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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. A new 345.bmp for the lighter bunker is up, I'll get this right sometime.... Glad you guys liked it. Gyrene
  2. Ok...My zip program might be messing them up these might work, sorry for the inconvenience Light Bunker 343.bmp Lighter Bunker 344.bmp Lighter Bunker 345.bmp Darker version bmp's: 343.bmp 344.bmp 345.bmp Let me know if there are still problems. Gyrene
  3. Wolfe, the darker versions are still available in the other thread. I'll see what's going on with the .bmp's... I might have to leave them unzipped. Thanks for hosting these Manx. Gyrene
  4. Scroll down for download links... Gyrene [ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ] Edited to remove bad links [ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  5. By popular demand: Lighter bunkers! lol How about these now: Thanks for the input -Edited to remove bad link - Gyrene [ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  6. Ok, you can get the high-res version (512x256, 404k each) of the above mods here I'll make a snow version & smaller versions of all of them if anyone is having any trouble with the high-res ones. Gyrene
  7. Thanks for all the comments, I've made a couple of changes and it's just about done. I'll make a lighter version & a sandbag free version to suit all tastes. Here's where it's at right now: I'll appreciate if anyone is willing to host the mods when they're done. This version is done as you see above. Gyrene
  8. I'm throwing this out there to see if there's any demand for a bunker mod like this and to get some opinions, it's almost done, need to work on the back .bmp still. Thanks for looking. Gyrene
  9. Yes, thanks to you guys for showing up...Made my drive worth it. (Typed in New York/Canadian/Alabama/God-knows-where accent ) Thanks to Feldgrau for the mod sneak-peek, the new (Classified) looks awesome and it's already installed in my CM. See you all next time Gyrene
  10. This topic has come up maybe about 700 or so times since CMBB was anounced as being in the works, and it seems that most people are interested in the early War years/ Desert campaigns, but what about this: What if BTS were to add all the elements of CMBO & CMBB (Units & period data) to the next version after CMBB? I don't mean to leave all the scenarios there, but just to have all the previously released units available so CM can get closer to achieving ASL's greatest strenght: The ability to set up just about any kind of battle from all the pieces in the box instead of just pigeonholing future versions of CM in one time period. Granted that to do that with ASL required you to buy all those nice spendy modules, adding to the profits for Avalon Hill, but I'd pay extra for a more inclusive CM. Strict period/location controls could be used prevent some creative unit combos, but an unregulated set up option would be fun I also think that bundling historical periods together would make it more economically viable for BTS to release some of the less popular theatres like the Pacific & the Winter War. Gyrene
  11. By the way, you can get your actual IP number from the "maintenance" section of your Router's set up window. Gyrene
  12. TenFive2, I have the same router, this is what you have to do: 1. On your web browser head to and login : admin, 1234 2. Click on the SUA/NAT option 3. On the first port box (Not the default one) type in "7023" and on the "Server IP Address" box next to it type the IP # of the computer you play CM with (The number assigned to it by the router, i.e. 192.168.0.x, where x is 2 or higher) 4. Repeat it for the second port box, but this time add port # "7024" & add the same IP as before. Note-- Your Router firmware might have a slightly different port forwarding screen with "Start Port" & "End Port" options for each IP line, in that case just add "7023" to the start & "7024" to the end for each IP you want to play CM in. 5. Now when you want to play someone you'll need to give them your IP# (Your actual ISP given IP, not the router given one) followed by the port number after the ":" sign i.e. "" You might not need to add the port number to the IP, but it won't hurt if you do. Gyrene
  13. LOL, we're falling like flies! Well there's always next time. Out of curiousity, who's coming for sure? Hate to make the drive and be the only one there. Gyrene
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> By ol' Foobar: what am I, chopped liver?!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A ha! I was expecting that... Notice the language of my last post: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Well, that sucks Darwin, especially after you made all this effort to help this get together going... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LOL, Ok, Navare can let you look thru the periscope, and maybe steer the sub. Gyrene
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I've heard that Somali gunmen chewed khat all day long, but I can't imagine the drug was really performance enhancing. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Khat is Somalia's Marlboros, like Betel nuts in the Southeast. It's an upper, like a high dose of caffeine rather than an amphetamine if I remember correctly. Gyrene
  16. Well, that sucks Darwin, especially after you made all this effort to help this get together going... I guess Navare is the sole point of contact now. Navare, you have the Conn. Gyrene [ 10-12-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> And how long does it take to dig a foxhole now? An hour or so at best. What's the average time limit on most CM scenarios? About 30 minutes. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Depends on the terrain...On "regular" garden variety dirt a motivated trooper (I.e. getting shot at) should be able to dig a 3.5-4 ft deep fox hole (Fighting hole, if the digger is a Marine, foxes hide in their holes ) in about 15 minutes. They could do it even quicker if engineers blast loose the ground first. An improvised fighting hole does not need to be the luxurious, 7 foot deep trenches we see in the movies, with grenade pits and firing ledges, just deep enough to get your head and nuts away from the incoming. Ground hardness should be a feature of CMBB and so should be field expidient fighting holes. Gyrene
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I have read a little about the modifications (mods) to the graphic images...but I am a little unsure about which mods are best/needed. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No mods are needed in the traditional sense, but they make the game much nicer looking if you have at least a fairly decent video card. As far as what mods are best then it's all a matter of personal taste. I personally think that Pawbroon's Austin Powers Wasp mod is the best mod out there Links to sites will follow. Gyrene
  19. Way back in this thread Michael Dorosh wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> We have SF kits for our C6 machine guns today that rarely get used, either. Then again, we also don't carry respirators on exercise. I don't think I've even worn a gasmask since basic training 14 years ago. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lucky you, in the USMC at least (I suspect the US Army as well) NBC defense is almost a cult, doesn't matter where you get deployed to, you can be sure of being issued and required to carry a gas mask under the penalty of being written up. Add that to the yearly gas chamber requals and MOPP 4 (Full gear) days every 3-4 months: Trying to go on about your daily duties dressed like an astronaut. We also had a good percentage of our people sent to higher level NBC training and sent back to the units to spread their new knowledge. Gas masks even make it to the yearly rifle requals. Gyrene
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Just out of shear interest, anyone got any ideas about the use of FLIR vs. thermal sights. Part 2 - Isn't FLIR an active-source devise?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Technically FLIR is a thermal sight, it "sees" in temperature differences and requires no illumination source. Gyrene
  21. Oh no...Not again Tell your friend to suck it up and learn how to play better, this argument is probably the oldest in this board and has been debated and flamed to death. Gyrene
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Maybe we should sound off if we are going to be bring our laptop on Saturday, so we'll know how many. One <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, Mark IV's makes two... Gyrene
  23. Well, I've managed to scrounge plenty of ethernet cables to go with the router, now BYO Network Interface card A LAN party at a pub, that'll be an odd sight... Gyrene
  24. If you really really really want to play dirty with this same opponent next game then spend as many points as your opponent did on KT's on M8 HMC's... For the 2860 points 10 regular KT's cost him you can get 49 M8's and still have 18 points left for a sharpshooter. 49 M8's will force his KT's crews to bail and then you can terrorize his infantry for the rest of the game. Don't believe me? Buy a large, even number of M8's & KT's, let the AI run the German side and very aggressively pursue the KT's whenever you spot them, I mean rush the suckers with as many M8's as you can and get on their flanks and rears. Move the M8's in packs of 10 and you can deal with just about anything you may run across. You'll be surprised. Gyrene
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