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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. Are you absolutely sure that no Finns were spotted by your troops? Finn attacks can be quite nasty, you know? Gyrene
  2. Michael, Username's post has some merit, look at the example of US Soldiers early in the Korean war: They were notoriously out of shape and "soft" from years of cushy occupation duty in Japan and it really showed when they were up against the far fitter and organized North Koreans. While I won't go as far as to say that VS troops were all fat and out of shape, but there was a reason why those guys weren't picked for frontline duty in the regular German army. The new fitness rating might fix some of these problems, but in the end the game might still came down to X # of guys with Y type of gun without any sort of training differentiation between them which might be a sticking point when it comes to partisans. Gyrene
  3. Iron Duke, i have not received my map yet... Should I take points away from you? Gyrene
  4. Were they Russians going against Finns? Russians panic very easily under the steely gaze of a Finn. Gyrene
  5. This whole Super-Finn / Wuss-Americans dialog is starting to piss me off. Comparing the Finns' success at defending the backwoods of their homeland against then-conscript Russians to the US's waging a massive war 3000 miles away from their shores (over an ocean, mind you, something even Germany could not do then) is absolutely nonsense. Americans early in the war in Europe were not fighting to protect their homes in terrain they knew intimately, they were answering the call and sent off to places they never heard of before. Do you think Finns would have done any better at Tarawa, Peleliu or Iwo Jima? Or at Normandy? How about in Lybia? I don't think an entire army of Uber-Finns would fare any better than the Russians if Finland decided to invade the Ozarks here. Defending your backyard is one thing, but taking the fight thousands of miles away from your home in utterly foreign locations requires an entirely different mind set. As far as Americans being soft, I'd stack up the 1st Marine Division against anything Finland can put together. Point me out to a Finn division with a better combat record. Keep this nationality bonus nonsense out of the game, making different types of units better or worse is one thing, baseless racial profiling is another. Gyrene
  6. Iron Duke, boy_recon said he was throwing in the towel and had sent you an email to that effect, I received his file with the surrender orders, that was yesterday morning my time (7-5 PST) I haven't heard from him since, maybe he's having email problems, as I received a file from him a day late after it finally showed up from cyberspace. This is not the way I wanted to move to the next round, but it looks like that's the way it is. Gyrene
  7. Look for a thread called "CM2 FAQ, All you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask" in this forum. Most everything that has been released about CM2 is in there. Gyrene
  8. As a follow up, the latest driver available is the one I have installed already, there was a file originated July 3, but it was from 2000. That one had me scratching my head wondering why I couldn't d/l it until I noticed the year. So on I go on my quest to find a solution to my problem. To cut BTS some slack I've noticed a few graphics glitches here and there in other programs. Maybe I should have gone with the Radeon. Gyrene
  9. We're on turn 19 (!) I'm waiting for the turnfrom recon, and like he said, we both ran into a whole lot of Real Life in the last two weeks, and the fact that he's in the UK and I'm in So. Cal doesn't help our situation at all. sigh. Almost done. Gyrene
  10. Steve, thank you for addressing our concerns and for wading thru this thread. The changes you mentioned will probably fix all or most SMG related problems, the improvements to MG's are probably the ones I'm looking forward to the most. We'll just need to find something about CMBB to bitch about Gyrene
  11. boy recon, have you sent the turn? I have not recieved it if so. Just had a 8 hour long black out (accidental one, not a rolling black out) Seems like there's a conspiracy going to keep us from finishing this thing. Gyrene
  12. Schrullenhaft, most of the games I tried only offered me either RAVE or Software rendering as options. I tried all Open GL versions from 1.0 to 1.2.2 Buckeye, I'll go check out the new drivers, my G4 is literally 2 weeks old, so I might already have this update unless it came out this week or last, I have tried the last available at the time and the installer said I was current. Thanks for both your replies. Gyrene
  13. "Combat Mission: Great game, but hope you don't have an Nvidia card" Gyrene
  14. I posted this question before, but I got no replies. I need an answer. I have tried several other 3D games on my new system and every single one of them works perfectly without any graphics glitches. I have the latest official drivers and firmware installed, I have tried all resolutions from a fresh start after the prefs files have been deleted. There is more than enough RAM alocated to CM. Why is CM the only game that refuses to work properly? I can't bring myself to blame Nvidia when all other games I tried, including some made long before the nvidia card was around for the mac (Unreal, Myth II) work as advertised. What is the deal? Gyrene
  15. I again agree with JasonC's notion that scenario designers should voluntarely reduce the amount of ammo available to automatic weapons, especially for regular and below troop grades. Take the example of the M16, when it was issued to line troops in Vietnam, the US Army ran into the huge problem of soldiers running out of ammo too quickly, up until that point all soldiers had been trained on the M14, which despite its full auto capability, was never used that way due to it's vicious recoil and great lack of accuracy in that mode, it was hoped that the M16 would increase the efficiency of soldiers without any lenghty marksmanship training. It did not Training and field experience helped to aleviate the M16 ammo problem, an full auto was an option to be used only in the confines of the jungles or other very close-in situations. The US military has since abandoned the M16A1 in favor of the 3 round burst firing M16A2, and single shot, accurate firing is now the gospel. It is very unrealistic to expect that a Volksstrum SMG squad should have the same fire power rating as an Allied Airborne squad of the same size. Airborne troops received far more training than the last line of defense VS troops, and yet both their firepowers are rated on the same potential of their weapons. While many VS troops had previous combat experience in WWI, it is very doubtful that their experience would translate well to the SMG's they would now be holding. The realistic combat range of SMG's is around 20m, in the same territory that shotguns dominate over rifles, this is when sudden snap shots happen and when the time to aim is non existant. Look at the very elite forces of the world: When the SEALS or the SAS go to the field they take the M16A2 or the M4 carbine, when they have to take a building they go to pistols, shotguns and the MP5. The very reason why crews and leaders were issued SMG's is because they should only have to fire when the danger is within the small effective range of those SMG's. I made statements before about squads customizing before a mission seemed to have caused some commotion, so allow me to explain again how it worked: TOE tweaking (Loading for Bear) was only true for troops working out of fixed bases into areas of expected enemy resistance, and usually only done when it would the weather (night, fog, etc) or terrain (jungle, city) was known. This did happen, but like I said, it was only common in places where the battle line had become static, and when a stable base of operations was established, for example: Guadalcanal, late war DMZ fights in Korea, and Stalingrad. Gyrene
  16. I haven't kept track of the numbers, by my 5000 point Blood Hamster match versus Abbott was the most intense CM I've played. Damn his Tigers! Gyrene
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What did SMGs do in action, really? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As far as Platoon/Squad leaders go they were to be used solely as a self defense weapon, as the jobs of the leaders was to tell the troops where to go and what to shoot. Close range fighting doctrine really depends on the nationality of the units, with the US approach being this, in order: rifles - grenades - bayonet. I do like the idea of random unit sizes, hopefully something like this will be implement in the game some day. Gyrene [ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  18. Deadeye, for another Uber Yank story look up Sgt. Alvin York in WWI Gyrene
  19. Michael, this proposal all stems from the fact that too many people take a clinical approach when it comes to deploying their squads to the point that once enemy units are identified you can almost work against them in a system, with precise incoming firepower values at different ranges precisely known. After all, we don't know if that tank or AT has any T rounds, or how much HE that TD is carrying. This kind of lack of information forces us to issue more realistic orders, unlike the "Once I get within 50m of them with my Heavy SMG Squad those bolt action Brits are toast according to the numbers" orders that happen so much. If that Brit Rifle Squad happened to be blessed (Or cursed if its a long range fight) with some extra SMG's it could cause enough damage to that rushing Heavy SMG squad in the critical closing up phase (Especially between halted Rifle Squads vs running SMG squads) to make these tactics not worth it anymore. Gyrene
  20. If you happen to be following JasonC's "Where are all the allied SMG's?" thread you will probably have formed an oppinion of whether or not the Allies are shorted or misrepresented when it comes to SMG's so I offer the following proposal: Make the # of SMG's available in squads random, just like Pf's & rifle grenades. The exceptions would be the SMG & Heavy SMG squads which are supposed to be what their names mean. The quality of the squad would be the determining factor for the chances of a squad having adopted an exra SMG or two, with Veteran and up having the better chances. This would add yet another layer of realism & unpredictability to this already excellent game. Let the flames begin Gyrene
  21. I see lots of comments about US troops "discarding" their rifles in favor of SMG's, if they did unoficially adopt a new weapon, it would have been with the blessing of the platoon leader who would either welcome the additional firepower or deny the request. If the request was accepted, the exra rifle would then placed in the company armory and not "discarded". Unfortunatly my military bias and knowledge leans very heavily towards the history of the USMC, and I know as well as anyone that the US Army way of doing things & the USMC way are often two very different things, but I have read many accounts of Marines being issued different weapons for specific missions and widespread semi-official scrounging, some examples: In Guadalcanal many Marines had a craving for their own M1 to replace their M1903's and would not think twice to "re-appropriate" one from a Soldier. In the island campaigns any fallen BAR was picked up, it was not unusual for entire squads to be all BAR equipped towards the end of a battle. In the jungle campaigns patrols were issued all Thompsons/M3's/BAR's and also shotguns (REAL close range firepower that is missing in CM) the rifles left at home. The SMG's & Shotguns were Company community property and issued out at need. This pratice was also common in late war Korea, and included the issue of flak vests/ diapers (nick name for the flak shorts) to assault squads. During Iwo Jima a particular Marine was renowned for carrying a modified A/C belt fed machine gun he scrounged off a crashed aircraft, he adapted it for single man use and was instrumental in the first hours of the invasion at the base of Suribachi. He had used his "Stinger" as he called in previous campaigns, in other words: The entire Company knew he carried the thing, and even welcomed it. Towards the end of the war and the Okinawa campaign, squads were boosted beyond their TOE by adding one or two BAR men and thompsons, this was done at platoon/squad level if the extra weapons were available and Company/Bat. HQ usually did not object, and if they did object it was usually to hoarding. During the Chosin Campaign in the Korean War (A little outside the scope, but close enough in doctrine & equipment to WWII) M1 carbines were abandoned in mass by US Marines & Soldiers in favor of much more cold weather reliable M1's & Chinese PPshk's. Trust me, no one told those frozen soldiers & Marines that "they were issued an M1 carbine, you will use and M1 Carbine" Crews should be able to defend themselves, especially frontline mortar crews. Remember that these guys were trained as infantry also. The total lack of variety in Allied squads compared to the virtual buffett of available German squads paints a wrong picture of the true variety that existed in the Allied side in the War. Gyrene
  22. Arrrghhh! I'm having trouble with my email and can't get anything in or out! Boy_Recon, I'm trying to get the turn out, I'll try hotmail. Gyrene
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