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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. Edit:Answered my own question. Gyrene [ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  2. Peter, you should already have 1.12 if you just recently got the game. Trying to make it 1.05 is going to cause you problems. Gyrene
  3. Radar, if the PTO (if there will be one...) version has the CCF (Red Chinese) it would be very easy to set up Korean War battles, as long as the snow option is kept in. The equipment is almost all the same, except for far superior Air to Ground coordination, especially when it comes to the UMSC. We could see Pershings versus T34's in that one. Gyrene
  4. I ran a test of all the grades of sharpshooters versus several types of concrete pillboxes and here are the results: Sharpshooters are absolutely useless against any kind of pillbox. They will not target them on their own, forcing you to hand target, thus giving them away. Guess who wins that duel? I even moved one of my sharpshooters directly in front of a pillbox at ranges from 0m to 3m and it would not fire at all at those ranges, but neither would the pillbox, any farther and the shooter was toast. There were over 10 shots fired at the pillboxes' slits and not a single German casualty was generated, perhaps more shots might have had some results, but the shooters were usually soon dead after that. I had some success in giving sneak-shoot-run commands, being able to get of 3 or 4 shots with one of the sharpshooters that way. Too bad, it would be nice to use them that way. Gyrene
  5. Has anyone used sharpshooters against pillboxes? I've had some success with them taking out field guns, but never really tried against pillboxes... An experiment is in order.. Gyrene
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I disagree. Look what happened later on in Afganistan and Chechenia. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The basic difference here is that in WWII the Soviet Army had a big head of steam behind it and blood in their eyes, although I doubt they had it half as bad for the Finns than they did for the Germans. In Afghanistan there was little of the patriotic furor, but I do not at all discount the Finns' ability to defend their homeland. At least they had the common sense not to take the war too far past their own borders, Gyrene
  7. One thing that hasn't come up here...It would all fine and dandy to purchase all the mobile AA assets you want if the option was open to both sides. But as the Allied side is lacking far behind the German side on these mobile AA guns (As BTS never intended the German units to be used in the way they are used now) it is not possible to have balanced games. If the allies had the M16 and the HT or truck mounted twin 40mm's (Called M19 during the Korean war, not sure what the designation was in WW2) than this would not be a problem, but that is not to be. So purchasing a bunch of units that the other side can't field, not because they didn't exist but because they were not included does end up being gamey. Gyrene
  8. Yes, Pacific CM. Must have. I'd rather have the PTO for CM3 (CM part 3?) than the desert campaign. Enough with the Germans already. Gyrene
  9. Ski troops, yes. Does it snow all year in Finland? There has to at least some semblance of summer in which the Russians would have the run the place, especially in 44 and later. Guerilla resistance would surely last a while, but it would not stop the Russians any more effectively than the Germans stopped them from taking Berlin. Gyrene
  10. Another Tiger tank has been killed by frontal hits, 2 of them from a single Sherman. The Germans have finally made it out of their holes and started a push on the North Bridge in their only offensive action of the battle so far. A earlier probe by a German platoon at the very same spot was killed to the last man. The vague threats of a Southern Offensive by the Huns is laughed at. Gyrene
  11. Another Tiger tank has been killed by frontal hits, 2 of them from a single Sherman. The Germans have finally made it out of their holes and started a push on the North Bridge in their only offensive action of the battle so far. A earlier probe by a German platoon at the very same spot was killed to the last man. The vague threats of a Southern Offensive by the Huns is laughed at. Gyrene
  12. Username, I am talking about how all local units instantly all target a freshly spotted unit, I have a movie file from a current ongoing PBEM which is quite funny: My opponent's Armored car spotted a MG team right next to it after sitting by it for a few seconds and then all of his vehicles in LOS (About 8 of them) instantly all began to shoot at the MG team, at exactly the same time as the vehicle that had originally spotted the team. Maybe they have some sort of telepathic bond going. What I meant by the tanks having an acceptable system, is due to their turret speed, although I have witnesses my own Shermans go from target to target with borg-like efficiency. A simple system of delay based on unit quality would be nice, i.e. Regular units spot something, it would take them X seconds to fire and X seconds to retarget. Gyrene
  13. BTS, I'm sure everyone there is probably pretty sick of feature requests for CM2, but I think that this one might be worth the time, and has probably been requested already. I'm sure that just about anyone who has played more than a couple of games of CM can tell stories of "super cyborg" like retargetting by opposing (Or even your own) units when new targets get spotted, especially with flexible MG's on vehicles. I think a system of reaction delays based on unit quality, like the one for new orders, would be appropriate and would add even another level of realism to the game. Tank turrets already have a similar system, and I think it works very well. But in any case, it's an idea. Gyrene
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Gee whiz Gyrene - you sure can call 'em. Remind me to check with you before I go to the track. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Let's go pick some ponies. Gyrene
  15. Michael, Bucket's last post is correct about Garands in Guadalcanal. The USMC was really stubborn on giving up the Springfield, and it is the one time I really wish the old timers had just pipped up and upgraded. The performance of M1-equipped Army units against Banzai charges really made an impression on the Corps. Gyrene
  16. They are not trees. They are Ents, although some Ents have grown more and more tree-like lately. You haven't seen any Entwives in your pbems by any chance, have you? Fangorn
  17. Someone here in this forum made an excellent statement a little while back: If you want to have realistic games, use only green or regular units This makes quite a bit of sense, especially as far as death tolls at the end of the game. These lower quality squads should offset our blood thirsty orders, as it has been pointed out before, there were seldom any battles especially meeting engagements were both sides would fight to the last man for so long, usually one side or the other would attempt to break contact and retreat in good fighting order. Gyrene
  18. The Springfield was used to launch grenades, I think one was kept at hand in each platoon ready with the special ammo, rather than having to reload a M1 with the special round, as it is not a very handy thing to do to a M1 with some rounds already in the magazine. Springfields with scopes were issued out to Companies ( M1903D, if I'm not mistaken) and there really was no organized "sniper" programs as they are known today until the Vietnam War. Usually the best shots in the Company were given the rifle and very little other training besides what they might have learned hunting in civilian life, then again sharpshooters were generally kept within the Company area of opeartion and not sent out on their own. Only the Germans and the Russians really employed free ranging snipers and then again, mostly in the Eastern Front. Gyrene
  19. Yes Abbott, thanks for using it last turn, I needed some lucky numbers to kill that f'ing Tiger. Gyrene
  20. **Disclaimer** What follows here is not meant seriously, I feel I have to add this disclaimer for the slower members of this forum who will still flame me anyway. (You will see who they are, the ones who never read the original topic, but jump in halfway through) **Disclaimer Over** Ok, CM uses random numbers to figure out many events, hit probabilties in particular, and as most of you might know, computers cannot generate true random numbers, but use a combination of looking at contents of a particular memory address or the time of day and other techniques to generate seed numbers for the randomizer formula. Now, if you were to make a simple program to spit out random whole numbers you would see that certain numbers come up much more often than others, this is not by coincidence, but due to the seed numbers generated by the tecniques described above. In other words, computers will favor certain numbers over others, with each individual computer having a particular set of favourites. Now here comes the wacky theory: As related to CM some computers may be "luckier" than others! As in "Whenever I play Mr.A I seem to do much better with my AT teams than against Mr. C", tactics aside, this holds some truth. Mr. A's computer may just be luckier for your AT teams when it crunches the CM data for that turn. So next time you play someone and nothing seems to go right, don't call the guy a gamey bastard, just blame his computer or yours, it must be unlucky! And on the same token you could possibly try CM in all the computers at the store and find one that favors your side and snap that bad boy up! Soon calls of "Lucky computer use Gamey?" will be heard around the forum. If a game sucked for you, don't blame yourself, blame your bad random seed numbers. Gyrene
  21. Thank you for all replies, and thank you Mattias for the info on the "Super Churchill" Gyrene
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sure, when you're actually there, in the battle, churchill with 17 pdr sounds great.. but when you've only got so many guns to go around, do you really want to mount them on the tanks that can't go anywhere? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It makes sense not putting the gun on such a slow tank, but the "can't go anywhere" comment is kind of unfair to the Churchill, it was the Allies best "Up and over" tank. It could handle any terrain, perhaps only the T34 was better in the rough stuff. Gyrene
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> One more correction. The way it goes, in 50 years American Hegemony will be a history. And it will not be even mentioned as such in the history textbooks. How is "evil war-mongering imperialist" pronounced in Chinese? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ha ha you fools! This here internet is the best thing for spreading American "culture" since Dizzyland and McGonalds! Wave goodbye to your healthy outdoor activities! Say hello to CRT tans and Carpal Tunnel from hours of Britney gazing! You are doomed and don't even know it! That is the beauty of the thing! China, Shmina! Hell, even they will soon be able to tell a quarter from a dime and Chandler from Joey! And they'll love it and ask it for more! Hahahahaha! Hmm. Yes, carry on. Gyrene
  24. I've recently discover the joys of Panther killing with Fireflies in CM and also have started to develop a great admiration for the later model Churchill's thick hide, now my question is: Why wasn't the great 17 pounder gun placed in Churchills? Turret ring too small? Tank considered too slow? That combo would make a tank that would cause Big Cat commanders to lose sleep. Gyrene
  25. Next time invest in some anti-vehicle mines, if allowed, and ruin his fast sight-seeing trip. Elite sharpshooters sould button up his speeding tourists also, greatly reducing their photo opportunities. Gyrene [ 05-25-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
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