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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Yes, it does! Many thanks! [ April 06, 2002, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  2. Um, that's pretty cool, but it's not going to help me much.
  3. Can anyone provide me or direct me to a set of Polish armored markings? They're for the Cromwell, which is all but done, pending a couple tweaks. Last week I found a great website on Canadian armor which had a section on the Polish armored divisions which showed markings, like the plumed helmet, etc., but of course I neglected to bookmark it... Thanks in advance.
  4. Nah, no model-specific versions at this point, just camo and plain green, and maybe Polish and Canadian. I don't mean to be clueless on the CMMOS matter, but I'm just a clueless Mac user... Can you clue me in on the filenaming conventions for Polish & Canadian versions? You did instruct me on the camo/non-camo UK filenames.
  5. Gordon Is there a CMMOS ruleset that includes the Cromwell? I'd like to set it up to be CMMOS compatible.
  6. Your welcome. I've sent pix of alternate version to PawBroon today. He'll make them available on his next update.
  7. Gordon, I hear you! I've seen the markings in all sorts of spots on the Cromwell, so I may leave those there on this version, and put them in an alternate location on the OTHER version. I've seen what you're working on, and it's VERY impressive to the point of making me feel vaguely inadequate. Buy Cromwells in bulk, I guess...
  8. Fresh from the Top Secret Mod Development Lab™ located deep in the woods of beautiful Marin County, California, prototype Cromwell IVs take a test drive... More sneak peeks have been sent to PawBroon. ...They're not finished yet, BTW. [editid cuz i'm a bad spelur] [ March 30, 2002, 02:35 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  9. That's because I was lying. Actually, I forgot as I've been really busy the last week, both at work and home. I may have it here at work, if so I can e-mail to you if you want. Found them! check you e-mail, Illo. [ March 21, 2002, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  10. Oh man, I forgot to release those! :eek: Sorry, didn't mean to torture you. I'll send them to CMHQ and Tom's CMHQ when I get home.
  11. I thought that the fix was available on Tom's CMHQ. I think I updated the entire set with the fix and a few other things. I can't remember anymore, as the prospect of being worked over by Bruno's goons has traumatized me. I'm not sure if I can even mod anymore, after that experience...
  12. I new dual processor G4 should do the trick! The missing track thingies issue is, I think, a problem with the 3D model. There are definitely tracks in that section of the BMP:
  13. I sent the pink pixel fix to Manx earlier today. I don't know if it's up yet.
  14. Thanks, I suppose I'll eventually get over the shame. I've sent the corrected versions to Manx and Tom. PawBroon: I've seen the example of Bergman's nitpicking on your website. If I send something to him to beta test I'm afraid I'll never get done with it! Also, a Marder II is in the works, as it is very similar to the Wespe (both based on Panzer II) and so should be easy to throw together, now that all the hard work is done. [ March 06, 2002, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  15. I just d/l'd it from CMHQ and tested it--aargh! There is one pink spot on the Marder idler wheel, and two pink pixels on the Wespe track. Can't find the spot on the gun barrel, though. :confused:
  16. Oh man, how could I have missed those? :mad: I spent a lot of time cleaning up the road wheels, but never noticed that gun barrel thing. If you could e-mail me the fixed files that would be cool. I'll whip up a PaK 38 gun shield tonight, if I have time. I didn't realize it shared the PaK 40 textures, too. Shoulda guessed... Thanks for the input!!!
  17. That helmet texture will be included in the forthcoming CMMOS German uniform ruleset.
  18. Thanks! I like the Marder III too, and will be using a lot more now that I've modded it It's a great vehicle, and it's armor is impervious to most allied weapons, except for heavy-duty projectiles like the M1943 High-velocity Spitwad and the fearsome M1944 Rubber Band.
  19. Finally--the Marder III/Wespe set is done. The final version contains dunkelgelb and winter whitewashed textures for the Marder III and Wespe, as well as the PaK 40 antitank gun. All three units share textures, so you will need to use all three of these mods to avoid having some pretty strange looking vehicles. Here are some pretty pictures: Dunkelgelb versions: Winter variations: On their way to Tom in a few minutes. Camo versions will be forthcoming as Gordon Molek has graciously agreed to help out in this department.
  20. Gordon No sir, the honor is mine. I just have not been happy with the camo patterns I was making, and your adaptations look so cool, so why torture myself. I'm also at the stage where I've been working on this mod for so long I'm getting sick of looking at it. Time for release! Actually, it will be done some time tomorrow. Just a few little details left...
  21. My hi-res US uniform mod set has optional sleeves with a generic armored division patch. Get it at Tom's CMHQ. Tom also did a unit shoulder patch mod for (I think) both the original textures and DD's uniforms, which you can also download from his site.
  22. It's DONE!!! :eek: I decided to scrap the idea of doing multiple camo schemes as I was just not happy with the way they were turning out. However, a certain Mr. Gordon Molek, of this very forum, has inquired about the possibility of rendering this mod in "hasty" camo getup, so perhaps I could talk him into taking a crack at giving it the Groovy Gordon Ambush Treatment™ as well. I don't have any pictures because I'm at work, but I'll send it to the usual suspects this evening when I get home. The set consists of mods for the Wespe, Marder III, and PaK40 antitank gun in both standard dunkelgelb and whitewashed winter paint jobs. The whitewashed versions look really cool with Tom's BoB mod, as screenshots (that I'll post tonight) will attest. I did manage to do a decent tricolor PaK40, so I will release that as an option.
  23. I'm working on it. So far the dark yellow and winter textures for the Wespe, Marder III, and PaK40 are complete. I just have to complete the camo patterns. It's a pretty huge mod pack, so leave me alone so I can finish it! If you are all really good, patient, and nice (fat chance) then maybe, MAYBE, it will be ready on Sunday. :cool:
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