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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Axe, Ace. No difference, both wafflers beneath notice.
  2. That was ages ago, Gyrene. Things are just dandy. Drink up.
  3. [Arnold voice]Axe, you should not drink and post.[/Arnold voice]
  4. [Arnold voice]Axe, you should not drink and post.[/Arnold voice]
  5. Wow, if that's the post, I wonder what's so risque that it has to be sent via email? I'm waiting YK2!
  6. What the heck is this, tag-team posting? lenakonrad, I see you read (or are reading) Mort. Damn fine book. Boggs, I said you wern't innocent. I never said (and probably never will) that you are sane. I'd sooner claim that Berli was nice.
  7. lenakonrad I can believe. Besides, it's bad luck to argue with a crazy person. But from everything I've heard, You should have been locked up since conception. Innocent, you ain't.
  8. Edited to remove the evidence. Not to protect the innocent, as none of you lot were ever innocent. [ March 06, 2004, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: R Leete ]
  9. If you feel the need to sing, child, do it via private e-mail.
  10. Nunna nunna nunna nunt, Nunna nunna nunna nunt, Nunna nunna nunna nunt, Clap clap clap clap. Nunna nunna nunna nunt, Nunna nunna nunna nunt, Nunna nunna nunna nunt, Clap clap clap clap. The chicken dance. Hope that rattles around in your head all day.
  11. Yes, Alex. I'll take whiney songs for $100.
  12. And, the award for the most clueless post by an experienced senior ka-niggit goes to JOE SHAW! Yes, it's been a tough contest, neck and neck all the way. But our very own Shaw finally pulled it out with that last post. Congratulations to Joe on a well fought victory. Hey Just a Carrot, check out Dame Kitty's sig file. Dolt.
  13. I make all nice like, and you try and get me crucified? No thanks! I saw what they did to Meeks. And some of them like him. A little anectdote from my past: I remember when my wife started to gain back a lot of the weight she'd lost before our wedding. She was upset, thinking I might not find her as attractive. In my oh-so-subtle way, re-assured her by saying, "I asked you to marry me when you were fat, didn't I?" Easier to laugh about it now that the scars have healed some.
  14. Hey all you self professed fatsos: Quit smoking after 20+ years, and tell me how bloated you look and feel. Jeez, it's only about 6 extra pounds (plus the 10-12 I should have lost before that), but you'd think is was 20 or more from the strained shirt buttons. Dame Kitty, Nothin' wrong with a little extra cushion on a lady. Fills out the curves, and separates the real women from the little girls.
  15. I think that has got to be the most disgusting thing ever posted in the MBT, including all of Seanachai's posts.
  16. Show us your boobs! Show us your boobs! Huh? What's that? Speak up, man! Stop shushing me, of course she'll hear. Why not? She did say all the rules, plain as day. No, I haven't been drinking. Well, why not that one? It is one of the rules. Oh, come on. Who says? No, that's plain silly. Why would she want to see...Oh, hell, not him. No, that's just gross. I just wanted...oh, now you're being vulgar. Damn aussies, no class at all.
  17. Posting at that time, you should feel like a useless tit (right or left matters little). As in "the rest of the world is getting ready for work while I babble" type of daft. The last thing I want to do is read your spew before I go out the door towards 8 hours of under-appreciated toil. If you're going to be up in the wee hours of the day, best you use them to advantage, and brew the coffee for the rest of us. Now, I have a serious question, based on the following: Was there not sarcasm in at least one of his more notable posts there? {my personal fav is the one about 1/3 down page 11} Or, is it possible I am confusing some other literary device used as being sarcasm? Of course, it has just now occured to me that I may be missing the point entirely, and that this could be sarcasm directed at me. Either way, would someone here enlightem me? P.S. Feifdom is troll heaven. Mentioned just to annoy The Bard one more time.
  18. Has anyone noticed MrPeng ranting at the idiocy of the gay marriage thread? Damn near like old time, I tell you. Not quite the vitrol I remember, but the sarcasm is still there.
  19. I believe it was MrPeng himself. He and Iskander (of squishy fruit fame) and a couple of other old timers were there.
  20. I give up on all the whiney, back stabbing ass munchers over there. Edit: I'm going to be a major pain in the butt. Expect attacks with no logic at all. [ February 28, 2004, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: R Leete ]
  21. Emma, you convinced dalem to return, and killed off my very lucrative cash cow. I demand restitution! I'm a gonna get a lawyer, I am. [ February 27, 2004, 07:41 PM: Message edited by: R Leete ]
  22. I gotta go to the in-law's for the weekend, so it'll last at least that long just to torture me.
  23. Just as long as there aren't any of those damn camels hanging from your lips! Filthy habit.
  24. I followed the restoration process pretty closely. I've actually been in touch with a couple of the guys who did some of the work, and they made for me some great sketches that I am using to create my version of the Tiger. Anyway, from the restoration site comes the following quote: "Watching, as the turret came to rest upon the hull it was interesting to see that there was no appreciable change to the suspension. It remained as solid as ever despite all the extra weight." It is from this web page, where you can purchase one of the pics. So, I doubt you could add much in the way of crew, supplies fuel or even ammo that would change the suspension all that much. Seeing as everyone is oogling the Bovington pictures, you can help support this wonderfully dedicated group by purchasing soemthing from the museum website. A few bucks now might mean the difference between a running MkIV and just a static display.
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