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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Worst case you can go to the folder and delete files manually. With default install it should be at: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Red Thunder\Game Files\Saved Games
  2. In CM1 there was an appreciable advantage to covered arcs and IIRC the CM1 manual was explicit that facing or covered arc was an advantage re spotting. When CM2 came along IIRC we were told by BF that there was a "very small" advantage to facing or covered arc - the implication was that it wasn't something to bother about. So, if the manual now says that there is an appreciable advantage that could be another change in the CM2 system.
  3. +1 I use em all the time as well. Have been whinging at BF for years that the CM2 method of getting a covered arc is way inferior (need more clicks and takes more time) to the one click 180 degree arc that one could quickly do in CM1. When you have a company of turreted vehicles and you want em to point different places CM2 makes you do lots of clicks and waste time to accomplish that. BTW: I found the automatic Hull Down system to be less than impressive. I tried it a few times, and it seemed as if the tank would stop short BEFORE it was in position to shoot at an enemy. I had to manually redo the hull-down based on the old method to get the desired position when the tank would fire at the target.
  4. No problem with the Splash - I have many dozens of those I can use. As I mentioned b4 am a bit burned out on CM, but based on your previous xnt works, your campaign is the sort of thing that gets me excited again. Thank you (and hope that you don't get burned out).
  5. Loaded it and when saving removed the " : ". My initial naming convention: "Zitadelle M1 SETUP" (Afterwards I substitute what the countdown clock says for the SETUP so it's easy to see which saved game is the most recent and how much time is left etc.) Loaded ok and seems to be ok so far. BTW: Am sure I have the correct screen dimensions to give the correct look to the graphics. However, the splash screen (three troops and a MG) is compressed horizontally (so thinner than it should be).
  6. I love campaigns so really appreciate the enormous amount of work in this.
  7. The point is it isn't happening (at least not with this customer). There is a certain mindset that wants players/customers to work hard for everything - "do your own research", "learn how to program so you can spend months designing your own scenarios" "ie: "do it yourself and do not expect to be spoonfed" etc. But that is exactly what most customers want. A biz is supposed to serve the customer and make life easy for them to enjoy its product, not make customers work harder for it. Simples...
  8. Sharia Law is coming along just fine without any help, thank you. Maybe not a big threat today, but with the way thing are going, in another generation... https://fullfact.org/law/uks-sharia-courts/ http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/uk-sharia-law.html https://www.economist.com/blogs/erasmus/2016/11/sharia-law-britain
  9. Never noticed that before. Thanks for the heads-up.
  10. Stil love and use your mods Vinnart. You doing any more these days??
  11. Kinda sad that one of the most active topics on a forum supporting a wargame is a series about MRE's.
  12. This looks like an interesting operational game that could be used to set up CM2 battles. All battalion and company level with some platoons. http://www.matrixgames.com/products/676/details/Desert.War.1940-1942
  13. It's naive to think that this sort of thing is not "normal" in the ME (and other parts of the world). Weren't they killing oppos by power drilling into their heads just a few years ago in Iraq? Be happy you still live in the West (while the "West" still exists).
  14. It is really sad that new players are not given this sort of info when the buy a BF product. The Repository (and CMMODS) are essential to regularly check out if one wants to enjoy the full CM immersion experience.
  15. Am not familiar with the editor, but to sim/fake the ability of offboard HE to change targets could one have a large number of offboard guns but with limited ammo for each. Then set several guns to arrive every few minutes all the way thru the mission? Maybe sim a rolling barrage in this way??
  16. IIRC the 2nd mission in "Foiling Fustian" with Italians and German inf and vehicles was one of the best I have played.
  17. I have never been a fan of a CM-Vietnam. But, there are some CMSF scenarios that use mods for the African jungle and also Pacific and they were very enjoyable to play. So... hope you can design a comprehensive Pacific Area/Island mod that would be good for WW2 (as well as Vietnam and also modern re possible Chinese/Korean conflict).
  18. One of my relatives was a Major in Finland. I remember well when as a kid he took me to his dacha in the woods and showed me all the military weapons & ammo he and all the other troops had in their attics. Was impressed that they were ready to go at a moment's notice.
  19. Well... I suspect that the Brits would be the primary Allied country we would see simulated, since "they stood alone" for so long. IIRC they didn't commonly have 50 cal. Can't see folks wanting to play the Dutch, Belgians, Norwegians, French too much. Maybe Poles? Early war would also be most fun in N. Africa vs Rommel (b4 the US came in and ruined the fun). Am all for fun in the sun.
  20. Sorry about not getting feedback back to you after all the amazing work you (and other designers) have recently done. You must be frustrated. In my case I am going thru a particularly bad CM2 burn-out period and can't stomach playing CM at present. Playing Grigsby's WITPAE to give my brain a rest(!). Hopefully, I will be back in due course. But, it is disturbing that so few players or scenario testers seem to be left on these forums. I suspect we hobbyists have become fragmented over so many CM2 game "families". It's a bit ridiculous that we have players who only buy one or two families at most and therefore have very few others to talk or play with (at least from BF forums). The paucity of people in any one forum could end up killing the CM market. The great thing about CM1 was that we were all on one to three forums max and it was far easier to get enthusiastic testers and players. Hope that BF finds a way to consolidate all CM(3?) games in one compatible engine so we can once again have a lot more people on fewer forums.
  21. Um... "Early war" mean no Americans and their 50 cal. They always came in late as in WW1.
  22. Well the map is amazing of course. Hope a scenario will be made.
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