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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Ok, ok. I'll fire up the Mac when I get home and get to work. Maybe I'll have it done by the weekend (yeah, right ). That is if my wife lets me.
  2. Hehe, yes and as a matter of fact, this loverly little mod is just what I need for another upcoming winter battle I'm setting up with my opponent. I've found the MarderII to be a right handy little long range armor sniper at times. And thanks to Tom, I'm now into winter battles. So beware Andrew, we're coming after it. Besides, we need a CMMOS fix for yer lil jeep ya did over on Tom's site. Gimme gimme gimme... </font>
  3. On the Afrika Korps and tropical FJ uniform mod that I never finished I put cuff titles on the sleeves. It doesn't look that awful, really. I also managed to put a tricolor and eagle on the FJ helmet in my "Blue FJ" uniform mod that I think I sent to someone for a special project and never saw again. It looks pretty good.
  4. Michael My Canadian uniforms are free for your use. On the subject of the other, as yet undone uniform mods--you get me the visual references and I can probable cobble something together from my existing German and Commonwealth uniforms.
  5. In honor of what is surely one of the most ambitious and impressive modding efforts to date--Tom's amazing Battle of the Bulge terrain--I whipped up a winterized version of the Marder III/Wespe. It will be released with the whole Marder III/Wespe/PaK40 set that I'm working on. I'm almost done, so be patient. Cash donations, however, may speed things up. Here are some shots of the whitewashed Marder III Ausf.M in its natural environment: I'll send any other updates to PawBroon for posting on MODs & MODers, where, if you're curious, you can see preview shots of the dunkelgelb versions of the Marder III and Wespe. Love that new winter terrain. Thanks Tom!!!
  6. The new CMMOS German Uniform ruleset will include my new and, IMHO vastly improved Feldgrau uniforms with open collar, darker, more realistic fabric texture, and new helmet textures.
  7. I'm working on it. I just need to finish some weathering and detail work, as well as the optional camo patterns and it should be ready. Check back at PawBroon's for updates on progress. Gotta finish the winter version, too.
  8. When I was about 11 or 12 my dad and some of his friends hiked to a spot where a Bell P-39 Airacobra had crashed into the hills above Half Moon Bay (just south of San Francisco). Apparently on a training flight during the war the pilot had run into mechanical difficulties and bailed out. He brought home handfuls of .50 and .30 cal ammo, which was scattered everywhere around the crash site, as well as some parts from the Allison engine (this was in the early '80s and the site was still pretty intact). He also brought home a 37mm cannon shell. We had that floating around the house, too, until another friend of his mentioned that it was probably still live, so we threw it into the bay. Oh well, I guess he just didn't want to see me or my brother blow ourselves up. The best part: we had a .30 machine gun taken of the wreck. It was in pretty good shape, and it sure beat the heck out of the plastic guns my friends used when we played army.
  9. Hey, I like that concept! I think my next mods will be released as GrovelWare
  10. Gordon, You are hereby authorized and given an exclusive, non-transferable license to hasty-ize all and any of my mods. I am working on a bicolor green/dark yellow version, but I think that it will be sufficiently different from the hasty version to merit your attentions. Hey, how the heck did this get here :confused: All three screenies are actually pretty early builds. I'll send newer and cooler previews to PawBroon later this week. [ February 17, 2002, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  11. I did a whole set of German Panzer crew uniforms, including Heer and Waffen-SS variations in black, fieldgray, and dot camo. Also, my US and British uniform mod packs contain appropriate tank crew textures. Get them at Tom's HQ. Sorry, I don't have the URL offhand but you can find a link in his phenomenally long Bulge mod thread.
  12. Man, PawBroon, you saw right through my flimsy facade. I admit it: there is no real PaK 40, and certainly no Marder III. It's all an elaborate hoax. I even went so far--nefarious bastard that I am--to produce an utterly fake Marder III screenshot. It's not even convincing, is it? That said, check your e-mail for additional fakery to post on your nifty Web site.
  13. You teasin' bastid. You do that all the time. </font>
  14. Hey Gordon, should I send you the new German uniforms for CMMOS use? Gotta finish a couple details and then they're done.
  15. As we say in the language of my people: "thanks, dude!"
  16. A while ago someone (I forget whom) made a mod that showed the ID# and placement of every BMP used in CM. I also forgot where to get it, and could not find it through a search. Could someone kindly point me in the right direction? Thanks!
  17. I have heard rumors--rumors mind you--that somewhere out there in mod-land a spankin' new Cromwell awaits. Patience.
  18. Whattaya think this is--Burger King? You can't have it your way! I dig the grenade, and it's my mod, so it stays. Seriously, modders revolve around their egos, so if you want a particular special version of a mod you do have to work a little harder. There are two basic approaches: 1. The begging, ego-stroking approach: "Golly, that's the bestest mod I've EVER seen!!! AndrewTF, you are a GENIUS. You would, however, be elevated to demi-god level if you did a grenadeless version, as I think such a mod would befit your greatness. Pretty please?" 2. The Über-Grog "Micheal Dorosh" approach: "Nice mod, but you DO know that that particular model of grenade was issued only in small numbers to the 1019345rd Waffen-SS Übersturmhamster regiment stationed in Riga, Latvia until it was recalled to...blah, blah, blah. Maybe you should do a version with no grenade or maybe a couple egg grenades." But, as I am a magnanimous individual, I will consider doing a grenadeless version. [ February 04, 2002, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  19. This better? The M1942 scalloped pockets are there because the best image I found on the Web to apply to the mod was of that particular tunic. I tried working one up from scratch but I could never get it to look right. Besides, it looks cooler than the squared-off pocket. P.S. before anyone asks, that's a tricolor camo painted helmet mod. I will release wire-covered and plain versions of that BMP, as well as the two different versions of the plain helmet.
  20. Geez, talk about your glass-half-empty types. I bet you tell little kids there's no Santa Claus, too. [ February 02, 2002, 03:16 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  21. Ok, I try to be humble, but I just have to say that this is perhaps my Best Uniform Mod Ever. Actually it's only a revision of my earlier Feldgrau Heer mod, but I really think it has that "late war" grungy look. I took the one that I posted earlier, darkened and desaturated it a bit, and this is what I ended up with: Pretty cool, eh? I replaced the scarf with this groovy looking sweater, which really, I think, makes the mod. Yeah, I know, Dorosh--the sweater should be a v-neck. Think of it as a present from Oma or Mutti sent to little Otto or Klaus at the front. Besides, I added the subdued gray chest eagle just for you [Edited for stupidity] [ February 02, 2002, 03:06 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  22. Hey--I've got the correct insignia on there, I think. :confused: Now you've got me confused. Anyhow, all Maximus will do is run the bmps through his unholy "wrinkle filter" or whatever the hell it was...
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