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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I am in Corona, CA that's near Chino where the prisons and the old warplanes and the cows are!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actor, we could always 'borrow' a B25 from the Chino Airport and pick up people along the way... Gyrene
  2. Any mods you do to the game affect your system only. There are no mods that affect compatabilty. Gyrene
  3. Cagney, I'd recomend that you delete the Combat Mission preferences file and then restart the game. You should do that anytime you make changes to your system, esp. graphics related stuff. Btw, the file should be in your CMBO folder. Gyrene
  4. The Radeon I got is the OEM Radeon that used to be an option thru Apple. I got it for $149. Måkjager, the Radeon 8500 does have Digital Video out, but I'm not sure if they plan an ADC version. I don't see why they wouldn't if it got them a couple of extra sales. In a pinch the Dr. Bot DVI to ADC adapter would work with the Radeon 8500. Gyrene
  5. Do you add up the M16 Quad .50 trucks? Gyrene
  6. I see that some people plan on taking their laptops, I have a 4 port router/hub that I could take, so we could really geek out by having 2 tcp/ip games going. BYO RJ45 patch cable. Gyrene
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> [Gosh, I'm starting to think of the Great Engine Rewrite as if I were a member of some cargo cult. ] Michael <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Krusty is coming...Krusty is coming... Sorry Mike, there is no re-write, it's a myth. CM:ATR (Combat Mission: All The Rest) will be based on the Close Combat III game engine with liberal ResEdit tweakings by Paton_Returns plus a new color scheme. And it will feature walking robots. Gyrene
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Mud: Snip <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mud, one of the biggest strenghts of CM is that there is a considerable amount of "**** Happens" factor programmed in; it is not suitable for the type of clinical "what if"'ing that you described and I don't know if too many people would enjoy this game as much if the results were so cut and dried and predictable as you want. In any case, you can only save the game before any of the random numbers are generated so the reason why the turns are always different should be obvious to such a smart fella as yourself. Gyrene
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> hehehehehee...Why am I lauging? Oh me, no reason...Lets just say we got this particular matter well in hand in CMBB..Well indeed.. Madmatt <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Excellent news. BTS, please don't fix all the problems with CM, we need something to bitch about. Gyrene [ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  10. Madmatt must be a closet Algebra junkie...2 pages and this thing has still not been moved to the General Forum. Gyrene
  11. JimR, I was able to get my GeForce2 to run at 1024x768 (No skies either) It froze too much at 1280x1024. I wonder why the GeForce3 doesn't play nice at anything higher. The BTO radeon I ordered to replace the GeForce2 runs 1280x1024 without a hitch with no problems whatsoever, I hope ATI doesn't give up on the Mac altogether, I'm looking forward to the Radeon 8500. Gyrene
  12. If you are out of tanks then you are SOL... If you have any bazooka men left I'd try to sneak up as close to the sides/rear of the KT's as possible and let them try. That is also the best approach if you still had tanks. Button up his tanks every turn, you might at least shock one or two of them. You say he's almost out of infantry, so just take your troops to the flags and keep them out of the line of fire of those KT's and hunker down, he'll have to get close with his tanks to turn the flgs and you might be able to close assault the tank. Gyrene
  13. I posted this scenario here a while back and this is a heavily revised version. It is a fictional American assault on a large German held fortress, points are roughly 6500 to 3500. I don't have any briefings done and I'd appreciate any help. You can get the scenario here A lighter version of the same scenario can be had here Thanks Gyrene
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> My wife gave me 'the look' when I told her where I was going. She already calls CM "the other woman". She thinks of this sort of thing as being on the same level as "trekkies". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Instead of Spock ears & Klingon foreheads we wear Tin pots & Feldgrau. So what? lol Mark IV: My condolences on moving to Oceanside, nice enough city, but the boot jarheads from the School Of Infantry and MCT (Marine Combat Training) on liberty are a pain. Just look like you'll report them to an officer and they'll leave you alone. The more seasoned grunts avoid Oceanside like the plague, they go North or South, so you won't have to deal with them much. Gyrene
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I think under mosr circumstances, the cictorious gunner should be able to see the crew bail out. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, but not instantly. Plus, if the crew gets eliminated but the tank does not burn then the shooting tank still has no way to know with 100% certainty that the target is dead. Gyrene
  16. I was having a hard time coming up with a topic name for this thread, but the basic premise is this: Short of the target tank popping its turret or catching on fire, tank commanders would have some moment of hesitation and probably even no clue if they killed the target tank or not. I guess this ties in to the whole tank/gun reaction time argument, but I think it would be more realistic if you didn't instantly know you killed an enemy tank everytime, requiring your crews to maybe take a second or even third shot to gurantee a kill, or at the very least adding a pause, simulating the T/C verifying the kill. Having a tank instantly re-target after they kill an enemy tank (Especially very distant targets) like Robocop in a crackhouse is very unrealistic. Gyrene
  17. This topic has come up many many times, BTS has publicly stated that multi player will not be a feature in CMBB, but will be looked at for the engine re-write. I don't have a link to that statement by BTS, but it came up once in a similar thread I started some months ago and from what I was told they have stated the same thing earlier. Gyrene
  18. Count me in! I'll need directions though... Gyrene
  19. I've had no luck running CM on OS X 10.1 either. Used GeForce2 MX for sale. Cheap. Gyrene
  20. General Panic, the Cal State there in Fullerton does wonders for the local waitressing population... Btw, Goat Hill Tavern in Newport Beach is a great bar too... Something like 6 million different beers on tap...Give or take. Gyrene
  21. San Diego kicks ass, I'm all for spending a Saturday or Sunday putting around there. THumpre's town is great too. My town sucks. Do not come here. Run. Unless you want to go to the Planes of Fame museum, otherwise avoid. lol Some extra time to plan this thing would be nice, not too much, maybe 2 weeks or so? Gyrene
  22. I'm in Chino, land of cows, prisons & WWII Aircraft. Cows and Prisons...Nevermind...Anyway, I think that "Claremont, near Pomona" would be better than "Claremont, near Arcadia" Gyrene
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I don't get it. How can a puny little gun like the 20mm flak take out Allied armor? At 500m, the numbers are 19mm penetration at 30 degrees and 24mm at 0 degrees. I can't even imagine one of these things taking out tanks from the side, let alone the front. How is this possible? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Col Deadmarsh, what ususally ends up happening with all high ROF AA guns versus armor is that they get "Immobilized" and "Gun Damaged" hits on the armor, forcing the tanks to be abandoned. Pretty annoying, but... Gyrene
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