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Rocky Balboa

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Everything posted by Rocky Balboa

  1. Great tale!! Perhaps you should write for a living? I also like your sig as well. "If dogs could talk they wouldn't be welcome in our bedrooms either"
  2. My understanding is that you will need to finish the game using the demo. Of course as Nidan1 has said you can always try it out when you get the full game to verify if this is correct. You should use caution when trying this as it may appear to work correctly at first but cause unpredictable results later. Worst case you will still be able to complete your game by using the demo and I think this is the safest approach. I know swapping back and forth will be a temporary pain but it may be necessary. On a related issue this goes for patches and updates as well. From past experience with CMSF I know that you can never be 100% sure that saved games will be compatible with previous save games. So plan on finishing all games before applying any patches. Hope this helps to clarify...
  3. I see, sorry for the misunderstanding... If you both start the game using the demo then you can still finish it using the demo, no need to have the full game at all. Hope this helps.
  4. This has been asked before and I'm pretty sure the answer is no ... If you have the full game and want to play a friend that only has the demo then you will also need to use the demo. Both the full game and the demo will install on your PC.
  5. So if the production cost of the game is $55 then are you saying $60 for hard goods is too cheap? By your logic BF should be charging $80-$100 for the pre-orders. The way I look at it, the production costs are $55 and BF is giving me a sweet deal by selling the hard goods for $5 more. That must be why I jumped on the pre-order the first day.
  6. Yes I realized this after making my first post. What obviously triggered the AI behavior was the inability to fire the zook from inside the building. Obviously they would have stayed put and fired from the building if they could have.
  7. They'll get around to adding TCIP/WeGO eventually. When they do I'd like to see a timer feature option for each turn. Players decide up front how much time they will have to plot each turn, viewing the replay uses the same timer so if you spend too much time viewing the replay then you have less time to plot your moves. When the timer reaches 0 then battle calc begins.
  8. The only AI issue I have had so far and its really not the AI's fault because technically it was trying to do what I told it to do. Thinking that I had found a break in the bocage I order a squad to an adjacent field. They proceeded to jog around the entire field looking for a way to complete the move. Of course they only made it about half way before they were slaughtered. Had I been playing RT then I could have stopped them before they got gunned down (providing I was paying attention and not distracted with something else). A better solution would be to add an indicator to the waypoint plot (maybe a red X or a red line over an area that would show block movement).
  9. My gut feeling is that blowing a whole in bocage with a (75-88mm) main gun in CMBN is not equal to blowing a whole in a wall with (120-125MM) main gun in CMSF. I think you'll waste a lot of ammo doing this. I've fired lots of 75mm HE at bocage in the demo and I've yet to knock a hole in it.
  10. It depends for me. I prefer to play WEGO but I also like playing RT when I want to play a quick game with a Platoon or less of infantry and maybe 1-4 supporting vehicles. A larger force usually requires me to play WEGO. I know I can play RT with a larger force and just hit pause a lot but I don't get to watch the replays and if you've followed my thread concerning TAC AI Goodness then you'll understand why I love the replays so much.
  11. Details: I was playing the US side against German AI. If you've played Closing the Pocket then you know the drill. The Germans normally assault the town up the middle through the field with trees and hedgerows around it. I had not issued any orders at all to any of the infantry in the town. The Germans brought up 2 AC's to support their assault across the field and the AC's were very effective at laying down suppressive fire. The AT team consisted of 4-5 men and it was probably the whole squad and not just a team. The US infantry in this scenario begin the game with 70% losses and I'm pretty sure they had taken some casualties already as the building they were in had been under fire from the AC's. I was watching the replay and at first I thought the AT team was routing away from the building but they showed no sign of suppression. They ran across the road to the church and laid down next to a stone wall facing the axis of attack. The location they chose gave them a perfect keyhole position between 2 buildings to one of the AC's. They starting firing their bazooka and on the 3rd round scored a hit on one of the AC's. I suppose you might believe that they were routing and were just lucky enough to stop at a perfect firing position but it didn't look that way to me. To looked to me like a very well planned and executed tactical maneuver by the AT team. My guess is the Tac AI logic new that the bazooka couldn't be deployed from within the building so it exited the building then searched for and found a location from which to fire the bazooka. Details like this are what really makes the game great. With the level of detail already in the game I really can't wait to see what they have in store for the future of this franchise. Great Work Guys !!!
  12. Last night while playing Closing the Pocket I witnessed one of my AT teams exit a house where they had no eyes on a target, cross a road and set up a firing position next to a stone wall by a church. From their new vantage point, they proceeded to launch zooka rounds at a target ~ 100 yards away until they finally took it out after about 3 rounds. All this was done without me issuing any orders at all. Pretty impressive I would say. Of course the down side is that if they had gotten mowed down in the street some players might be cursing the AI for doing something so stupid. From my standpoint its a testament to the game that we would even have that discussion at all.
  13. If I saw a TC standing in a hatch I would take a shot at him, especially if I thought I had a descent chance to hit him. If he was manning a 50 and could return fire quickly should I miss .... Well then I might have to think harder about making that shot ... In either case I would shoot and scoot pretty quickly ....
  14. In hindsight that might have been the prudent course of action, however not without its pitfalls as well. Being engrossed in CMBN the way I was, if I had paused the game to perform my husbandly duties and then at some inopportune time screamed out "Incoming!!!" .... Well the outcome might have been far worse
  15. Yes I like the in game music as well. The only one I might change is the ending battle song.
  16. Yes much too late to add a feature like this but BF said they would be redesigning the UI in the next major release. Still not sure its worth the effort although I don't play RT so you RT guys may need something like this. Here's a tip that may help: Click on a icon of any unit then hit TAB key. This will center the camera behind that unit and its a pretty quick way of moving around the battle field.
  17. Look in the manual, The vehicles included in CMBN were the most common vehicles used by US and Germans during the Summer of 44 .... Later modules will include Commonwealth vehicles and later variants as well as some of those seen less frequently. Of course if you want all that goodness you'll have to buy all the modules.
  18. A new laptop!!... That's the ticket .... Hey maybe I can get her interested in CMBN and then we can spend many happy hours playing MP and live happily (with CMBN) ever after ???? Naaah never mind, that'll never work ....
  19. Last night my wife gave a wink and a smile and asked if I would come to bed early. My inclination was to play one more turn and retire. Needless to say some 20 turns and 2 hours later she was asleep with all intentions of staying that way. This morning the reception was cool to say the least .... Oh well BF, I hope your happy .... I know I am
  20. Try using both ... the can of air blows said crud into the air and the strategically placed vac hose sucks it up worth with ...
  21. Thanks for these, I'll definitely use the Vera Lynn song for end of battle ....
  22. The demo will keep me occupied through the weekend but a first of next week full release would be sa-weet
  23. Just finished my first play of "Road to Berlin". Total Allied Victory on veteran/wego settings. Allied losses were 15 men Killed, 7 wounded and 1 tank destroyed. Secured the farm and crossroads. The Sherman was lost to a long shot from a schreck. The AT gun never really caused me any problems, I took him out fairly early with a 60MM mortar. One thing I learned about the AI in CMBN is that its viscous with indirect fire. Most of my casualties came from indirect fire so I learned to keep my infantry moving. If you get pinned down or stay in one position for too long chances are you'll receive a surprise falling from the sky. Watch for the spotter rounds and get the heck out of dodge when you think he's lining you up for a pounding. Of course playing WEGO makes this difficult sometimes when the spotter rounds come in at the beginning of a turn and you have to wait until the next turn to react. All in all a great scenario ND, I really had a blast.
  24. Don't think it has anything to do with the ATI card, My win 7 64 bit is doing the same thing but I'm using an integrated Intel chip for video .... Yuck I know but not my normal gaming rig ...
  25. I'm playing the demo and all I have to say is you guys have really done a great job. I've played CMSF and perhaps its just the addition of the temperate environment but the improvements you've made really shine. So far I've found no issues and its just a joy to play. once again its absolutely awesome.
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