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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I probably have most of the scenarios and campaigns ever made for CAM and I don't see anything with "Kandahar" or "North Star" in the title. I vaguely recall CMA briefings mentioning that region, so something could be under another name...
  2. "...there is a special branch of special forces in Iraqi SF, that do an excellent job getting rid of hostiles." They show these guys on CNN etc. Don't look too impressive - wearing sneakers and still using the brilliant tactic of sticking their small arms above the parapet for a second or two of poorly aimed automatic fire then ducking down again. When I playtested JOKER 3 it was a real eye-opener how it is almost impossible to do MOUT ops without heavy casualties. If the Iraqi army starts suffering, what evidence is there that they will maintain discipline. It must be a concern that if pushed too hard they could disintegrate. In any case, Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS etc have mastered the counter-tactic of running away from overwhelming force, waiting till the occupying force gets bored, then moving back in again. Unless we have some new overall longterm strategy, that's my prediction. But, that's why a scenario or (Inshallah) a CMSF campaign based on the Mosul operation using the fabulous Ramadi map would be fascinating.
  3. I thought the Med islands had some of the best all-year round weather in the world. At least I heard Ibiza and the other Balearic islands described that way. How is Sicily, Crete etc?
  4. Thanks. That was good to know. A new cool name to describe folks... that most will have to look up. Would the adjective/description be "herostratic"?
  5. https://warthunder.com/en/media/tutorials/page/2/#_tutorials_54
  6. "I believe flamethrowers etc are banned from modern warfare with contracts, as battle gasses." We in first world countries love banning any weapons system that a weaker opponent may use to even the playing field - eg: mines. Instead of crude flamers we have sophisticated thermobaric warheads etc. However, in war one needs to use whatever is at hand that will enable a win as quickly and economically (minimal friendly casualties) as possible. That's the major reason why Truman was correct in using atomic weapons vs Japan. BTW: Saw "Hacksaw Ridge" yesterday. The Okinawa battle scenes which cover half of the entire film are the most gruesome I have ever seen - they make the bloody D-Day scene in "Saving Private Ryan" look like a walk in the park(!). ("Nice" depiction of flamethrowers and their effects on humans as well.)
  7. It sounds like someone was using the AT guns properly - ie: at much longer ranges than the small maps we usually see in CM2 games allow. Because nearly all CM2 maps are small and/or have short LOS due to blocking terrain, gamers have become accustomed to playing almost exclusively short range "knife fight" battles. It's obviously much easier to spot at short ranges. On small maps, AT guns usually get to fire once and are then KIA. Perhaps we CM2 gamers simply don't have the experience needed for dealing with long range fights. That's a primary reason that many of us still like CM1 games and also CMSF - they often feature much larger maps and much longer LOS/ranges. What is your scenario?
  8. So what about the T-34? Not that many road wheels, but the best cross country etc.
  9. Since it's a game you can move the camera around the map until you hear the sound of the gun(s). Otherwise it's usually what infantry eyes are for. Never let your Panzers leave home without em.
  10. It's hard to understand why so far, none of our talented designers have been motivated to do a Mosul scenario with Iraqi Army plus Allied Uncon vs ISIS Uncon. That would revive interest in CMSF in a big way. This map could work as is.
  11. Nice video. I highly recommend the winter mods for a better winter look.
  12. For mods, CMMODS is much more comprehensive imo: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/
  13. Yes, I generally save every 5 turns "just in case" of a bizarre occurrence. If you want to PM me with your e-mail I can send a couple.
  14. Am a bit shocked that no one else has played enuff to experience this situation. I was certain that we had a similar issue in earlier CM2 games but that a patch mitigated the situation so that when the FO was KIA the strike would be called off. So, am very puzzled to encounter this situation again.
  15. Ah... Brings back so many memories of Finland. Good times...
  16. You guys may be one of the few gamers actually playing CMBS these days. If you ever lose an FO or spotter while its drone, air (or arty) mission is in progress please let us know what happens. Per my post elsewhere that situation leaves a real puzzle re what happens to the drone or strike. Its unclear if this is a bug, or what...
  17. Since everything seems to depend on weight/sq inch ground pressure and that is affected by width of the tracks, one would predict the T-34 would be the best. That's probably why they didn't use a T-34 in the comparisons. Politically incorrect to show the superiority of Russian tanks.
  18. What with the disappearance of the Malaysian aircraft it would appear that the dam thievin' bastid aliens are back. See the movie summer 2017 release.
  19. +1 If you want to know why hardly any volunteers have the energy or patience to design scenarios, let alone a whole campaign, take a look at Combatintman's xnt tutorial on how to create a scenario:
  20. The first mission/scenario that Sgt S let me playtest was already very good. Perhaps he can release that to you if you ask nicely... IIRC it is called "Taking It To The People".
  21. I thought that this had been cured with a patch. I can kinda appreciate that maybe artillery will keep firing as ordered if no one countermands the order. However, one would think that air strikes require constant contact with a ground controller. So, if that connection ceases, wouldn't the pilot automatically abort? Also, in the case where there is a drone and the FO is killed one of two things should happen: 1) the drone crashes, or 2) it automatically returns to base, and therefore becomes usable by another FO.
  22. Not sure if it makes a difference but while the FO himself was KIA, his radio operator is fine. The questions are: If the RO can keep the drone flying, why is it that player cannot cancel or adjust the drone. Also, why doesn't the RO either cancel the airstrike, or call it in - in which case again, why can't the player cancel the air strike? (One can't adjust air strikes.)
  23. First posted this over at Scenarios/Mods. But, it doesn't look like many are playing this game anymore, so hope someone over here can help: Am in first mission of "Mountains of Allah" campaign. I have one of my Air Controller FO's fly a drone over a target and as soon as intel comes back the same FO orders an airstrike scheduled on the same target. The drone gets there in a couple of minutes but the airstrike will take about 12 minutes to arrive. The FO is then killed. His radio operator is ok. This gives rise to a strange situation: 1) The drone now cannot be assigned to any other FO. Ok, so maybe his gear is lost and the drone is lost. But, no... The drone is fine and continues to report back recon info which can be used by other FO's for targeting. Question: If the controls and intel gear are fine then why can't the drone be ordered elsewhere? 2) What happens to the scheduled airstrike? One can't cancel it. I assumed that after the FO had been dead for about 5-6 turns that the air support would get automatically cancelled. But, no... The air strike turned up about 5-6 turns after the FO was KIA - presumably as scheduled. (It just so happened that my troops had just overran the base and then got slaughtered by the friendly air attack - but that's irrelevant here.) Something not right here. Is this a bug, or...?
  24. That probably means I saw the Brits still doing it that way lol.
  25. I thought one had to pull down a shroud over one's face to eject - or is that obsolete now?
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