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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. I heard most Finns could destroy a T34 with naught but a stare from their fierce, steely warrior eyes, is this true? Gyrene
  2. russellmz, point your web browser over to flamingpear.com and download the PS filter "Tesselation", it allows you to make seamless textures. Most other apps support PS filters, in case Photoshop is not what you use. Gyrene
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>By Icm1947 You guys go ahead we'll start another post about snipers. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LOL, I lost track of this thread about two pages ago. Gyrene
  4. I just got a new G4 system with the nVidia geForce 2 card and I'm having a problem with the sky showing up black and the text being blurry, I've read about this problem here before but I can't find it now. Has anyone been able to solve this problem? The resolution was 1280x1024, I didn't try any others and I'm not sure of the driver version numbers as I'm away from that computer right now. I'm sure I'll have to fiddle with the drivers, so if anyone has a combo that works I'd appreciate the info. Thanks in advance Gyrene
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sure, but then also don't forget that those 3 little guys are actually 9-12 men. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hehe, that paints a pretty funny picture...A whole squad of troops hiding behind a single elm. Gyrene
  6. CMPlayer: Don't forget that what you see on the screen and what the program uses internally are often quite different. If you go down to "realistic" scale, you might get a better idea of how much cover is available. I do agree that sometimes a tiny sliver of "woods" offers more cover and concealment than it should. Gyrene
  7. Jason C, thanks for the info. While there were not a lot of them, there were enough to warrant their inclusion (hopefully with amphib capability) in CMBB, even if with a high rarity factor. Cpl Carrot: Try "Coldstream Guards" from the CD or Rune's "Bridges at Le Luc" (sp?) for scenarios were the river is the centerpiece, the latter is a bear to play as the French, Chuckles did a very good job of stopping me in that one. Gyrene
  8. Jason C, I agree with most of your statements, and have been knocked about for bringing them up before. Most M3's in Europe went to crews, most frontline M3 use was in the PTO. It was fairly common for US squads to "Load for Bear" and go heavy on the Thompsons/BARs when trouble was expected, even to the point of leaving all M1's at home. It was very easy for US troops to pick a new weapon of choice, and I remember one comment in particular about troops going ashore at Okinawa that it "Seemed like every other man had a BAR". The lack of diversity in Allied squads, while historical according to TOE's does not reflect the field adaptations that were very much widespread during the War. Gyrene
  9. God, what a nutty thing to want to know... Chino, California, US of A (Yeee-haw) Gyrene
  10. Cpl, you mean to tell you you haven't played a scenario with rivers yet? You're missing out. CM already models boats, so it would not be a huge stretch to include amphibs. Hey Micheal, welcome to the thread, I was starting to feel ostracized. The Sovs used quite a few T38's early in the war, as they had little choice, and the things were pretty much a death trap for the crews. The one reason I'd like to see them in CM is simply the cool amphibious factor. Gyrene
  11. Not this one again...You all cut this out, or I'll bring up my "Best Soldier of WWII?" thread up again! Gyrene
  12. Hey, lot's of rivers and lakes in scenarios, plus the things were fairly common. I realize my member number is far too high for me to get any requests in, but I can still try. Gyrene
  13. I'd second that, you'd be set if you get Michael on your corner. Gyrene
  14. Are any of the Soviet amphibious tanks making it to CMBB? Despite the fact that the T37, T38 & T40 tanks were hardly less powerful than a halftrack, it'd be fun to use them to show up in places were your opponent would not expect. Gyrene [ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  15. Nahimov, you might be better off asking specific questions. You stand a very good chance at getting excellent answers here. Gyrene
  16. Colonel Klink. Adolph & Benito for a two way tie for second place. Third place is that Admiral that Halsey replaced (Gormley?) Gyrene
  17. I changed my mind, I want to be a conscript French or Polish truck driver. I can drive ahead of everyone and look for land mines. Gyrene
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>He did at one point mention that attacking from more than three directions at once might qualify as gamey. So far I'm only attacking from three directions. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that is not gamey at all. It's called envelopment, and kudos to you if you pull it off. Gyrene
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Nothing at all... They're ALL coming from the same side. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sounds like you have the rest of the field to yourself. Time to move your un-engaged defenders forward, swing around and back door your opponent. There's only one time when I think edge hugging is Kosher: When that is the only way to get to the side of a enemy unit that is close to the edge or when the best cover is obviously at the edge. To move your vehicles and troops along the very edge because you know you instantly have a protected side might fly in a ladder game, where winning is the only thing, but doing it in a friendly game I think goes against the spirit of honest play in wargames. If there are any defensive lessons to be learned here is to set your defense in layers of differing depths from the front line, this way a flanking opponent always has a wide front ahead of him no matter what angle he comes from. That and always leave a sharpshooter or AT team well ahead to spot flankers, and if edge huggers to hopefully drive them off the map with mortar fire. Gyrene
  20. Well, I think the topic all hinges on whether his opponent was hugging the edges or not (By hugging, I mean literally single filing up a map edge). If he did, it's lame; if he made a Honest-to-Goodness flanking manuever and swept his defenders, then more power to him, and like others said, keep your defense mobile and able to react. Gyrene
  21. Ok, I'll make you a trade... The Germans get the Maus if the Russians get Sturmoviks and not generic "Fighter Bombers" Gyrene
  22. ...He can talk! ...He can talk! "And I can siiiiiiing!" (Troy McClure, from "Stop the Planet of the Apes, I want to get out") Rock me Dr. Zaius Gyrene
  23. I consider that very gamey for a friendly game. Taking advantage of the physical limits of the map is a pretty crappy tactic, even if it works, this also goes for parking your uber tank at a corner to give it perfect immunity from two sides. It's right up there with suicide scout trucks. Now, if he wasn't hugging the edges, but came up along a genuine flank (sounds like he didn't) then it's fair ball. If you find a reason to play this opponent again insist on very large maps for the low points. This way you can at least set up a round defense and he'll have to spread out thinner. Gyrene
  24. I agree that dust could be represented the same way as smoke, but slower systems will get a performance hit in much the same way that massive amounts of smoke do. Nice way to spot moving vehicles, it would be a great feature, it would be even sweeter if tanks and vehicles could back up into their own dust to conceal themselves. Gyrene
  25. Russell, sign me up as an US sacrificial lamb, sharpshooter or bazooka dood. (Green, of course ) Gyrene
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