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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. Joshik, the yellow is a little harsh, but the detail is EXCELLENT. Make it less yellow and more rust/mud/white and you have a winner. Gyrene
  2. Ok...One at a time... Michael:Yes, I ditched the GeForce...Make mine Radeon Pud:No sweat, I leave you the important mods. Everybody else: I'll will make the tracks narrower, I think that even the stock tracks are too wide. As for the shine, I'll dull it up a bit, but regularly used tracks ARE shiny. Go visit your local railyard. I'll make the gravel more dirty looking / brownish. Remember, this is a preview. To everyone: Thanks for the comments & suggestions. Gyrene
  3. The tracks are far from done, I think I'll make them narrower also. You're right about the grass. This on burns the ol' retinas. The other side of the tracks. (Pun intended) Gyrene [ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  4. Capt. Foobar mentioned that there are no high res train tracks so I cooked up a set. They'll be done some time next week. Feldgrau's new Churchill contemplates crossing the tracks. I'll have lo-res & high-res options for it. Gyrene [ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  5. LOL...We killed his data transfer allotment...Yahoo closed the site for the day. Shame on us. Gyrene
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that one of the biggest problems that the US Army had in WW2 was that the fittest and brightest were almost anywhere BUT in combat positions. Nearly all of the college grads and men with a modicum of ability had found themselves positions in the staff, administratation or the technical branches. Huge swathes of talented people were also siphoned off into the Army Air Force. The guys left in the rifle companies were generally the ones with limited abilities and without the initiatiave to find themselves a safer occupation. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That is not exactly true...The USA was still just coming off the Great Depression and the great drive for higher education in America was not on yet...It would be fueled by the GI Bill after WWII. Most of the "good jobs" were working on government funded projects like Hoover Dam & the like. The pre-war US Military was considered a good career choice, but it had far more applicants than positions and could afford to be picky. After Pearl Harbor it was flooded by millions of eager applicants, and it could then afford to be VERY picky, this pickyness wore off as the need for men rose as the war went on. Gyrene
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> By Michael Dorosh: One can argue that the British and Canadians, and the Americans to a lesser degree, were professional armies by D-Day simply because they had been training together for so long. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We'll here I go again with my USMC-centric observations, but the Corps at least had a strong core of Officers and NCO's who had quite a bit of field experience by 1941 in Central America, China & several others. Granted the USMC was but a fly speck by 1944 standards, that experienced core made a huge difference in holding their units together in the early battles. I had the privilege of having a 32 year Army Air Corps/Air Force veteran as an instructor a couple of years back, and as him having joined the Army in 1937 he had a lot of very interesting observations about the US Army of before & after 1941. His comments do support the notion that the US Army was rather laid back and not to serious about training in those days, budgets were VERY short. (This is not meant as a dig at the Army by excluding the USMC & USN from these comments, it's just that both of those 2 serrvices had a very similar ops tempos in peace as in war) While the USA has always had a professional Army this century, remember that the US Army was still practicing armor manuevers on trucks with the word "Tank" painted on the side as late as 1938. The will was there, but the money was not. Gyrene
  8. Oop...How could I have forgotten yours? Being I even commented on it. Shame on me. Gyrene
  9. I decide to make my not-quite-first mod the wooden MG bunker because there weren't many of them out, and surely no high-res ones. (Not quite my first, because I made a shell hole mod that kind of sucked, so it doesn't count). Now Foobar's thread about the train tracks got me thinking about what other orphan .bmp's are out there waiting to be tweaked. (I'll give the train tracks a shot, btw) Any suggestions? I'm thinking mostly terrain related .bmp's. Gyrene
  10. The best M16 related story I've come across was in the book "East of Chosin" (I'll let you know who wrote it as soon as I find it...) about the Army's tragic Task Force Faith in the Chosin Reservoir area in Korea, 1950. 2 M16's and 1 M19 (Dual 40mm AA on a M24 chassis) were all that were keeping the massed Chinese away from the Army positions, the M19 was shooting flak and set to go off in the middle of the advancing Chinese at head height....Needless to say it was very effective. The M16's also did their share of the work. The Chinese learned to give them very wide berth. Quad .50's (Maxson mounts) & M19's (Known as Dusters) were also used in Vietnam, and saw quite a bit of action with an Army unit in Khe Sahn. Funny enough, in the history of the Quad .50 equipped vehicles & other AA rigs in US service those who have seen action have been used almost as much in an anti-personnel role as the have against aircraft. Too bad we didn't get them in CMBO, it would give the Allies a great "gamey" unit Gyrene
  11. It's dooable. try to go for a rear shot. It can be done from the side, but might take more than one shot. Gyrene
  12. NICE StuH. The silver/bare metal on the road wells is a brilliant touch! (No pun intended ) Gyrene
  13. I played quite a bit of CM in my own Rev D iMac, so I know it works (Pretty well, actually). Updated Open GL is probably what you need. Gyrene
  14. I'll need to pipe in here and given an "Amen Brother" to Mark IV's accurate description of the waitress at Shakespeare's. She was good. Also, she didn't seem too freaked out by our talk of artillery and Japanese military history. Maybe she's used to geeks; the same cannot be said for the other customers, I think some of them were thinking of calling the FBI. Anyway, as were you were, carry on with your grab-assing or tea party or whatever it is you do here. Gyrene
  15. I'll need to pipe in here and given an "Amen Brother" to Mark IV's accurate description of the waitress at Shakespeare's. She was good. Also, she didn't seem too freaked out by our talk of artillery and Japanese military history. Maybe she's used to geeks; the same cannot be said for the other customers, I think some of them were thinking of calling the FBI. Anyway, as were you were, carry on with your grab-assing or tea party or whatever it is you do here. Gyrene
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>By Jason C: Anyone who uses more than 1/4 veterans is a gamey cheating no good piker whose mother smelt of elderberries. It is like trout fishing with dynamite, or deer hunting with helicopter gunships. Real men use greens. (Except at night, greens at night just plain suck LOL). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow! Jason C made a joke! I once heard rumors of Michael Dorosh making a joke, but I missed it, and now Jason C cracks one out! Strange days indeed...I'm bookmarking this one. Gyrene
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> no the allies have not captured a few panzerfausts, and no im not talking about the zook; im talking about the little rifle grenade! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Funny enough the germans got the idea for the Panzershreck from captured American bazookas. Rifle grenades sure beat not having anything with some range like the other Allied troops, they work well when they work at all. They are not very effective against skirtted AFV though. Gyrene
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>shoot, ich studiert deutsch, ober, ich verstehe english nicht gut! und, ich bin mude. sorry! i better stick to CM and stay away from spelling <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah...I'll take your word for it. No sweat. Veteran troops are nice, but in some instances having a larger number of regular troops can make a difference in the end of the game Gyrene
  19. Bump. I'd like to know if the new lighter version 345.bmp works, if someone could tell me. Muchos Nachos Gyrene
  20. Well, I have them already. Mwahahahaha! Feldgrau hooked us up! My Churchills look better than your Churchills! Nyanyanya, etc. Gyrene [Edited because there is only one "r" in Feldgrau....] [ 10-17-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  21. The Sherman crw made a mistake. They meant to fire HE. Gyrene
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