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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Jeez, ya think he stole those teeth from some old lady? Andreas, you could have picked a set that fits. Too big even for that gaping piehole.
  2. That's an open invitation if i ever heard one. Ladies, shall I set up a table for you over there?
  3. He is an idiot. He wasted perfectly good wine on you, when emptying the bottles and filling then with Boone's Farm would have sufficed.
  4. You pickled swine! If you're gonna do it, do it fecking right. We all know your're a loser, but you'll have to work to dig the hole that fanboy has made. I didn't see one mangled spelling, no punctuation errors, and you capitalized properly. Not a one. What a slacker. Now, get back there, and edit your posts. And this time, I want to feel the pathetic "nobody likes me" whine in your post. Oh, and a bit more clingyness. Suck up to a couple of other disliked trolls/losers, and commiserate. Procalim your superior intellect/morals/self esteem. All the while showing evidence to the contrary. We know you can do it, now make us proud.
  5. Uh, just a quick note on the mead. Guys (and you, too MrSpkr), I haven't forgotten you. It's just that I had a slight problem when I went to bottle the last of the batch. You see, I pulled a Shaw, and dropped a bottle. As much as I would like to have all of you drink broken glass, the chance that one of your better halves would want a taste was too great. That, and the chance that you might have insurance. Filtering it was just too risky, so I dumped it. However, good news is that the latest batch seems to be about ready. Hang on a couple more days, and it should be on it's way.
  6. Save it for the "buy a thirsty yank a beer when he visits fund". In about 3 weeks I'll be over to collect. Yeknodathon, did you get my email?
  7. Slight problem with the last batch. Hang on, I've got you covered.
  8. Dear Steve, I already sent you a bottle of mead. Worth a bloody fortune, as they are selling gnome size glasses of it at the local dress-up-like-a-fruit rennasance fair for three bucks a pop. Instead of guzzling it like the wino you are, a little private enterprise could have yeilded a tidy sum. Therefore, I cannot, in good conscience, help those who won't help themselves. Better luck next time, eh? That'll teach you to skimp on the squire's wages.
  9. You're all Nazis! Bloodsucking, hateful Nazis! You play a Nazi game, and you all wish you could slaughter babies by the dozen. Keeripes, what a mess. Over a damn week without web access, and this is what I come back to? Why haven't all you dunderheads piled on this latest forum disease? And if anyone knows anybody who is a hacker, slap them upside the head for me. Preferably with a large brick. Then kill the parents for letting them breed. Bastards messed up my machine but good.
  10. Okay, just for you, Josey. It's been changed, ya girly boy. Happy now? Twit. Breaking up your rhythm was the reason in the first place. Sheesh, denser than a Texas lawyer. Listen up, Foul One. The bard followed your damn rules as to conditions of serf, squire and kniggithood. Hell, he even tried to knight me several months earlier, and I refused! Maybe I wasn't as colorful with the AARs as you'd like. Sue me. I ain't going away (unlike your squires, who run screaming from you), and I'm making it my duty to annoy you.
  11. dalem, stop with the hippy love-fest on the GF, and let butthead's threads just die. Next thing you know, the slimeball will follow you in, and the Grue hasn't been seen for months.
  12. If it were a "Guiness", do you think I would be sending it off with narry a second thought? And yes, you shall see. All three of you. I am sending off the last of it, to make room for the new batch. P.S. Joe, you twit, I was annointed and made kniggit at the Ascension of King Meeks, long may he be gone. Do A Search, you ninny.
  13. I apologize for this. It's all my fault. You see, when Seanachai first returned from buggering moose north of the border(not that there's anything wrong...), I casually ((in a laid-back and totally Steve McQueen sort of way) (and innocently, I'm really completely innocent, donchaknow?)) quipped "so, they let you back in, eh?". Big mistake. Little did I know that this would trigger some latent too-long-and-oh-so-very-strange-fantasy story gene, burried in his twisted DNA. Let this be a warning to all of you who would exchange emails with the gnome. On the other hand (yes, that one. Go wash it, first.), it does seem to be keeping sure disgust us busy. Probably had to stop reading to let his lips rest. Trust a damn lawyer to either A)ignore what's posted right in front of his rather large, protruding-like-a-third-person-into-the-conversation nose or dolt) not be able to count (most likely). I specifically posted: "Just two bottles, and that's all folks." Did you not notice that you were a distant THIRD? Okay, so as not to appear as tightfisted as some around here (did someone say Joe Shaw?), I'll see what I can do. To the rest of you, bugger off, it's all I've got. Maybe next batch. Possibly the title of "Official brewer to the Cesspool" could be bestowed by some grating er, grateful Olde One?
  14. If you'd use the damn shotgun, we wouldn't have to worry about the SSNs in the first place. No Joe, you aren't pedantic. Not the brightest bulb, either.
  15. Okay, send me your home address, and I'll get it out sometime this week. One down, and other takers?
  16. Announcing the "get drunk on homemeade mead" givaway! You, too, can have some of the finest nectar from nature's bounty. Okay, so it's cat piss in a bottle. It has alcohol, and it's free. I was going to propose a contest, but that's been done. And heaven knows none of us want more versifying from this bunch of louts. So, here's the deal. I have two .75 liter bottles of ginger spiced mead, made by yours truely. Just two bottles, and that's all folks. If you are interested, post here. You must be a U.S. resident, as I am not sure of the implications of sending alcohol to another country. All I ask in return is that you tell me what you thought of it, good or bad.
  17. Yet again, a resident of Mini-snow-duh states the blatently obvious. Is there a point to your post?
  18. Why wait until Monday? We blame you now. dalem is responsible for getting Dame Emma banned. Stone him!
  19. Hey sureishotinAugust, get me a ride on Lars' plane, and you can have a game. That is a neat-o toy. Edited to add: How's that one, Joe? [ July 31, 2003, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  20. Old foul One, if anyone, for some unfathomable reason (brain-dead, perhaps), did try to show you a smidgen of respect (and not be laughing behind their hand), it would probably signify the end of the world. You should thank us for that comfort.
  21. Not that I'd care to admit. To those I'm currently playing: I upgraded to ver1.03, and forgot to save out the turns, first. Then I discovered that I no longer had the first patches. Must have been having a Seanachai moment. 56K DL is sloooow. Bear with my old cranky (Joe Shaw) machine.
  22. Is it gamey to tell your opponent you're gamey? Is it gamey to look like you're about to be gamey, and then not be? Is Lars more gamey because he uses foxpee, whereas Boo just wets himself? Inquiring minds want to know.
  23. Yay! Emma's Side! (I would have said "Yay!, Emma's front!", but I know just how all you heathens would have taken it. Welcome back, Lady. Your humble servants bow to you.
  24. One of the past locked threads. Someone was being a duoofus. They were discussing smegma of all things. I suppose they have to "stick" with what they know.
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