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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. The Brazilian Sh*t Launching Monkey (Macaco Lançador de Merda Brasileiro, Modelo A Tipo 3) wasn't introduced until late 1944 and was issued in very small numbers to non FEB (Forças Expedicionarias Brasileiras) units, and even fewer were lend/leased to the Russians as the BSLM had problems with the cold. (Although frozen poo was quite a bit more effective as an AP round than the warm kind) Taking all that into account, I'd expect the BSLM to have a very high (Or low, depending on how the system works) rarity factor for any Eastern Front battles. Gyrene
  2. Reverendo, you can set the quality of the movie you want to capture to save space. Ideally you would record at high quality, then run it through Media Cleaner ($$$) to achieve max quality/compression. You can download the shareware Snapz Pro from Versiontracker.com, it's worth the shareware fee if you take a lot of screen shots and are tired of converting the PICTs to GIF & JPEG Gyrene
  3. Absolutely! Any app to help us Mac people deal with mods would be very much welcome, resource files or not! Btw Dave, what Dojo do you learn at in Phoenix? Gyrene
  4. Snapz Pro 2 by Ambrosia allows you take screenshots (It takes over the Apple shortcuts with a nicer interface and allows you to choose formats other than PICT) and it lets you save QT movies of what is going on on your screen, allowing you to save your movies and later link them together (IF you have a video editor app of some sort) I've used this application for a while with apps other than CM, and the quality of the movies isn't bad, but it helps to have a faster machine, plus it might have some problems with 9.1 Gyrene
  5. The times I used Brit 4.2's were on fairly small maps, so the tightness of the pattern was crucial. It is hard to gauge the accuracy of your mortars if there's more than one mission being fired at the same time. The blast of the 4.2 is almost the same as th 105mm (IIRC, I'm away from the game right now), pretty nice if you get it to hit. 2 minute times are pretty good for 4.2, what quality spotter? Gyrene
  6. It might be a coincidence, but I have noticed a slightly higher success rate firing from ambush with AT weapons, or at least being able to get that all important second shot off if I miss. Don't forget that crew quality has a big impact on accuracy. Gyrene
  7. Stalin, part of the reason might be that UK 4.2 mortars have very slow arrival times (3 minutes for a regular spotter is common) and terrible accuracy with huge drop patterns. The British 3" mortars are excellent. Gyrene
  8. On using all this neat CM1 stuff with future versions of CM: Remember when ASL came out and all of a sudden you couldn't use your old SL counters anymore? Same thing here, but perhaps the maps might be salvageable. Let go Luke... Gyrene
  9. Eric, whatever mods you install only affect your computer, they make no difference to the way the game works. Gyrene
  10. Am I the tie breaker? I don't know if my original reply on letting Iron Duke pick was counted as a vote. If you are a true ass-kicker you will be able to do it with whatever is given you, be it Elite German Uberhamstergameystrum Squads or Green French Mime Platoons so I propose this system: -First Round: Player pick free for all. This should weed out those who might be in over their heads. -Second or Third Rounds: Iron Duke would choose: player picks or his picks; now here's the catch: You have no choice of what side you will play or what nationality, this would be determined randomly be it for Duke's picks or Player's picks. This will prove that you are a balanced player, not just someone that is stuck on a system. This is how it would work for rounds 2 & 3: Iron Duke decides that he'd like to have Round 2 be player picks, but he also decides that who plays what side will be random, so he contacts each pair of players and in a e-mail rock/paper/scissors (Or similar) match determines who will get what. Then for the third round he might decide that all will play his picks. Or he might just let rounds 2 & 3 be free for alls, whatever it is, it's his choice. -Fourth & Final Round: Player Picks, play your best, gamiest set up and tactics and try to win with the Nationality you prefer. With this system, there should be no doubt you're an asskicker when you come out the other end. Gyrene
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Question: are PC users finding my mods too bright? They look pretty subdued on my system (Mac 8600/G3 w/Radeon), especially since I tried to get them to look good with all the subdued mods I'm using. If the general consensus is that they're too bright--maybe due to the gamma difference between Macs and PCs--I can try to tone them down in the future. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Andrew, Mac monitors are quite a bit brighter than PC monitors. If you have Photoshop use Adobe Gamma or the Monitors Control Panel to calibrate your monitor, then go to View>Preview>Windows RGB to see what your pics will look like on a PC monitor (Roughly) or you could change the Gamma value (Middle value) in the levels adjuster in Photoshop .20 down to get the same preview result. If you don't have Photoshop, a similar Gamma adjustment in your apps' Levels slider will work for a preview also. Gyrene [ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I guess the biggest reason is, if the tank in front of it got hit and brewed up, the other tank most likly would too.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, It would depend on what gun hit what tank. If an 88 hit a Stuart being pushed by another Stuart... I guess it would not be that gamey, a larger tank pushing a smaller disabled one would have this nice portable "hull down" to take around. Gyrene
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> There was a AAR by Fionn where his opponents (forgot the AAR name or the opponents name) had a imobolized Sherman out of LOS. So Fionn's opponent decided to use his other Sherman to push it to possition to fire on Fionn's forces. And what do ya know. It worked. Fionn described it (to my best recollection), seeing a imobolized Sherman being moving, but seconds later the Other sherman pushing it appeared. The imobolized sherman had some los, but was KOed later. I found that very interesting. I'll try to find the AAR, might be on CMHQ. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In one of my games against the AI, my 75mm pillbox was making a neat pile of disabled tanks on a hill crest that offered the only approach for the AI's tanks to join the battle. It was very weird to watch the disabled tanks being pushed by yet unspotted enemy tanks. It was like watching the Dawn of The Living-Dead Tanks If CM allowed dead vehicles to be used for cover, I could see the ultimate gamey tactic of pushing dead vehicles in front of you as extra armor. Gyrene
  14. Very funny K_C! This should go in the FAQ! Gyrene
  15. YES!!!!! The Happy Thread has turned into a flame fest!!!! Congratulations to the first a-hole to fall for the bait and take the plunge! (Scroll back and see for yourselves!) Mr. Cash, the stage is ready for you. Gyrene
  16. First of all, get the Fire Department on stand-by, this one is bound to burn up. I think the 88mm edges out the 17lbr by being more versatile, after all the gun was used for everything, but as far as CM go the 17lbr is still my favorite (The AVRE is a close second, just for the cool factor of seeing KT's and Jagdtigers blow up like Shermans on night & fog battles...IF it hits...) Gyrene
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> you obviously hold the belief that once a human being put on a Finnish Army uniform, they suddenly became so powerful, so tactically adept, so rabidly fanatical that they might as well have worn a red cape and blue tights with a great big "S" on the chest. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We all know that only happened when one put on a helmet with tropical camo pattern and a blouse with the Eagle Globe and Anchor printed on it. Do the Burkinabe get extra points for fighting the Bangladeshians? Gyrene
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You don't speak German, do you Gyrene M. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not at all. That's the Altavista translator at work. Gyrene
  19. It will be a shame if there is no PTO version of CM, I'd for sure skip any Desert version of CM, it would be too much like CMBO, the main difference being a greater parity in equipment between Axis & Allies, unless the game engine was really improved to include in-game breakdowns & weather effects such as sun glare, intense heat & dust clouds, other than that why bother? Gyrene
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That's easy. They aren't. BTS has made it clear they have little personal interest in the Pacific Theater and have no plans to make a Pacific Theater game. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Vanir, where did you read this? Gyrene
  21. Barelycan, Did you forget our game? Just because your evil assemblage of Nazi thugs are whooping my Canadians and that my offensive power is down to 3/4 of a platoon it still does not excuse your gamey behaviour of using buildings for cover and continuing to use your armored vehicles well after mine own have gone to their rest! Per shame, return the turn already or I'll be forced to surrender. Gyrene Edited due to sneaky smilie infestation [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  22. Nice pictures, is this an Auburn? here Gyrene [ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  23. TeAcH, I think that vehicles that become immobilized after being bogged either have thrown tracks, flat tires or some other sort of damage caused by trying to unbog, so even if they are pushed out of the way they are still damaged. I do agree that if a vehicle is bogged it should be allowed to be rescued by a bump from another vehicle. Gyrene [ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  24. I hope to get my game with boy_Recon going soon, time has been tight the last couple of days (Writing from work). I'd rather keep the pick-your-units format than to go with computer picked units or maybe Iron Duke could pick 2 balanced set-ups each for the Allies and the Axis and have some sort of random selection to see who gets what. Gyrene
  25. Great list, but you forgot two German lines: 2143: "Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns" - "All your base are belong to us" 2144: "Verlegenheit oder tun etwas!" - "Fix or do somefink!" Gyrene
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