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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. I know very little of the RM's actions in WWII except that you seldom hear anything about them. How many were active in WWII and what CM CW units can be used to represent them? Are there any RM scenarios available? The Royal Marines have a very good reputation in the USMC, and even some shared battle history together, although not in WWII. Gyrene
  2. Iron Duke, labappel seems to be MIA, I haven't received a turn from him in close to 7 days... I sent him my first turn's orders and that was the last of it. In the unlikely event I win this round I'll likely be facing another late penalty. Gyrene
  3. Well, I sent my first turn 5 days ago, and no return yet from labappel, we're supposed to hook up this weekend for TCP/IP... Hopefully we'll get this done on time, this is starting to look all too familiar.... Gyrene
  4. Looks pretty good, but is that a King Tiger and a Jagdtiger in desert colors there? Gyrene
  5. Cajun Zimmerit Surprise (Serves 6) 40%- barium sulphate 25%- polyvinyl acetate 15%- ochre pigment 10%- saw dust 10%- zinc sulphide 2 table spoons of Paprika 1/4 cup of Tabasco Sauce 2lbs tiger jumbo shrimp 1 or 2 tb spoons of cayene pepper Mix all in a bowl, bring to a boil for 10 minutes Spread over tank and allow it to cool. Enjoy it while fighting off the seagulls Gyrene
  6. Me and labappel have a large map with a town in the middle and our set up areas surrounding the entire map. Hopefully we will hook up for TCP/IP this weekend so he can put me and my 600 point deficit out of our misery. Gyrene
  7. O problema com o futebol brasileiro e o fato que a maioria dos jogadores jogam fora do Brasil e esquecem como jogar a moda brasileira. E tambem todos esses milionarios com contratos com a Nike que sempre tem que jogar, mesmo se tem jogadores menos famosos, mas melhores. I wonder if soccer breaks will be modelled in CM10 The Banana Wars edition? Gyrene
  8. Kmead, that is the version I already have, 2.1.1. Thanks for the link anyway. So far the list of games that work fine with the current OpenGL 1.2.2 and Nvidia GeForce2 MX 2.1.1. : -Tomb Raider (Tried demos for all versions) -Tomb Raider TLR -Descent 3 -Unreal Tournament -Quake3 Arena -Myth II -Deus Ex -Unreal -Dark Vengeance -Fly! (After Nvidia-specific patch) -Rune (Demo) -ST Elite Force -Driver (Demo) -4x4 Evolution (Demo) -Star Wars : Racer -The Sims The fact that CM or CMBO Demo don't work like they should while all other games I tried, both in RAVE and Open GL work fine is frustrating to say the least Gyrene
  9. Interesante of fato que esse topico ainda esta aberto. Quanto tempo sera que vai continuar aqui antes de ir para of forum geral? Uma pergunta para os que falam espanhol: Voces conseguem ler sem problemas? Eu penso que o Argie nao vai ter problemas, mas os latinos mais distantes do Brasil talves tenham dificuldades. The slope of the armor makes a lot of difference, on whether the gum sticks or not. Toda vez que o Mexico ganha contra o Brasil o meu amigo do trabalho vem me chatear...Eu digo pra ele que se nao e a Copa do Mundo nao importa. Gyrene [ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  10. Abbott has been MIA for a while, as anyone heard from him lately? This is the link to the site he was working on: New Players Guide Gyrene
  11. I for one would love to see a Korean War mod to CM. The new changes in CMBB would be needed to properly allow small numbers of defenders to hold off against massed attackers. There were lots of gallant actions by non-US UN units in Korea, so all you Yankophobes would also get enjoyment of a Korean War CM version Plus, it's the only place to pit M26's against T34's! And if you hate Jabos now, wait until you run across USMC Close Air Support. Gyrene
  12. Karch, I also made an .img out of my cd, but I just use stuffit deluxe to mount the image when I need it. I did the same with many other games I play often. The mac's cd-sleep delay always drove me nuts, no such problem with disk images. My CM disc is now safely away from my 5 year old daughter's hands. Gyrene
  13. The Firefly is excellent, but unfortunatly it still dies like any other Sherman except the Jumbo. At least it can kill just about any German tank from anywhere on the map. The 76(w) is not bad, It's a good match for Tigers, but not all that against Panthers. The 76mm gun sucks against infantry though. Gyrene
  14. Se o Brasil não se qualifica para a copa eu acho que metade do pais vais se suicidar... Which is why I don't think the 2 MG HT's are underpriced. Pawbroon, o mundo todo sabe que a França drogou os jogadores brasileiros. Gyrene
  15. Eu era do Rio tambem, de Santa Tereza. Estou aqui nos EUA a 15 anos. Saudade danada...Um dia desses eu tenho que voltar. Quantos Brazucas sera que tem nesse forum? eu tambem nunca pensei em ver tanto portugues escrito aqui. Pena que o meu teclado não me deixa usar os assentos direito. And the T35A6-E3A2 gun's round fired at 3000 feet/sec and... Mais um ano para a Copa do Mundo... Gyrene
  16. I've made miracle shots with both PIATs and Bazookas and also had both types of crews fire all their rounds with zero success. I'd give the PIAT the edge solely on its stealthier nature, often times you get 3rd or 4th chance at a shot with PIATs long after zook teams have been spotted and terminated. Gyrene
  17. Slapdragon and Spook, if experience has an impact on firepower then its a good thing. I have not made any experiments to that end, but as an aside I noticed that for whatever reason crack tankers get better results than elite ones. Still, a skill rating would not be a bad thing. Gyrene
  18. KyngSryche, here's a joke a Mexican friend told me: "Those Americans took the best part of Mexico when they grabbed all the land! Silicon Valley, Disneyland, Hollywood..." Gyrene Brasileiro transplantado.
  19. Steve, i did mean Volksstrum and not Volksgrenadiers, btw. My "annoyance at the way things are stems not from the fact that the game can't be compensated for realism, which it can, but that people will still continue to abuse the system and use CM as their laboratory demonstrator for their arguments. I am aware that CMBB will include rarity modifiers to prevent much of that, and the new fitness rating will add another excelltn modifier to create realistic units, and if you bear with me for the rest of this post I'd like to make another case unit training and how it could be implemented in later versions of CM. A unit can be made green, with a low fitness rating to simulate rear guard units, but when time comes for them to deliver their firepower they still achieve the same accuracy and volume as units 3 or 4 steps above their rating. Unit grade does a good job at simulating morale, but making an unit crack or elite does not make them any more accurate than a conscript unit. A simple way to solve this situation and add another dimension to the customization of the game would be to add a "skill" rating, along with the grade and fitness. Imgaine that for whatever reason you wanted to model a Montganard tribesman squad, they would have veteran or crack morale, high fitness but low skill. The first two are "national" modifiers and the second is to illustrate their lack of modern military training. Making them green to reduce their skill would make them break in an unrealistic manner. An early war USMC squad could be Green/Regular with high fitness and high skill, pointing out the emphasis on marksmanship in the USMC. A VG smg squad could be regular/fit/high skill while a VS smg squad could be regular/unfit/low skill. My argument goes back to the point that squads should not be rated on their firepower potential only, but also in their training and skill in delivering that firepower. If no one was shooting at them, I'd expect a regular infantry squad from a German, US or CW unit to deliver more rounds on target than a regular partisan squad identically armed, but without the formal small arms training. At the same time, a partisan squad composed of backwoodsmen could have regular morale, high fitness & high skill due to their "shooting for food" lifestyle. It might seem at times that we are arguing just for argument's sake, but I think that many of us see CM as the greatest contender for the Holy Grail of squad level wargaming and feel that we actually stand a chance at helping to improve the game and being heard by the men behind the code. Also, we like to complain. Gyrene
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "and BTW the first hit was a front turret hit with the tank unbuttoned...That should have killed or at the very least stunned that TC...Remember this is a 105mm HE shell hitting that PzIV before it had spotted the Sherman, instead it buttoned up and immediately returned fire." Yeah, should have. But it didn't. Bad luck. What's broken? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> At no time in real life, and I dare anyone to point me to an example of this or volunteer for a real life experiment, was a tank commander who was almost ripped in two by HE able to scoot back down into his turret and immediately return fire at his tormentor. The Pz IV's turret was not pointed at the 105 Sherm, but after the hit it instantly aquired the Sherm and fired back. There is no concussion effects on crews modelled in CM, zero. That is why über tankers can calmly dispatch hordes of innefective, but hitting enemy tanks instead of being bounced around the inside of their tanks or at the very least momentarely stunned. But as it stands, tank crews are immune to blast effects to the point that 8" artillery could land next to the tank and all it does is button it up instead of causing all sorts of real life unpleasantness like it should. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Heh, funny again how the example tells me something completely different. With a "good" kill chance, why use C ammo? To make it "über-really-overkill-very-good"? Three hits and no kill - happens. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Three hits, no kills. Then why was the kill chance "good"? With three solid hits and no kills, I would not call that a good chance to kill. Gyrene
  21. What bothers me the most is not that national differences are not included (Which is always a sticky point as we well know) but that individual units are identical asides from their weapons & numbers. Acoording to the way the system is now, why would the Germans bother with Mountain troops if regular Heer will do the job? What good are the SS? They're no better in the game than any other German unit. Same thing for the Allies, Airborne troops received quite a bit more "toughening" up training and usually received better quality volunteers than regular line troops, but in CM as it is they're just regular infantry with gammon bombs. To truly provide a realistic wargaming experience and to take much of the shine away from VS SMG squads & other "bargain" purchases, individual squad type skills & training have to be taken into account. VG squads are cheap because they were the bottom of the barrel, but as it stands now they can go toe to toe with any squad in CM, regardless of how much training they've supposedy had, as it is in CM a squad of SMG toting civilians could decimate a Canadian or British rifle equipped squad, which outside of an ambush in real life would be utterly ridiculous. Again to drag the example of SL & ASL back from its hole, but those games modelled individual squad skills, such as climbing for the Rangers, self splitting squads for the USMC, etc, and individual morale levels for regular or "elite" infantry (Case in point, the US infantry's morale of 6 vs Airborne's morale of 7) and everyone seemed to be happy with it, even with the Finns' 8 morale and self rally ability for their elite units. To continue to disregard individual units' training is a mistake that not only reduces part of the game's fun but also gives people wrong notions in a historical level. If the PTO ever gets modeled in CM56 should the Japanese take morale hits exactly the same way as Volksstrum squads do? Should they fight close range exactly the same way as regular French infantry when it is a historical fact that their offensive infantry doctrine consisted on closing with the enemy to within bayonet range? Individual squad abilities would bring out flaws in some squad types and highlight strenghts of other unit types and upset many people, but tough. Airborne units were better than conventional line troops on the assault, the SS were more efficient and cohesive than regular Heer, it's why both were at the tip of the spear. I can't stress enough how important individual unit skills and training is, and yes, there is even room for some national modifiers in the game Gyrene
  22. Toda essa gente falando numa lingua louca... Eu nao entendo nada! ahhhh! Gyrene
  23. Moon's story of the AI behaving like it should would make sense if this kind of stuff didn't happen all the time. I had an 105 Sherman (Crack) of my own shoot 3 HE shells at the same PzIV and hit it three times. (Kill chance was "good") It never fired a single C charge of which it had 10 would have easily dispatched that PzIV, instead it kept acting like an idiot sitting there ans shooting HE and died, and BTW the first hit was a front turret hit with the tank unbuttoned...That should have killed or at the very least stunned that TC...Remember this is a 105mm HE shell hitting that PzIV before it had spotted the Sherman, instead it buttoned up and immediately returned fire. "the two C shells are on the back rack, it'll take me half a minute to get rid of the HE " is a poor excuse for a programming lapse. Gyrene
  24. Against a human PBEM opponent: 1000 (Maybe 800, not sure) points random ME, Brits vs Germans Surrender on turn 17 of 30 Axis (Him) 39 Casualties (9 KIA) 132 Captured 5 Vehicles knocked out Men OK: 0 Score=0 Allies (Me) 1 Casualty (0 KIA) Men OK:174 Score: 100 Gyrene
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Of course, if the Amies just saw "Infantry?", then it is not known were they Germans or Finns. But if they were Finns and they were not totally spotted, it makes one wonder: does one need to totally spot a Finnish squad before routing? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perhaps BTS should implement a new spotting marker for use along with the Infantry? and Crew? markers: A Finns? marker. This would help simulate the sense of dread and foreboding that the Allies felt when faced with the possibility of encountering Finns. This feeling of innevitable impending Finn-induced doom has often been described as the same as if the Nazgul were flying over or riding by a group of Hobbits, and the noramlly stout Russian ponies would panic and gun barrels would melt and warp. BTS, fix! Gyrene
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