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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. If you just bought it it's 1.12 If you're on a Mac "Get Info" on the game's icon, it will tell you the version # Welcome to the game. Kiss your free time goodbye. Gyrene
  2. Dodo, I posted those Sharpshooter hints, glad you liked them, here's the post again: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> StugIII, have you read the "Are Snipers good for anything?" thread? There are some good hints there. The key to using sharpshooters well is to buy the best you can afford, sneak him up to a position with good LOS of your opponent's are a somewhere in the range of 300-600 meters away and leave him alone. If you never give your sharpshooters "target" orders odds are excellent that he will not be spotted, but he will give himself away if you give him orders to shoot. Sharpshooters tend to get bored (it seems) and will start to target infantry if there are no other better targets around, wasting valuable ammo. The thing to do is to "Hide" the sharpshooter until something better turns up, then unhide the him and let him do his job. If you can sneak a sharpshooter within range of field guns he stands a very good chance of breaking or outright eliminating the gun without drawing any fire in return. The best places to place sharpshooters are wooded hills (Place him in the military crest, just below the actual crest of the hill) with commanding views of likely tank paths or gun emplacements. Remember that sharpshooters are absolutely useless against pillboxes, so don't bother with them. Sharpshooters can also successfully work out of brush or rough areas, which has the added benefit of drawing much less artillery fire from frazzled opponents trying to kill that pesky sniper than wooded areas. Placing sharpshooters in isolated large buildings (Unless its a city map) is begging to have your sharpshooter die a death by colapsing timber; rubble, on the other hand, is the best cover for infantry in CM and makes a good base to work from. Setup a QB against the AI with lots of enemy infantry, some armor, a spotter or two and some field guns, against just a handful of sharpshooters in mixed terrain and practice your sharpshooter sneaking skills. This kind of practice is also great for AT teams, so add some to the mix, and see how many tanks you can button up/shock with your sharpshooters or kill with your AT teams, and how many guns and spotters you can incapacitate before the enemy infantry gets you. PIATs are the stealthiest AT teams by far, in case you are wondering, you can get off several shots at nearby tanks without being spotted. Hope any of this helps. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gyrene
  3. John Paul Jones...I guess I'm more of a frontline kind of guy Either that or I can hold the rhythm section together during Jimmy Page's solos. Gyrene
  4. Mom! Clubfoot is not playing fair! He's got cliff climbing Rangers! Bwaaa! Gyrene
  5. 4600-6000 meter range is much better than I thought. What kind of accuracy at that range, though? Gyrene
  6. Sig, while these options would be nice for an Operation, I don't think that they really fall in the time schedule of 20 to 60 minutes of a CM game. Most of the engineer works you described takes quite a bit of time to accomplish, and I think that only things that could be quickly accomplished under fire, such as bulldozing a roadblock or deploying a bridge layer tank would be realistic under the time constraints of a typical battle. Gyrene
  7. Looks like I forgot to turn the sarcasm filter on again Its a joke. Relax. Yes, every single Grand Turismo wannabe bouncing around in their home made drop kits and their fat chrome exhaust tips are representing the leading edge of small engine performance and are exactly what the parts companies are dying to sponsor. Gyrene
  8. Hey FourStringer, I just read your profile...Maybe you can hook a fella up with a Deluxe P-Bass? Gyrene
  9. Those lowered Honda Civics with the rip-off Lexus tail lights and the stickers all over them piss me off. Do they really think they're driving a race car? Gyrene
  10. My cat's breath smells like cat food. Gyrene
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I wonder if it could even take out a freakin truck? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Babra, I have no clue as far as CM goes, but it seems like a waste of a shot. Many people are comparing the ST's round to a Naval 14", was the ST's round as heavy as a Battleship's round? If so, than we'd better hope the ST can fire the thing far enough away not to knock itself out. Gyrene
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Really, though, how many scenarios will have halftracks facing off against each other? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That particular type of encounter happens to me in CM games often, way more frequently than I think it likely did historically. I for one am glad that the M3 can tackle the MG only German HT's. Gyrene
  13. I don't see why so many people are salivating about the chance to use the SturmTiger in CMBB while CMBO's own home wrecker, the AVRE is probably a better vehicle (Blasphemer! Quick! Get the tar and feathers!) and it doensn't have the kool aid-drinking following of the ST. What makes the AVRE a better vehicle? Well, maybe the simple fact that you can fire 2 shots in 3 turns (I predict heart attacks will happen when a ST misses a crucial shot), the AVRE also will very likely have a lower ground pressure and move about as fast. Granted, the AVRE doesn't have the ST's armor, but with the ST's ridiculously low ROF the chances of a light tank scooting by and scoring a dreaded "Gun Hit" is very real, if that wouldn't ruin your day, I don't know what would. In the end of the day I think 6 or 7 shots of the AVRE's 240mm would make a bigger difference in the outcome of a battle than 1 or 2 shots from an ST. Yes, i realize there'll be no AVRE's in CMBB, but my whole point is that this Panzer Fetish is silly, and this salivating over the ST is an excellent example of it, kudos to BTS for including such a rare vehicle to satisfy it's fans, but you Panzer worshippers frighten me. Gyrene
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Of course the tpyical Nam action was just agressive patrolling...VC ambush US, US platoon takes 2-3 casualties, fires back for a few min, causes 1, and then turns the town, tree-line, etc into bbq with airstrikes and artillery. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That is the Hollywood version of the Vietnam war. There were several different kinds of war going on at the same time in Vietnam: The trench warfare of the USMC versus the NVA at the DMZ in I Corps The Pacification program by the USMC in Southern I Corps (A very successful program killed by the Army brass) The Hill Wars in II Corps and Southwest I Corps (Firebases, patrols and lots of heliborne action), big Air Cav presence The SEAL's private war with the VC in the Mekong Delta Widespread VC action in III Corps (Saigon), what most people think of when they think Vietnam:US Army, rice paddies, VC There were large, conventional battles between US forces and NVA troops (Even NVA tanks were used, time to time) in places such as Ia Drang and A Shau valleys, these were not hit and run guerrila fights by anyone's definitions. Intense city battles, like the fight for Hue during Tet and around Saigon Also there were the Aussies' side of the war, mostly low intensity patrolling and lots of landmine casualties punctuated by a few intense fights (Long Tan, for example) and there was also the SOG and covert wars. The Average frontline soldier in Vietnam saw far more days of combat than any US soldier in WWII, this being one of the reasons for the high PTSD rate for Vietnam Vets. Gyrene
  15. Soddball...You're a CHEATER!!!! The canteens your troops used held 3 quarts of water and not 1 quart, like the ones used at the time. Shame on you! No wonder the AI beat the snot out of you!!!!! Wait...You won the game. Nevermind. Gyrene
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Didn't you notice that each set-up quartile has one barely negotiable but just about usable vehicular path down to the base of the bowl? you didn't? oh-oh! just you wait till i bring my KT out. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Please, please tell me you bought a KT, hopefully 5 It would make my day. Gyrene
  17. Troop quality, and troop movement rate affects how early minefields are spotted. In other words: Green troops + running + mine field = Bad News. Gyrene
  18. Fog is not a bad idea, but woods would probably work well enough. The names for the VC/NVA units would be simple... "Nguyen" Gyrene
  19. Amtracs and Ontos are way off. M113's might be subbed with one of the kangaroo variants? Good idea on the wheat/elephant grass Gyrene
  20. Icm1947 could be the POW's, we could abuse him and stuff. Gyrene
  21. I'd fill the rocket with gifts such as T-shirts, Levy's, bubblegum and cigarettes and shoot them towards the Russian lines, this way I would make friends with the Russians and we could all realize how silly this whole war is. And as the Russians run out to collect the presents I'd move the other, cheaper vehicles in and wipe them out. (Apologies to Jack Handey) Gyrene
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted by russelmz ...memorable things in our life. but that's okay, we got the unmemorable, er, what was his name, you know, the thing that... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...Hangs on the back of your throat and seems not to have any sort of function, except to make you puke if you touch it, much like...
  23. It would be kinda sorta cool. The M79 would have to be simulated by giving extra gammon bombs or something similar (Or making the bazooka teams bloop gunners) Use the Super Pershings as M48 tanks and give the NVA tons of p-shreck teams to simulate the B40 gunners? The NVA would get oodles of on map mortars and mortar spotters. US would get lots of air support and 105/155mm arty You know, it would not be so bad...Most battles would be mostly all infantry slugging matches, but that is not a bad thing. Marshes would make nice rice paddies... We could work on that, maybe there's some other people interested in a Vietnam conversion. Gyrene [ 06-20-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  24. I'm back in the game, for good this time. It looks like our set ups are almost identical from what I've seen so far on our battle for the pit: Guns, troops & mortars, there's no room for vehicles in this map. (Although I was hopin recon wouldn't notice that ) Gyrene
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted by Phillies Phan: We continue our story of passion and ice cream with our stars Fluffy and... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Maxine, who can't tell a Canadian Band from a Australian one; the best and easiest way to tell them apart is by their groupies: Aussie groupies are usually covered in wool, while Canuck groupies are...
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