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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. Yes! A D-roach thread! Excellent! I think I also saw ol' Mike D. crack a joke a while back, but I could be mistaken...It might have been that other well regarded Mike: Mr. Emrys. Although I refute the notion of God being Canadian, I think this thread has a future. Until the gang of Aussies lock it up. Gyrene
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Another item touched on in another thread has been the command and control elements of CM. As the commander of one "side" in the enagement/fire fight/battle you have command and control of elements within your array. However, aspect of the game have been questioned for realism in the tretment of both command - the ability to direct resources to and end - and control - ensuring that the end is achieved. The smallest unit provided with a "non-manual" form of comms (radio) would have been the platoon (and this is country dependant) and even then the availbility of spares and their comparative delicacy would indicate a reasonable U/S rate. They would then be required to use runners... (In the defence line would be used as a preference - cheaper, more secure and more reliable.) My question is I suppose - does CM take account of "realities" in a realistic way or are there deficencies? If there are deficincies, what are they and how could or should they be accomodated in future releases... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Do you write technical manuals for a living? Perhaps programming instruction books? All communications in CM are an abstraction of the myriad ways that the "word" got around the battlefield. To go into further detail in the game might make things more complicated than they are worth as far as any gain in playability. Perhaps with future versions' implementation of a relative spotting system, enemy actions like cutting field phone wires would be worth to model, but right now the "borg" mode (One sees & hears, All see & hear), while not realistic, is what we have to use. Gyrene
  3. The idea of making a "bad" leader not obvious is an interesting one. On the set up phase he would like like a regular leader, but here the fog of war would also affect your side as maybe after the first turn the leaders thru stats would be displayed. This could simulate the "paper tigers" that look great to the brass at the rear, but the men in the field know better. Breaking easier and reduced reaction times (Even lower than a unit's solo reaction time) could be some of the penalties. An even funnier/distressing leader flaw would be if the leader ignored your orders and pursued a slightly different course of action than the one you planned. This could keep the player from sending this inneficient leader to his doom on purpose. Gyrene
  4. Cooper, with a Dynamic IP account you get a new IP everytime you log in. As far as the game is concerned CM will figure out your IP is when you set up a TCP/IP game and it will display that number on screen, so you can make that number available to your opponents. Gyrene
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Just had a brilliant idea why dont I but another imac thanks for the help people<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Excellent idea A 700mhz iMac would be lovely, but you might consider picking up an older model 466mhz G4 for close to the same price (+ screen, maybe your old performa screen might work in a pinch) A crossover cable will be required, you'll have to set the IP numbers by hand, but to avoid the hassle I'd get a DSL/Cable router/hub combo for about $99 and let the DHCP function of the router give your macs their new IP's automatically. You'll be able to share your internet connection also. Gyrene
  6. Remember the negative ranked Leaders in SL & ASL? Those would interesting to have in CM, although I'd hate to get one or more in a random QB... Negative leaders would be a good way to model the "Capt. Sobels" of the world. Gyrene
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A Challenger tank recorded a kill at over 5 km during the gulf war. That must be close to a record or something. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 5km? Isn't that past the hump of the horizon in flat terrain? Where did you get that info from? Battleships have been known to hit each other beyond the horizon, but I never thought tanks could do it. Gyrene
  8. German Tanks not good enough? Nope, their guns weren't good enough, their planes weren't good enough, their Generals weren't good enough and their troops weren't good enough. They lost the war, beaten by a bunch of poorly trained and led subhumans equipped with poorly designed, badly manufactured, antiquated junk. The Mighty Teutonic Knights should have rolled over them all. BTS...You know the drill, fix or do somefink. Gyrene
  9. To complement the Foobar Cross awarded here, I'd like to also award all the previous posters with the Anti-Eurowarrior Nice Guy Award , for gracefully accepting input from a new forum member and not once telling him to "Do A Search" or shooting his idea down solely based on his member number. Gentlemen, I applaud you all. Gyrene
  10. He'll love double posting too. [ 09-22-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  11. No problems at all buying this game online. Love the game and love whining about the game too. Your dad will too. Gyrene
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> However, on large maps with a lot of units present, the sky is missing and some terrain tiles (generally marsh and tiles adjacent to water) are replaced with purple blobs. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Zozimus, do you mean that you had the sky in some of the maps? Or do all maps have the black skies? If you do have the skies working in some of the maps then that is more than most of the geforce owners here get. We might need to look at your drivers to see if we can take it from there. I was also a victim of the GeForce/Mac bug and after busting my brains trying to get it to work I finally ended up getting a radeon. Everything is peachy now. Gyrene
  13. Check the tire pressure...Also remember that the 55mph rating was given during testing in Detroit with that nice High Octane gas. That low-bang junk they're pumping in France will rob your of at least 15 ponies. make sure the A/C is off too for maximum speed. Gyrene
  14. Sgt Beavis, to boil it all down: If you don't give your sharpshooters any firing orders, but let them work on their own, they are very difficult to spot. If you give them orders, they'll shoot even when it's not in their best interest to do so. Gyrene
  15. Double post. [ 09-20-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  16. Raven, did you install any other games that might have tried to update your drivers? Btw, the screen resolution startup option is a PC-Direct X thing, you won't see that on the Mac. I'd try deleting the prefs file for CM & your Voodoo drivers if there are any prefs files for them in there. (System Folder > preferences) and trying again. If that doesn't work, along with the standard PRAM reset and desktop rebuild then I'd recommend reinstalling CM if other games work fine, if all games are messed up then it's a video driver issue, reinstall those then. Gyrene
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Yes. I already have the Mac...fool. Its three years old. Alos I want to use some of the P.C programs like the endgame randomiser ect.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you really as retarded as you sound or is this just an act??? You ask if you can run CM in VPC, and then you say your Mac is too old to run CM as it is. How in the hell do you expect it to run CM well in VPC then? If all you want to do is run the simple supporting apps people made, then it's not a problem, but CM in VPC 4.0 is a miserable experience, even with a fast Mac. But maybe Patton_Returns can use his Res Edit magic to make it work for you. Gyrene
  18. I've found that most weird problems that crop up on usually well behaved programs can be fixed by both zapping the PRAM & rebuilding the desktop directory on a Mac. Were you playing over TCP/IP or PBEM? I've found that some times file sharing can conflict with CM in LAN games. Are you both using the same version of CM? Try reinstalling CM, or at the very least dumping the CM preferences file & restarting the game. Reload the file after doing the steps above & resave it under a new name & try that new one. Hope any of this helps Gyrene
  19. Let me get this right....You to run CM on Virtual PC on a Mac because you can't afford a PC? Other than to see if it could be done why would you want to do that? Gyrene
  20. Doesn't work if the map is tournament saved. So you know. Gyrene
  21. The graphical representation of the pillboxes in the game has a lot to do with my opinion of their strenght, maybe I need to keep reminding myself "Abstraction, Joe...Abstraction..." As tough as they are supposed to be, I guess I should be happy that some of them were killed by the 14" fire on my test scenario. Gyrene
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"the PB's in CM have armor 500mm thick" Um, no. They have armor rated as equivalent to 500mm of steel. It takes rather more than 1mm of concrete to give the resistence of 1mm of steel armor. 500mm is 20 inches. So they are rated as though they had 20 inches of steel plate. Battleship torpedo belts at the waterline are that thick. Their turrets -aren't- that thick, and they are meant to withstand battleship shells. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jason, excellent reply as usual, I'm starting to think you have some sort of database handy on your computer for all these replies... A big sticking point with me for a while has been the lack of blast effects to crews in tanks & PB's, there isn't even a morale hit and that can't be considered realistic by any stretch. I understand that CMBB will have tank morale, which is a step in the right direction. 500mm of steel does put things into perspective but brings another minor complaint to life: Assuming a very unscientific exchange of 6" of concrete for 1" inch of steel it would mean that the Pillboxes in CM would have 10 feet thick walls (Not unheard of in real pill boxes), but in the scale they are represented in CM that would scarcely leave enough room for an 88 & 7 men to crew it... I assumed that 500mm, meant 500mm of concrete, judging by the size of the PB's in relation to tanks around it and 20" of concrete shouldn't be able to shrug off the heavy stuff like it does. BTW, another thing to consider when comparing the efficiency of arty at Tarawa was that fact that the coconut log/sand bunkers were actually quite a bit more effective at resisting HE than pure concrete bunkers because of the cushioning effect of the sand used in their construction, add to that the fact that delayed fuses were not used as much (if at all) in the Tarawa pre landing bombardment, as the US planners had no idea how effective the Japanese defenses would be. If the Tarawa defences were built around pure concrete roofed & floored boxes the bombardment would very likely have been much more effective. Gyrene
  23. The game will be released May 2005, which will coincide with Apple's release of the new drivers for their Nvidia cards. Gyrene
  24. I agree that 14" guns are (Or should be) very rare in CMBO, but I used them to test just how tough these PB's are. PW42, the PB's in CM have armor 500mm thick, a far cry from the several feet thick, monster pill boxes of Normandy & the PTO, and a 14" shell (or 8" & 240mm shells) shouldn't have this much trouble knocking them out with a direct hit, or especially with a hit directly in front of the firing slit. Concussion & blast have zero impact on the humanoids inside the PB's in the game. All were "ready" after 60+ 14" shells landed on on very near them, there were no "!" markers on any of the surviving PB's. It would be nice to see the effects of concussion modelled in later versions of CM. Gyrene
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