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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. This has probably come up before, but am I alone in thinking that the concrete pill boxes are too resistant to artillery fire? As an example of what I mean I recently set up a map with about 12 pill boxes clustered together in the open and 6 or 7 14" Naval spotters hidden in woods directly across from the PB's & fighter bomber support also purchased for the allies. The result was that after many turns of ridiculously intense artillery bombardment & FB runs only 4 pill boxes were destroyed. Some of the surviving PB's were in the craters left by the huge 14" shells, but still has effective as before, not a single casualty was had in any of the surviving PB's. Remember that these are the same 14" shells that will vaporize a large heavy building by just falling close to it. Needless to say smaller arty will have even more disapointing results. Like I said in the topic title...Maybe a bit too tough, those pillboxes eh? Gyrene
  2. Major, what product has required phone registration? I agree its a lousy idea. I'm also against software that automatically registers you the next time your internet connection is up, if I don't want to register (And get all the spam that usually goes with it) I shouldn't have to register. My TV set or VCR didn't force me to register for them to work. Gyrene
  3. I've had a similar problem with my Mac after installing a lot of High Res mods, some building sides were replaced by other textures, like grass, fire and even soldier's backs. I had installed the mods with the Mac Mod Manager, and later I went thru the resource files with Res Edit and noticed that the bmp for that building side was missing, forcing the program to fill in with something else. I manually fixed the resource file by copying the graphic and pasting it in and that solved the problem, but I've yet to figure out why its doing that. It might have something to do with the size of the graphics being placed into the resource files, for example I can't use the 2048x512 sky textures, I had to shrink them down to half that, the large bmp's would not load and often get replaced by the fire texture, complete with animation. (A very disturbing effect...) Another thing of note is that I did not have this problem with 9.1, (I'm using 9.2.1) but then again I didn't have many mods installed then, so I can't directly blame the new OS. Yes, I did trash the prefs file. Hand fixing the resource files seemed to do the trick. Res Edit is available free here Gyrene
  4. How could the French/American Hegemony keep over one million POW deaths a secret for so long? Not even Pol Pot was able to pull that stunt, and he sealed off his entire country. Sounds a little far fetched to me...Add that one million to the other million dead German POW's in Russia and one ends up claiming nearly half of all German deaths as having happened while in captivity. Right Gyrene
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>not true Gyrene, it has everything to do with the temperature of air being taken in, because Deisel engines have no spark plug to ignite the fuel, a combination of what is called a glow plug, and the rapid compression of air is intended to heat the air to over 700 degrees F. if the origional air is very cold, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Very cold intake air might have some effect on diesel compression ignition, but even a 60 degree variation in intake air temperature is not much compared to the 600+ variation between air temperature at BTC & TDC. Cylinder Head Temperature is also a factor in this, the relatively small mass of air entering the cylinder is far easier to heat up (And 20:1 compression will heat it up regardless of outside temperature) the the much larger mass of the Cylinder Head, which is counted on to provide part of the heat required for combustion during normal operation (CHT being as high as 200 degrees F in some engines). Until the cylinder head reaches normal operating temperature the glow plug will be required. Of course this will take much longer in very cold weather. Gyrene
  6. Hell, I think the whole thing is a sham and should be re-written! Evil Evil Americans! Anyway...What were we talking about? Gyrene
  7. The problem with Diesels in cold weather has nothing to do with the temperature of the air being taken in (The colder the better, as far as internal combustion engines are concerned), but it has everything to do with the fact that Diesel fuel has the nasty tendency to turn to jelly in very cold weather. We had a nice diesel vs petrol discussion a little while back. Gyrene
  8. The biggest reason that smoke was not used in the beaches in WWII is the same reason why there were no massive night beach landings: Amphibious landings in WWII relied almost entirely on visual signals, and smoke would make an already difficult job even more so. The timing required for a massive landing is very difficult to appreciate, as is the amount of intelligence that had to be gathered visually by the ships off-shore. The Marines were consulted by the Army, especially in areas such as Combat Loading of the landing ships and the Marines even provided training for early Army amphibious instructors. The smoke that saved soldiers at Normandy was most likely a very fortuitous event that would be imbossible to be caused on purpose if required. Incidently, I've heard that there were more Germans in the area than there were expected by the Americans, such as an entire division that happened to be on training maneuvers nearby, is this true? Gyrene
  9. Panther G, could you please e-mail me the save game file for the turn that takes you 2 minutes to compute? I'd like to see how long it takes to crunch of both of my macs at home. Gyrene
  10. I've briefly played CM on a 200mhz 604 driven Power Mac 7300 with the twin turbo card. Scrolled slowly and looked like crap, but it was playable. Turn crunching wasn't all that bad. I have access to even slower macs (A 100mhz 601 powered 7500, for example) but it'd be a pretty futile experiment. My Rev D iMac (333mhz) ran fine for me until I got a DP533 G4, it seems like a real slug now when I play local TCP/IP games between the two. The slowest PC I've tried CM with was a 133mhz Pentium with 32mb of RAM and an 8mb Rage card. The stock 4mb Virge card was useless. The PC ran freaking slowly too. A lot more RAM might have made it more tolerable. Gyrene
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The Americans soon recognized that their squads were too big and did not have enough automatic weapons by adding a second BAR, by using more M2 Carbines, and by splitting the squads into smaller teams, but this experienced died after the war, except that many commanders issued M2 Carbines in Korea in much larger numbers to front line troops. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> USMC squads had 3 BAR's and was built around 4 man fire teams, a formation used by the USMC since the 1920's. Army and USMC views hardly ever jibed back then, so the term "Americans" is a bit too broad for this discussion. The US Army led the USMC in the deployment of the M1 Garand, which some Old Time Hardliners in the USMC foolishly didn't want, but later in Vietnam the USMC was very reluctant in giving up the M14 and later led the way to the development and adoption of the single shot/ 3 round burst M16A2. The fully automatic weapons "Lesson" thought by the Germans of WWII has not held it's worth to this day as accurate single shot deployment is once again the norm for modern professional armies. Gyrene
  12. Well, if you're ready but your opponent is a no show then it's the ready player's responsability to speak up. The problem now is that even if the opponent shows up with 3-4 days left, the player that was ready will have to jump through the hoop and hurry his turns, and that is not fair either. Perhaps a late player can start receiving a penalty before the ready player. Harsh but fair. Gyrene
  13. Have a look at .bmp's 1624, 1627 and 1634... "Dig In", "Activate Flag" and "Scout" . Perhaps commands that didn't make the final version of the game? Hmmmmm Gyrene
  14. Well, I'm out. Labappel's Super Gamey Flak Truck (They're not gamey when I use them ) had it's way with my Daimlers and Achiles and at the very last turn killed my last two vehicles. I thought I might actually have this game after the Achiles and my Firefly scored some nice kills on a couple of Hetzers and a PzIV/70 Congratulations Labappel, and I'll see you all next AKoTM! Gyrene
  15. Labappel and I are to meet over TCP/IP this Sunday. Let's get it on! Bump back to the front.... Gyrene
  16. Gyrene


    SFC Matrix, morality does have a role in combat, particulatly in low intensity conflicts, to deny that level of responsability and chalk everything up to "heat of the moment" would be to display a lack of discipline. Picture that you are in Mogadishu heading off from the Airport towards Bale Dogle in a convoy and you are passing through the market on the way out of town. All your men are rifles-out on the 5 tons and keeping a sharp lookout when a couple of skinnies jump out from the crowd, take a couple of shots at the convoy and mingle back again. One of your men is hit in one of the trucks and some of the offenders are still visible scooting through the crowd. Would 40+ M16's & 60's opening up on the crowd be an appropriate response? Should the officers and NCO's keep the men in check? The situation will determine the response and this is when Morality and discipline comes into play, to simply open fire with all hands would most likely be the wrong decision, unless the crowd was visibly hostile and actively attacking the convoy. Real life is never cut and dry and command decisions like these are never easy but in the future as we get involved in more and more of these LIC's the more important a disciplined and morality conscious military coupled with realistic and unrestrictive ROE's will become. Gyrene
  17. Gun depression before or after Prozac? Gyrene
  18. Iron Duke, is your mindspring address working? I lost your work one... I've still no word from Labappel, I'm wondering if I'm the one dropping the ball here. Texas Toast: You don't want a 600 point penalty like me...Trust me. Gyrene
  19. I have a Rev D 333mhz iMac with 256MB of RAM running 9.0.4 which is rock-solid and a brand new Dual Processor 533mhz G4, 768 mb of RAM (And the 17" LCD ) running 9.1 with the geforce2 MX card and it's one temperamental beastie. Gyrene
  20. Did you delete your prefs file and then restart CM? That usually fixes most video problems. Gyrene
  21. You mean the "Bought and Built for the People's Revolutionary Army by the People's Collective Factory Number 654 for the destruction of the facist hordes!" logos? I don't think they'd fit. lol Gyrene
  22. It's a draw! Me and Lappabel just got done with our game via TCP/IP and these are the results: Axis (Me) 175 Casulaties (46KIA) 4 Vehicles K.O, Men OK 144 46 Points Allies (Labappel) 168 Casualties (45 KIA) 5 vehicles K.O. Men OK 245 54 Points. It was quite an infantry slugfest as my cut-down MG42 LMG boosted SMG squads and Sturmkompanie squared off against his seemingly never-ending Veteran Brit Paras. My 600 point deficit forced me to play cautiously, which was a good thing as one of my SMG platoons that I tried to sneak along a woods learned when it ran into 2 Para platoons. After that shock I decided to just hang on, and luckily my two hetzers proved to be pretty lucky as they took out a number of Daimler AC's and some Wasps who were lighting up everything in sight. My 4 gamey (and cheap!) flak trucks were more useful against buildings and infantry than armor, and as I did lose 3 of them, I don't see them as being all that invulnerable. In any case, it was a good game, and I am more than happy with the results. Gyrene
  23. The trace pattern is why you should group mortars, a widely spaced group is very hard to back-track, a large section of green mortars is virtually undistinguishable from a spotter. Gyrene
  24. Without a system for simulating mechanical reliability the Maus would be almost unbeatable in CMBB, thus contrary to the dismal real life performance of the thing. Depending on how the rarity system works out, you'd have to give up quite a bit just to have one Maus. Gyrene
  25. American fortifications and even trenches were common in places like Bologna, Italy even after Overlord had already started. Giving the Allies the chance to dig in in Operations or defensive scenarios would be nice indeed. Too late for CMBO, but I'm sure it will be included in CMBB. Gyrene
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