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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. With the new tech making physical fitness less of a necessity, the new expendables would be the elderly - we have way too many and they are crippling society. Looking at you, Michael... (I am only 15 - honest...)
  2. Maybe there is a difference between bogging and damage in the game. I am certain that my vehicles that cross a fence or bush on SLOW rarely accumulate damage. Moving QUICK increases the probability of damage. That is what one would expect in RL. I would be disappointed that moving FAST in "boggy" terrain wouldn't increase the % to bog. But, then again, I could understand that moving FAST may decrease the bog chance since momentum would carry the vehicle thru - like water skiing. So, (once again), without info from BFC we have another CM mystery. I am 99% sure that in all these years someone did a bogging test - maybe lost to CM forum history...?
  3. I recall very much enjoying this scenario. It is very winnable (I played WEGO ELITE). One has to be very consistent in splitting all units, advancing by bounds with the smallest unit in the lead, being careful and using "recon by fire", not ever bunching up to offer a tasty target, using heavy support on suspected positions, often just sitting and observing from a safe position until an enemy is revealed - but also not staying stationary for too long so that mortars can target you. I recall that running out of ammo was an issue for some units. Very good scenario. I also highly recommend "UK Mud Marines" - probably my all-time favorite CMSF scenario.
  4. Uh... that would be Team 1 for me. They just sound more honest and have a higher integrity. One must ask if Team 2 has finally stopped beating their sigothers and fiddling their taxes.
  5. Ah well... Hmm... Not sure am convinced that folks who are happy to die as martyrs would be scared of someone else cos they're dressed in black. Altho'... black is my favorite clothing color (or non-color) as well. So, I can appreciate the exquisite fashion sense of ISIS and those cool Hugo Boss SS uniforms.
  6. No offense taken. But, there is a real danger that we here are discussing ways to refight the last war, or some modern Cold War fantasy. I brought it up as the above reflects (at least used to) DARPA's thinking. Back in the last century we had an effort towards finding new ways to fight wars using non-kinetic means that would make all the toys we discuss and play with here obsolete. But, am way out of date now, and am sure there are truly amazing things in the works.
  7. I haven't tested it, but am pretty sure that when crossing fences, bushes (thanks that can be destroyed) etc that there is a higher probability of damage to the tracks at higher speeds. I always cross damageable terrain at SLOW. But, yes, once bogged, there is nothing you can do except wait for it to free itself or be permanently immobilized. For same reason I move vehicles SLOW when on "boggy" terrain. It would be very surprising if higher speed doesn't worsen the probability of bogging. Am pretty sure it does.
  8. CMSF came with a useful map of Syria. As it's by a Russian developer, CMA comes with a porn mag instead.
  9. Impressed by your post. You talked with ISIS gentlemen about why wear black?
  10. +1 Yes this is also my SOP. Realistic or just another gamey tactic that works in the game? Also, HARASS fire can be useful if there are multiple tubes. 3-6 tubes of 150mm on HARASS can be nasty for a long time. I have a gripe that if you select multiple on-map mortars to fire together, each mortar will waste ammo for spotting rounds.
  11. Back in the day we had huge discussions about what to do when your vehicle bogs. BF repeatedly assured us that it's just a probability issue and players cannot affect whether a vehicle unbogs or is immobilized (other than avoiding the terrain).
  12. "Put simply, someone has to break track on that crew-less vehicle, and it ain't gonna be no robot." You are forgetting about the anti-gravity hyperdrive coming online for AFV's soon. (Or was that "Hammers Slammers"?) Seriously, once you remove life-support systems, protection and survivability of the machine can be greatly enhanced (or miniaturized and made cheaper re economies of scale). Disposable weapons systems? Or focus on nanotech that (say) eats/destroys POL etc.
  13. Quite a few of us very much like CMA and there are many mods, and also scenarios and campaigns being designed for it. It's a bargain.
  14. Yesh, one needs to save the C&F campaign for when one has played a bit and gotten cocky/overconfident as to one's tactical prowess.
  15. Lovely pics - esp the Tiger - good lighting cameraman..
  16. I dunno if different titles handle FO's differently, but I have founds that once a barrage starts, the spotter is freed up to order other strikes.
  17. We're being told that we are a few years from "driverless cars". IIRC, the majority of Air Force pilots are already drone operators. Once a tank is buttoned up, everything is seen via video screens anyway. Surely the military are very close to fielding crewless/drone AFV's. How may years away do you think? And could being expert at CM2 (and FPS games) make one a desirable operator no matter how old and physically decrepit we are??
  18. Very realistic-looking especially the winter and toned down color seasons. While some seasons seem very green and colorful in photos and even to the eye, one has to artificially add haze and other effects to make the terrain look "realistic" on a computer screen.
  19. These days, technologically backward applies to most people over about 40 these days... Just look at how these new products are marketed on TV - all the actors are millenials. Hands up all those who would line up all night to buy a $700 new version of the iPhone that is about the same as the last version? Where do the kids get the money... from their parents? (And then people bitch about paying $45 for a CM2 title that will give thousands of man-hours of play and NOT get obsolete for many years...)
  20. Already got it, thanks. I wuz vainly attempting humor.
  21. So, theoretically a mod could turn Ukranians into Poles etc?
  22. With regards to the modern titles, perhaps CMSF and CMA can be consolidated. There are some differences but IIRC they are minor. The CM2 modern game CMBS and any future ones would need their own forum as they are significantly different from the older CMSF and CMA. Hope this idea actually makes sense to BFC and we can get consensus.
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