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Everything posted by rleete

  1. My, my. Long winded old fart, isn't he? No wonder the newbies have so much crap to wade through. [ May 28, 2004, 07:59 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  2. Probes are the opposite of assaults. The attacker must be cautious and conservative to limit casualties.
  3. I don't see why not. My wife really enjoyed Bovington, except for the part where I decided for both of us to skip lunch. And I'm not sure about the suicidal part, but you are definitely a couple of sips short of a full pint!
  4. Boo, does the scenario Crodaburg ring a bell? Weeks of carnage, only to suddenly just end without warning? For that alone you should hate his very existence. I know I do.
  5. Andreas, when I was at Bovington, they had these "homegrown" books. About 6mm thick, and chock full of photos, especially close-ups. I bought the one on the Tiger, and I remember one other (on Stugs?). Do me a favor, and have a look at what is available. I'm interested on anything having to do with open-top SP guns or the early panzers. Drop me a line.
  6. Tomorrow is Saturday. Only losers work on weekends. Or prostitutes.
  7. flamingknives, say something witty. I have to change my sig.
  8. Not that dashing, unless you've gotten some plastic surgery in the past year!
  9. Oh lookie. It's pretending to use logic. They're so cute when they do that. Now get the hose, it's messed in the chair again.
  10. [serious]It has been brought to my attention that the comment I made on the previous page was a bit "over the top" concerning one of our newer members. It was never my intention to post anything that may be construed as being mean-spirited. I do hearby retract the statement, and apologize for any harm.[/serious] That said, Sturmy, you'll get a game when I finish the last one with Boo. Ask him when he thinks that's gonna happen! The phrase "hell freezes over" comes to mind.
  11. Why, are you a ketone? If you smell like model cement, I'm sure dalem would sniff you.
  12. D)In that case, I've got the biggest pair around. Wanna see? Your mother liked them, I assure you. U)All the ladies are wankeretes (except kitty, because of the leather pic), and all smell funny and perspire heavily. F)I challenge each and every one of you to a game. I am the best at CM there ever was, so I'm cooler than all of you. U)Sturmy is a fag. Damn. Okay, he's not! But everyone else is. S)How's that, Just-a-carrot junior? Did I miss any major rules?
  13. It's bad enough that JoeStill-a-poopyheadShaw would make him ASSistant just-a-cur for the week. Now you want to name the whole place after Boo?
  14. No it isn't. Whatever gave you that idea? Must be your browser settings. Try hitting ctrl-alt-del a couple of times, really fast. Oh, and Pop Kahn? It ain't a toy. Toys are for little kids who have yet to outgrow clankety things, big booms and lots of 'splody stuff. Okay, so it is a toy. Sue me.
  15. Don't mind me, just checking out the latest username. Paramicium gets taken to squire, and Seanachai hasn't picked up the renewable option on my squireship? Life is not fair, and because I'm not winning, it Sucks. Not "Joe doesn't send turns, so he sucks", nor Boo's crappy MSN bounces my email, so he sucks" or even "Berli is evil, so he sucks". I'm talking way more suckitude than that. Like as long as JasonC's posts are, and reading one more word would make your head explode, and the exploding goo would short out your keyboard, and the resulting fire would burn down the house, and it's raining, but not until the fire had burned through the roof, so you still get wet, and the cat needs food, but the refrigerator is burried under the rubble, and He won't stop yowling at you to feed him. That kind of sucks. [ May 06, 2004, 07:56 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  16. I don't think you're supposed to bold me anymore. According (or accordian, I can never remember which) to JoepoopyheadShaw, I'm back to SSN status. Which still puts me about a mile and a half ahead of his cranky old carcass. Hey! Maybe Seanachai will take me to squire again!
  17. I don't think you're supposed to bold me anymore. According (or accordian, I can never remember which) to JoepoopyheadShaw, I'm back to SSN status. Which still puts me about a mile and a half ahead of his cranky old carcass. Hey! Maybe Seanachai will take me to squire again!
  18. Oh, and Boggs? I seem to recall a certain post ammounting to "oops, forgot about sig files" or somesuch. Therefore, you are semi-immortalized here until someone else says something particularly funny (or, in this case, stupendously retarded).
  19. It was Seanachai's doing, blame him. I tried to get him to see the error of his ways, but you know him. And I'll have all you slack jawed one finger in the nose typists know that I removed the underbar between the R and L just to please the less dexterous amongst you. How I suffer the fools. As my wife and I were considering names for my yet unborn prodigy, I was concerned with some of the nicknames that might be applied. The wife said, "you know, they're just going to call him 'Leete' anyway, why bother with a first name?" So, in honor of this impeccable wisdom, I shall henceforth dispence with the "R".
  20. Shaw, you're a fecking idiot (NOTE the correct and TRADITIONAL syntax). May the little Boobird of crappiness drop on you. But, in spite of having to think about Olde Foul Joe, all is good. My nephew just announced that he has obtained the rank of Eagle Scout. Making it to Eagle has long been a tradition in my family, having been earned by both of my brothers and me. I, being superior, also earned the Bronze Palm (go ahead, laugh) as well as inducted into Order of the Arrow. Kind of like being voted top dog by fellow scouts. It takes a lot of work to make it to Eagle, and I salute my nephew in his accomplishment. BTW, being an Eagle kept my ass out of jail once, so it wasn't all for nothing!
  21. May your decals craze and peel. And I hope you have the runs like dollar store spray paint.
  22. Boo, you dolt. That was on purpose. Like "sumfink". It's traditional.
  23. Then why haven't you answered any of the email I sent you? Looser.
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