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Everything posted by grunt_GI

  1. Yea, that's my challenge, I am usually passing through, so it is hazardous and time consuming to dismount, clear, and remount to continue on. I was playing the German Campaign of CMSF and ran into just this situation, how to clear an obvious nest of infantry with ATGMs without losing too many Marders. I did not do well....but may tinker around with using dismounted infantry and a lot of overwatch firepower to suppress the buildings were bad guys likely are.
  2. So here's a question that ALWAYS vexes me in MOUT scenarios...Mount or Dismount? I assume with APCs like BTRs it's better to dismount, but what about Bradleys or Marders or even Strykers? Is it better to leave the infantry mounted until the last possible moment or clear the streets with dismounts and the IFV or tanks as overwatch?
  3. This is great. I try and think ahead and plan but usually overlook something or blunder into a mess I should have avoided. Thanks for this.
  4. Thanks for this discussion. I am always trying to perfect my MOUT abilities as they are my favorite scenarios. Most of my attempts involve large amounts of gunfire and casualties. This will be a big help.
  5. THANKS SO MUCH. Just downloaded and installed. As always, a magnificent effort. Much appreciated...makes things so much easier to see and keep up with for my rotten eyesight. If I only used one mod for these two games...this would be it. Well done. Cheers
  6. Hey IG Looks like you are a movie star!!! TF Spartan Resolve makes the BFC movie channel on YouTube.. I can hear it now: "I wanna thank my director, my producer...and most of all my pixeltruppen.... I love you all!!"
  7. So I got around to playing your Kumeiky Engagement! scenario. A lot of fun in a small package...needless to say, it was a knife fight in a phone booth...neither AFV lasted long...about 3 minutes and both were toast...then just a straight up infantry brawl. This would be a great little QB map for some company level infantry battles...especially at night...so many little alleys and buildings to sneak around in. Thanks for making this.
  8. Wow, these look great...would love to play your CMBS Ambush scenario if you get around to it. Would love to play a common scenario across all the games to see the differences in armies, weapons, and time periods. Thanks much for these.
  9. Second mission also great. Looks like we got us a convoy. ===================== Spoilers: There I was fat, dumb and happy till I got a Panther stuck in the mud. Argh. Then when I sent two squads to secure my supply route. Blamo.. They run into a horde of T-34s... Argh. So many tanks. So few Panzerschrecks and Panzerfausts. Oyyy. Managed to hold the hill but not my supply route. Still got a minor victory. Not looking forward to the final night battle. Not at all.
  10. Looking forward to this the 2nd go round..... quick question..the mods in the included folder that have modtag or modtag1...those are just for this campaign right? So, those shouldn't "interact"...if that's the right word with any other mods..only when I play this campaign right? I nixed some of the sound mods because I thought they might interfere with my current sound mods...
  11. OH YEA, Can't wait for this...awesome....
  12. Just finished first mission with Total Victory... Absolutely, JuJu, Veins, and Panzermikes mods are fantastic...the scenary, especially the German trench lines and fortifications are nothing short of spectacular..... In particular JuJu's UI mods are also very nice for my 50 year old eyes...keep up the good work.... The first mission was tough, but not impossible...I was really nervous... +++++++++++MINOR SPOILER++++++++++++++++ As the old saying goes..."One German is as good as 2-3 Russian soldiers...but they always have a 4th." So freakin' true...I was throwing every unit I could to fill gaps in my line and keep the horde out of my trench line....kept looking for an attack from my rear...figured you might spring something like that. Even so, the Russians kept trying to overlap my lines...just managed to plug the holes while raining down mortars on them....SO MANY Infantry... But since it was only a probing attack ..I expect waves of tanks on the second scenario...hope those Panthers can stop them...I lost a lot of guys in that first attack...probably too many machine guns...argh...will see how we fare on the second mission. Well done...I don't play a lot of CMRT...this might get me back into it...
  13. Hey Imperial Grunt...since Kieme has made most of the best CMBS mods anyway, why not downsize your file to just the specific tagged mods and let folks use Kieme's links? I know you have some sound mods and such as well, but Kieme's mods really do make CMBS better....and if you like sound mods, maybe you could just provide a list and guys that want them can search for them.... I was fortunately able to download and unzip everything using my trusty iMac, but it was a monster....looking forward to this...thanks for all your hard work...
  14. Thank you THANK YOU for the updated UI...especially the white text and white vehicle passenger dots. You and JuJu are the two guys who brought me out of my mod shell...and my games have definitely have been better for it. I will now consider your terrain, UI, and building mods standard on my CMBS. WELL DONE!
  15. Howdy, dragonwynn, sorry I haven't gotten back to you in a while...long week. Just finished Operation Hammer. WOW, just WOW. Spoilers below ---------------------------------------------- So, here's my big picture $.02. I don't want to keep you waiting. I have some other CM projects that i want to work on so I thought I would give you my overall impression of the 6 scenarios I have played so you aren't waiting on me...not sure how much other feedback you have gotten recently. BLUF: This is going to be an incredible campaign, which I will highly recommend to all CMBS players. As you said in your intro it has a LARGE variety of tactical problems to suit everyone. The force mix, objectives, and AI for each scenario is very well thought out and will be a challenge for players of all skill levels. Maps: I don't know if you made them (BIG KUDOS) or modified stock QB maps (still big kudos), but either way, they were great, and geography is a definite factor in many of these scenarios. I am NOT a map maker at all, so if you did use stock maps, good on you...should demonstrate what a great scenario and/or campaign can be made with the 330 QB maps included with the game...I mean 330 maps, who would need to make more, unless you love to? One thing to warn players about....some of these scenarios ARE FREAKIN HUGE...I have never controlled multiple battalions in any CMx2 scenario, so if you are a control freak, prepare for some LONG orders sessions....and make sure you have the computer horse power..I have sorta figured out how to navigate in RT on some of these, but it takes patience. One thing I really liked is the scenarios with multiple Blue Forces....it is interesting to see how American vs Ukrainian (Latvian, Polish etc) units and vehicles stand up to Russians....I haven't played a lot of the mixed campaigns/scenarios in CMBN/CMFI, but am now looking forward to it. One minor whine.. ...I think scenario designers in CMBS may not realize how overwhelming the predatory artillery and air strikes can be. It is one of my pet peeves when the Germans hammer me at the beginning of CMBN or CMFI scenarios, but wowza, CMBS takes this to a whole new level. Especially when you have a fairly small map or restrictive setup zones which really magnify the power of those air burst munitions. I think some beginner or average players (me) can be intimidated by losing 25 or 30% of their force before the Russians even show up....it is realistic, but makes a tough tactical problem nearly impossible. That may be great for players who like that, but I think there's a fine line. My only complaint, which I will probably make a lot...cuz I hate artillery...unless it's mine, of course. Overall, this is a very well done campaign---great back story, interesting tactical problems, and a great campaign tree to reward success and punish failure...well done...thanks very much for the opportunity to play test and provide feedback. I am really looking forward to the final version.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That scenario was incredible. I never worried about a game clock so much...like I could hear the transports bringing those brave Polish paratroopers to the hot DZ. And of course, I knew I should have hammered all those tree lines with more arty/air...2LT mistake...but DAMN, those tank battles were awesome...like an old fashioned cavalry duel...love, love M1A2s.... Secured the DZ with about 2 minutes to spare...well more or less secured...the Poles had to finish off a couple of pesky T-90s and BMPs Declared cease fire a little early...secured a draw, which was surprisingly happy for me...I only secured the drop zones..almost had the Russian Headquarters, but didn't secure the other objectives...wiped out a crap ton of Russian tanks and AFVs though... What a full scenario. Can't really say much else. Thought this was awesome...so much going on...well done. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  16. Well, I would come up with a backstory for the B Coy commander, but I guess that would be pointless now, huh? Anyway, just finished Turn 15...good luck to D Coy... Interested to see how this turns out? I can still watch turns right, just Quit when I'm done?
  17. v1.8------support of the new versions for CMBN v3.11 as well as CMRT v1.01 to v1.03 has been added. Also, handling of cases where a scenario or campaign for CMBN requires either the Commonwealth module or the Market Garden module has now been added. Head on over to GreenasJades place and pick up v 1.8...that should solve your problem. I have used 1.8 with no problem... http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5426/details LOTS of good stuff there.
  18. Just finished this campaign...fully modded with Aris, Pat TaL and Juju's Mods...absolutely outstanding visuals...almost like watching a Band of Brothers' episode. Eked out a minor victory...very satisfactory for only my 4th or 5th campaign. Well done...highly recommended for beginning players or someone who has never played a full campaign...14 missions of various difficulties..all very authentic and with a great back story as well.
  19. Wow, just started Bear at the Gates. Damn, that scenario is a monster...as in...I play real-time 99% of the time...and WOW, that is a HUGE scenario...I thought my computer was in syrup...and I have a pretty state of the art iMac, I just bought this year...I could barely move around the battlefield. Switched over to turn based...much better control, but it takes a FAIR amount of time to resolve each turn...needless to say with my CM ADHD, will provide full report on that battle later. It looks like a bloodbath...another wave of tanks rolling in...I just wish those stinkin' Latvian ATGMs could do something... May switch to another scenario...get back to you on this...hopefully players will have the hardware to handle this beast.
  20. Great news on the Campaign/Scenario Pack for CMBN...and all the other goodies. GEEK question...I have put off buying the CMBN vehicle pack because didn't really care for "funnies"...however, I do remember that the Vehicle Pack also had the 3.10 patch in it... NOW that I have my CMBN all patched up to 3.11 which I assume many players do...does that Vehicle Pack still contain that patch? Will that mess up anything? Reason I ask is I did the regular Mac 3.11 patch and it was a disaster...had to spend 3 days on tech support before your guy cleverly figured out that the Mac version did not install the 3.10brz file which I had to download and manually install...only patch from BFC I ever had issues with!! SO, would like to avoid any issues if I buy the Vehicle Pack NOW to play all the new content. Thanks
  21. Well The Eagle and the Bear campaign (see the Mods and maps forum) dragonwynn has created is going to be fantastic. I have been lucky enough to playtest some..and you WILL NOT be disappointed. There are some others in work....this is a very creative community...campaigns take a LOT of work so KUDOS to anyone who puts in the effort...DRAGONWYNN has done a marvelous job. Trying to wrap up play testing soon so he can share it with everyone.
  22. Sorry...been a long week...but should have some time this weekend to finish playing some scenarios and providing feedback. Bear at the Gate is next.
  23. Looks great. Looking forward to good stuff.
  24. I like it. Not thinking I'm going to like what I see my next turn.
  25. Waiting for turn 12. Argh. Not looking forward to it...but must press on. Sigh.
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