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Rocky Balboa

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Everything posted by Rocky Balboa

  1. My obviously superior skills of reasoning and deduction tells me that the demo must be released tonight. The human one who speaks for BF said the demo would be released two days before the full game. He also said that a weekend release is a bad idea so tonight it must be... Yes it will be tonight .... Does it feel cold in here to anyone???
  2. No doubt he has the demo and is testing it but me thinks he has no idea when it will be released any more than the rest of us monkeys ....
  3. Refresh Monkey reporting for duty!!! I would suggest you should all wait until my download has completed ... That is all
  4. If BF ever gets around to adding temperate terrain and 1980's TO&E to CMSF then you will be able to build your own Falkland's battles.
  5. Could also mean that demo release is two days before tomorrow or the day before today with the actual release being three days after yesterday.
  6. I'm guessing the next major release will be East Front ...
  7. Poor sod has lost all track of time .... Lucky for him he has us!
  8. You want to see bitter I'll show you bitter!!! Release game now! You have been warned .....
  9. Refresh ... Refresh ... Refresh ... ZZZzzzzz ... Refresh ... Refresh ... zzzZZZZ ... Uhhh... Can't ... Keep ... Going ... much longer .... need ... game ... zzzzzzzzz
  10. This for me is the fundamental difference in the 2 styles of play. Some players just want to give general orders and leave it up to the AI to decide the best way to get there. Others like to micromanage and tell a unit exactly how to get to there destination including every turn and even what door to enter through. The former style is more prevalent with the RT crowd as they don't have time to micromanage. Some also believe this is a more realistic way to give orders. Early in CMx2 the tact AI handled this very poorly (IMO) recently however, the AI is better able to select a very suitable path though not always what you might expect. The later style is more prevalent with the WEGO'ers as we like to tell our squads exactly which way to go and exactly what to do. This usually leads to some complicated move orders filled with lots of waypoints. The great thing about the CMx2 engine is that you can feel free to mix and match each command style. I primarily play WEGO but I find myself issuing more general orders now because I'm more confident that the AI will make the right choices. One thing that will be interesting to see is if the AI can be tweaked (in later games) to simulate less experienced squads/units. For example, as the experience level of a unit decreases then there will be an increased chance that the AI will do something totally unexpected. This would require a commander to micromanage his inexperienced troops in a more realistic manner while feeling confident that he can issue more general orders to his more experienced troops. This puts a whole new meaning to the term "Herding Cats"
  11. Absolutely, release the demo early if possible and take an extra week to get the game polished up. Make it happen #1 ...
  12. Believe me, you don't even want to go there. Just be thankful that trenches and foxholes remain invisible until they are spotted. The alternative would look better but function not so much...
  13. In RL as in the game, the procedure for calling down indirect fire for a 60MM motar is no different than directing a battery of 105's. The advantage to a 60 as far as speed goes, is its ability to spot for itself. When the mortar team can see its target it can fire and adjust very quickly. When its fire is being directed by an FO then the procedure is the same. Also once a round is fired the 60MM mortar rounds can reach the target quicker because the distance to target is shorter.
  14. Great job on the excellent vids. Now, I request that you encourage your fellow beta testers to try their hand at making some similar video content because If I have to wait another 21 days before I can get my hands on this game I'm going to be a basket case. BF please be merciful and don't prolong this agony any longer than necessary.
  15. That's your opinion dude, my toaster makes toast just fine, nothing needs to be changed. Just because you think only real toast must have grill marks on it doesn't mean my toaster is fatally flawed. I can make toast in a minute, how long would it take for you to make toast on a grill? In addition you've got to stand there and watch your toast just to make sure it doesn't burn, How is that fun? Leave my toast alone thank you very much.
  16. If you weren't trying to say it then why did you? Do you honestly think coming into a company's forum and using words like amateurish would not be taken as being a troll? No I suspect you wanted a response and you got one so don't act like Steve's response was so out of line. These guys have poured there lives into making this game and if you don't like it then that's fine you can choose to buy it or not but when you use inflammatory rhetoric on this forum, don't be surprised when your called on it.
  17. Asking about features or asking for features if done in the proper manner and proper context is not considered trolling. Saying that the game is broken or worthless without feature xyz is not needed or welcome. Everyone has their own opinions on what is necessary, just because CMBO had a certain feature doesn't mean that CMBN should have that feature as well. BF has a limited amount of resources and in the final analysis their opinion is the only one that matters as they have much more riding on the success of the game than anyone else.
  18. Tyrspawn, If I haven't said it before I will say it now, your time and effort in providing these vids are much appreciated. I've spent a good amount of time watching and re-watching what you have already posted and your narration is enjoyable and enlightening. We are all just so eager to get our hands on this game that its kind of like a feeding frenzy and our rudeness comes out when we can't get what we want.
  19. Regardless of what happened to that tank in the video and we wont really know until we get the game in our hands, but the truth is that armor close assaulting dismounted infantry as we saw in the video is just a bad idea. In most real world situations, if a tank puts itself in that position with no infantry support of its own to protect it, its going to get taken out. Based on what I saw, this appears to be correctly simulated in the game. If anything needs to be adjusted in the game, its the AI logic that allows tank commanders to just drive up to dismounted infantry without any suppression fire. Infantry taking out tanks with greandes, MC, satchel charges or whatever didn't happen that frequently because tank commanders didn't get close enough to dismounted infantry to let it happen. Why do you need to get close when you can just stand back and pound with HE or MG fire right?
  20. Nada!!! because we'll be playing and you wont ...
  21. Ouch that looks like something out of a Dr. Who episode ....
  22. To be honest, I'm glad that infantry isn't completely vulnerable to tank rushes. Armor should be cautious around dismounted infantry especially if they have no infantry support of their own. I know the AI does the best it can but a savvy player would not have rushed those buildings with tanks alone. Stand back and level the building with HE then advance with one tank while another provides over watch.
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