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Rocky Balboa

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Everything posted by Rocky Balboa

  1. Looking at the number of reply's and views to this thread, and its still only turn 4. :eek: I'm predicting this one will surpass the size of the previous AAR threads by a wide margin.
  2. Hah saved by a tree, that's what I call razor thin but your love for the evergreens pays off!! Unfortunately the US still has the advantage. At this range you must maneuver to try and set up flanking shots. He can pretty much hunker down and wait for you to move hoping to observe your movements and get a shot off before you can.
  3. You killed an M-10? I don't recall reading that in your battle reports ... hmmmm since you've let the cat out of the bag, it looks like you owe us another installment. Pictures please or it didnt happen
  4. I think this battle is far from over, and I'm guessing we will see evidence that the Sherman isn't the "Super Tank" that the first 4 minutes of this fight might indicate. Sitting on the edge of my seat for this one .... Is it April yet?
  5. Here's another good club that been around for a while, it caters to CMX1, CMSF, CMBN when it is released, as well as several other popular games. http://www.theblitz.org/
  6. Would be interesting to see how well the PZIV's survive against the standard US AP rounds (M79). What is the Ammo load out for the Sherman's in this scenario? How many rounds of APCBC (M62) vs standard AP rounds (M79) vs HE rounds does each one carry?
  7. After playing CMSF for the last 3+ years and the almost clinical nature of the one shot one kill 21st century battlefields, I'm really looking forward to CMBN and all the drama that these old warhorses bring to the table.
  8. This! From a tactical standpoint, when I have tanks that absolutely need to traverse through close terrain, (ie.. terrain that restricts or confines movement and or observation along a narrow path) and there is no other way to go around said terrain then it is always best to screen the area with soft skinned two legged bullet stoppers first. This would always be preferable to a TC in a hatch with an MP ..
  9. While the results I'm seeing from the current AAR do raise an eyebrow, it's by no means a complete surprise. I have always held the opinion that the M4 was an even match against a PZIV. Now an M4 against a PZV or a Tiger is another matter.
  10. It’s great that there are so many variables built in the spotting algorithms. I just found it strange that in his write up, Bill was taking hits but apparently wasn’t spotting who was firing. If this is just an isolated incident then yes I can buy your “maybe they were looking the other way” explanation. In any case I was just making an observation on this and it wasn’t meant to be a blanket statement unless of course it becomes a blanket problem.
  11. Bill, I noticed all the German tanks where unbuttoned so they should have had a slight advantage in spotting the M4's. Did the US M4 platoon that you first engaged arrived buttoned up or unbutton? Does there appear to be an adequate advantage to having your crew unbuttoned as opposed to buttoned up? Really enjoying the AAR so far, excellent job.
  12. Yes and you'll probably have to re-post it another 3 times until this game is released . I mean its still a month or more away, what are we supposed to do with ourselves? Wait don't answer that!! :eek:
  13. Buildings catching fire by means other than flame producing weapons is more an issue of game balance imo. Yes if it happens then the mechanics need to be modeled realistically but if it happens is not nearly as important as when it happens. If it occurs too frequently in game then it becomes a gamey feature that can ruin the tactical aspects of the game. If it only happened very rarely historically, then you have to ask is it worth spending the development time to get the mechanics working correctly? Add to this the variables involved because some buildings should naturally (and possibly unnaturally) catch fire easier than others. So how do you make that determination in the game to make sure that it happens enough to please some players but not too much to be annoying to others?
  14. On the main page you should see a "New Thread" button.
  15. Yeah, human v human is where its at if you want a challenge although don't discount the realism of playing against the AI. Lots of crazy stuff happens in war due to poor leadership, bad training and miss communicated orders. All of these things can sometimes be experienced when playing against the AI. Although I've also seen plenty of boneheaded moves made by human opponents and even made a few myself.
  16. Nice hijack attempt ... and oh yeah I agree 100% btw
  17. I don't think the A3E2's made it in time for the Normandy Campaign and if not mistaken the need was so great for an up armored Sherman that 3rd Army field modified many A2 models after the breakout to add extra armor. This made them roughly the equivalent of a Jumbo.
  18. I've bought a good bit off of steam and I like the service. You can get some really good deals if your willing to wait and watch but like most things I'm sure its not for everyone. When Martin says they've looked at it and it doesn't fit then I trust they know what there doing and it sounds like they might add some steam like features in the future. A battle finder service and removing the download limits would awesome. As for the Metal Box edition of CMBN, its nice but the digital download works just as well for me. The main reason I bought the pre-order was to support BF and to make sure I can start downloading on day one.
  19. I believe these are the modules that will be included in CMBN. 1. Commonwealth (Brits and Canucks / German SS) 2. Market Garden (should include at least updated US & Brit Airborne, Updated Brit 30 XXX, Polish Abn.,Updated German TO&E, new Holland terrain) 3. Battle Pack (Catch all.. rare vehicles, guns and TO&E not included in the first 2 Modules).
  20. You can use a program like Hamachi to network yourself and friends together and share files. However you will need to save at the end of each turn then exit from the game and transmit files to your opponent. I suspect that saving, exiting and restarting the game is the part your friends would object to.
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