations. If there are enemy troops, you have accurate arty already ordered. If the location has no enemy, you can cancel or adjust the arty to someplace that your spotter does have LOS to. However, since the spotter can keep moving, you can adjust repeatedly until he has LOS to a location where you do want the arty to land. I also think that using this method you still get the bonus for accurate arty as if it were the original set-up FFE.
  20. "Ah, look where they are standing - note that a large number of instances your squad is *not* standing in one type of terrain." This is one item where I do feel we need more help. I like playing at level one or two and I do try to study what cover my guys are in. But, it's often harder to figure that out than what it would be in RL if I were in the squad. For example, a very common situation is that I see a tree set apart from other trees. If I order my squad to that tree, does that mean that then entire squad is now trying to take cover behind a single tree? ie really crappy cover for most of them and therefore suicide. Or, is there enuff cover that the men are in comparative safety? In RL you would immediately know the answer. In the game it's unclear...
  21. I can understand why BF hired him. Around here he seems like a normal dude. (Belated congrats.)
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