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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. When the hell is the coronation? 300 posts, and you olde doddering fools can't schedule a simple crowning? I'm sure Boo is willing to contribute some shiny baubles to make it look impressive. And when do we get to rip apart the old king? Nothing like fresh blood to stir things up... In other news, my wife rejected my first two choices of names for the new arrival: "Obso" and "Comp". Go figure.
  2. Meta-positronically phase-induced refraction reversed polarity speaking (hey it works for Geordy), you had nothing to do with it, old man. Like you can still make the plumbing work on a good day, let alone over long distance. It was good old-fashioned dutiful husband that did all the hard work. That, and a couple of pints of Guinness, for inspiration. The comfy bed helped, too. But I'm laying all the blame on wife Kristin. She attacked me. Like ravenous wolves, I tell you. I was set upon by a mad dervish, and fought to no avail. Well, I struggled a bit. Okay, I mumbled a few words of discouragement. Alright! I gave in. But I thought about resisting, I'll have you know.
  3. Jeez, you're supposed to be Death, right? Get out there and do whatever it is you do. Call in Pestilence if you must (kind of like exchanging one infestation for another, if you ask me), or better yet, War. Old man war is supposed to be pretty rough on the tanks, from what I've heard. edit: Damn UBB. Three years and I still hate it. [ October 27, 2003, 07:00 AM: Message edited by: R Leete ]
  4. Since you've waited until after I left before doing the sneak peak thing, it is only right and decent of you to come over here, and set one up in my living room. Two computers, already networked, await you. Oh, and flamingknives, I expect you to attend, as well. Plenty of libations and snacks will be provided, of course.
  5. Oh, get real Andreas. The only reason he hasn't, is because he spends so much time waving his hands around that he can't talk and type at the same time. I see you edited a post, too. The end times are upon us for certain.
  6. And I'm supposed to do this out of the goodness of my heart? Yeah, riight. How's about a revelation or two, first? You need to work on the whole (holy?) vengeful/smiting vs. wine/miracles thing, bub. Besides, what the heck does that make me? Da pimp to da god? Do I get to wear lots of gold chains and a big furry hat, too? No disrespect (again, yeah riight) but get your own chicks. And furthermore, gold chains and furry hats puts me in the same league as dalem. I'll not be setting myself up for that, thankyouverymuch. Small god, indeed.
  7. And I'm supposed to do this out of the goodness of my heart? Yeah, riight. How's about a revelation or two, first? You need to work on the whole (holy?) vengeful/smiting vs. wine/miracles thing, bub. Besides, what the heck does that make me? Da pimp to da god? Do I get to wear lots of gold chains and a big furry hat, too? No disrespect (again, yeah riight) but get your own chicks. And furthermore, gold chains and furry hats puts me in the same league as dalem. I'll not be setting myself up for that, thankyouverymuch. Small god, indeed.
  8. Oh, joy. A writing assignment. Get a squire, Olde Man. And do you have any idea of the price for fresh velum these days? Just how do you propose we get the budget passed with such porkbellied (er, sorry, can't get that last pic out of my mind) porkbarrel spending? To top it off, did you even read my post past the point of seeing your bolded name? I specifically mentioned stenographers. If you want any of us to take you the least bit seriously (hey, it could happen), you'd better start handing out the perks to the faithful. A bit of smiting of the naysayers (Joe Shaw) wouldn't hurt, either. [ October 20, 2003, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: R Leete ]
  9. Oh, joy. A writing assignment. Get a squire, Olde Man. And do you have any idea of the price for fresh velum these days? Just how do you propose we get the budget passed with such porkbellied (er, sorry, can't get that last pic out of my mind) porkbarrel spending? To top it off, did you even read my post past the point of seeing your bolded name? I specifically mentioned stenographers. If you want any of us to take you the least bit seriously (hey, it could happen), you'd better start handing out the perks to the faithful. A bit of smiting of the naysayers (Joe Shaw) wouldn't hurt, either. [ October 20, 2003, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: R Leete ]
  10. Is there no resolution to the Seanachai as a god issue? I'd like to propose that he is made one forthwith. Fanfare and pagentry (along with stenographers) should accompany. I shall explain: Terry Prachett (bolded out of respect for his work) wrote a very fine book entitled "Small Gods". In it, he explains that the various dieties derive their power from the number and fervor of their followers. The lesser known gods, with few supporters, weaken in response. Those that have fallen out of favor become mere shadows, with little or no power. Many, little known and no longer worshiped, wander off to the wastlands to dream of past glories. I believe this is the answer we've all been waiting for. Make The Gnome a god (or Gawd as the case may be), and ignore him. In due time, he wil lose any semblance of power or influence, and slink off. Never to be heard from again. It's a win-win situation, right? The pagentry and stenographers part should be evident to everyone, even dalem.
  11. Is there no resolution to the Seanachai as a god issue? I'd like to propose that he is made one forthwith. Fanfare and pagentry (along with stenographers) should accompany. I shall explain: Terry Prachett (bolded out of respect for his work) wrote a very fine book entitled "Small Gods". In it, he explains that the various dieties derive their power from the number and fervor of their followers. The lesser known gods, with few supporters, weaken in response. Those that have fallen out of favor become mere shadows, with little or no power. Many, little known and no longer worshiped, wander off to the wastlands to dream of past glories. I believe this is the answer we've all been waiting for. Make The Gnome a god (or Gawd as the case may be), and ignore him. In due time, he wil lose any semblance of power or influence, and slink off. Never to be heard from again. It's a win-win situation, right? The pagentry and stenographers part should be evident to everyone, even dalem.
  12. I'm back from the U.K. Damn, I missed all the fun with the Four Horsemen, well, three horsemen and a donkey guy. Kinda sounds like a movie, doesn't it? Probably better left unmade, that one. All on account of goat66? Maybe it's best I did miss it. Fair Dame Emma, I also missed you, and for that I apologize. We were only in your beautiful land for a short time, but it was a trip I shall not soon forget. Edinburgh is a lovely city. The views from the castle walls are not to be believed, they are so spectacular. I did get to meet Yeknodathon (not a thistle in sight), and it was worth the quote he made: "I like the setup portion of the game best; it's like flower arranging for men". Pathetic. I also got to try out some of the local tipples, namely Laphroaig, Lagavulin, Glenfiddich and another who's name escapes me. I tried to chose names I have heard bandied about on the forums, and hope I made the right choice. It's all rather daunting. Personally, I still prefer a pint of stout (Gotta love Guinness on tap) but I do agree they are fine examples of the brewer's art. I also brought home a bottle of mead, which I have not tried yet. To those I promised a bottle, it is now ready, and should be mailed soon. Have to get over the jet-lag and get to work. Bovington is just as sweet as it gets, with some very fine examples of big clankety things. There are even some arcade style games, where you "fire" a piat and a bren. Fortunately, there was no running involved, as there is not a tripod to be seen.
  13. I'm back from the U.K. Damn, I missed all the fun with the Four Horsemen, well, three horsemen and a donkey guy. Kinda sounds like a movie, doesn't it? Probably better left unmade, that one. All on account of goat66? Maybe it's best I did miss it. Fair Dame Emma, I also missed you, and for that I apologize. We were only in your beautiful land for a short time, but it was a trip I shall not soon forget. Edinburgh is a lovely city. The views from the castle walls are not to be believed, they are so spectacular. I did get to meet Yeknodathon (not a thistle in sight), and it was worth the quote he made: "I like the setup portion of the game best; it's like flower arranging for men". Pathetic. I also got to try out some of the local tipples, namely Laphroaig, Lagavulin, Glenfiddich and another who's name escapes me. I tried to chose names I have heard bandied about on the forums, and hope I made the right choice. It's all rather daunting. Personally, I still prefer a pint of stout (Gotta love Guinness on tap) but I do agree they are fine examples of the brewer's art. I also brought home a bottle of mead, which I have not tried yet. To those I promised a bottle, it is now ready, and should be mailed soon. Have to get over the jet-lag and get to work. Bovington is just as sweet as it gets, with some very fine examples of big clankety things. There are even some arcade style games, where you "fire" a piat and a bren. Fortunately, there was no running involved, as there is not a tripod to be seen.
  14. Roight! Off across the big pond to see clankety things and shooty things and various 'splody things up close and personal. Probably get to see some English and Scottish versions of pointy sticks, too. Let me revel in the fact that none of you nongs (except for Andreas, who is the king of nongdom) will be there. Luckily, Soddball has left the island, so I may make light of his questionable parentage behind his back. Rest assured, I will do my very best to further UK-USA relations, by explaining that Monty was a gamey bastard, and that Chruchill was simply a windbag (although he was a drunken windbag, so he does get extra points for that). I will also discredit the Spitfire vs. the ME-109. Lastly, I will make disparaging remarks concerning the Royals. Ought to make for some interesting disscusions, eh wot? While in the Tower of London, I shall imagine dalem and Seanachai in the assorted torture devices on disply. I shall be saddened by the reality that they are not actually in said devices. However, I shall take comfort in great quantities of English stouts and porters. Hopefully, the two weeks without internet access will give my mind a chance to regain some measure of sanity. It will also give all of you losers a free shot at me, with no chance of rebuttal. Use your time wisely. Oh hell. With you lot, wise is a term best left unsaid. You may proceed to seeth with envy and rage at my fortune.
  15. We can only hope that the circuitry interferes with Joe Shaw's pacemaker, or his batteries run down. dalem, are you wearing your official Star Trek shirt? Can it please be a red one, with you just about to beam down to a strange new planet? Be sure to all face in one direction, so you won't see the inevitable ambush waiting just off the flank.
  16. Is there anyone who is the least bit surprised that dalem has a toy phaser, or that he points it at his computer screen? Boo, hold on to your shorts. No, not short hairs, you disgusting oaf. I'll get it to you before I leave, promise. {you think he bought it?}
  17. You know? And who are these others in "we"? I think it's all just speculation, and groundless at that. You just "know", without any published material to back up this outlandish statement? I contend that you are wrong to make this point without endless irrelevant and utterly boring sources to back it up. Some Grog. Why can't you be more like the other Michael? He's so much more of a Grog than you'll ever be. And I'll bet he calls his mother more than you do, too.
  18. Yes, I do. Just practicing my MG impression. Actually, I have to reload ver1.02, and convert it. You'll get it soon enough.
  19. Yes, it is Dutch. The man from Pennsiltucky (is that how it's spelled?) should be familiar with it. But I'm also half English, being related to Whistler (the painter, not the pucker). And I am always suspect. It keeps poeple on their toes.
  20. Yeah, we respect the fact that you're about as "ethnic" as glow-in-the-dark midwestern whitebread can be.
  21. And you want to the doc because you were getting carpal tunnel in both wrists, right?
  22. You do that with the old Bard, and he'll invite himself in, and make himself at home. That includes stripping down to his skivvies. Trust me, nobody wants that.
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