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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. 75tlc, delete the preferences file in the CM folder and restart the game. If that doesn't solve your problem wait for Schrullenhaft to come around. Gyrene
  2. I've done quite a bit of testing trying to get CM to run in Classic mode inside OS X so maybe I can clear up some of the confusion here. To start I'd like to make two terms clear from the start: When I say OS 9 I mean OS 9.1 to 9.2.1 as the startup OS, from it's own partition as if OS X was not even present. Classic means OS 9 as it is summoned from inside OS X. Classic and OS 9 are NOT the same thing, regardless of what Apple might tell you. Classic is OS9 being emulated inside OS X and many things do not work the same way. Major misconception: CM will no longer run under 9.1 / 9.2.1 if you install OS X, even if you boot up from start under OS 9. - Not true, CM and every other program work fine under OS 9, OS 9 is completely unaware of OS X's presence in the hard drive, it might as well be sharing drive space with Windows. If you boot up under OS 9 CM will work fine, OS X does install some items in the OS 9 extensions folder, including the notorious "Classic Rave" extension, but they have no effect on OS 9 performance. Another misconception is that Cm won't load at all in Classic. This is not true, it will load and act perfectly normal until the "Loading 3D graphics" window comes up, but then it will process for a long time with the result being a black screen and only the ambient sounds playing. Many have suggested removing the Classic Rave extension from the OS 9 system folder and trying to run CM in Classic mode under OS X. I have tried this many times, but with each attempt OS X reinstalls the Classic Rave extension again. Apple took a page from Microsoft here, by having the OS do stuff behind your back. I see no way around this. Some people mentioned being able to play CM in Classic mode, but it's never been confirmed as far as I know so... If anyone has been able to play a game of CM in classic mode under OS X then please let us know here Gyrene
  3. Måkjager, nice looking mod. Love the black skies, by the way. You should put some dirt on it and flake off some of that zimmerit to show were ricochets had hit. Gyrene
  4. A quick to tell apart the original tray loader iMacs is this: Rev A (Original Bondi Blue):233 mhz, no microphone hole above screen, no notch on mouse button, metal cover on side covering mezzanine slot. Rev B (Still Bondi Blue color):All same as above except for built in microphone above screen. Bigger drive & better video card were a few of the internal differences. Rev C (Five colors):266 mhz, mezzanine slot gone. Finger notch on mouse button (To help find which way is up on hockeypuck) Bigger drive & better video card + faster CPU were other differences. Rev D (Five colors):333 mhz. Last of the tray loader iMacs, last iMac with removable (Thus upgradeable) CPU card. CPU speed was the main difference from th Rev C model. All tray loader iMacs have a 66mhz motherboard clock speed. The 350mhz Ruby & Indigo models were the next in line, the first slot loaders, along with the first DV model the 400mhz Graphite. - All have 8Mb of video RAM & faster video cards, one piece motherboards at 100mhz with integral CPU & PC100 memory replacing the older 144pin SO-DIMMs of the older iMacs. I wish Apple would put a 32mb Radeon on the current generation 700mhz iMacs & bump the motherboards up to 133mhz & the PC133 standard. That would be a sweet set up. Gyrene
  5. As long as the Russians get their rocket propelled, commissar/NKVD mine-dog mobile launchers with built in human/canine wave feature I won't care what the Germans get. Gyrene
  6. You said pontoon...tee hee hee! Now seriously...How would thy propel those rafts across? Curious, that's all. Pontoon...heehee Gyrene
  7. Foobar, if you beat the AI everytime is because you are what Franko would call a CHEATER! Gyrene
  8. Not really...Spotters often called fire on places they couldn't see...Explains a lot of "Friendly Fire" casualties. I don't know how prevalent night arty was in WWII, but it was very common within defences in later conflicts. Gyrene
  9. Scroll'n half ( ) is right about the Open GL update. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> I'm getting a strange problem trying to play CM on a Rev C 333 G3 iMac- <hr></blockquote> Are you sure you don't have a Rev D iMac? Rev C's are 266 mhz. Picky, beer-fueled post. Please ignore and move along. Gyrene
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>But on the other hand The Evil Empire is no more! And I have a hairy butt! This is getting really compilicated! <hr></blockquote> I just came from a Halloween party and I'm under this spell of much beer...This probably explains why I find that line really funny. I'll kick myselfg and edit this tomorrow when I sober up. Gyrene
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Buy a Mac...with system 9 then you wont have any trouble. Or just Run CM in an older Windows OS is that so hard to do? <hr></blockquote> Not entirely true. CM will not appear quite right on GeForce cards on the Mac, regardless of OS. Gyrene
  12. I agree, all vehicles are too clean. Mud, we need mud. Gyrene
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Thus, he sponsored the idea of placing FOs (as mentioned early in this thread) with ground units. These would often be veteran pilots who were in one of the lead tanks in an armored column and had radio contact with planes overhead or who were attached to attacking infantry units. (If anyone saw the PBS documentary "A Fighter Pilot's Story"--that P-47 pilot eventually became one of these FOs). In short, Quesada kept working to improve the art of ground support by air and he was very successful at it, in the face of considerable resistance by many of his superiors. <hr></blockquote> Did he keep working to improve it or was he just adopting the way the USMC did it? A tour of duty as a FO with the infantry was a common experience with Marine fighter pilots until the jet age made their training too expensive to put them anywhere but in a plane. Quesada did a lot of work to get the Army to see the merits of close air support, which was something the USMC had been doing since at least 1923. Gyrene
  14. Nevermind about this 27th...Halloween parties to attend. I'm going as MadMatt Gyrene
  15. The 27th is this weekend...Anything planned yet? Something around Orange county maybe? Gyrene
  16. Very nice replies, thanks. I can now sleep well at night Gyrene
  17. TreadHead, email me the picture, I'll put it up for you. Gyrene
  18. This has always puzzled me (Well not always, but when there was nothing else to think about): How does counterbattery fire work? How could one figure out where artillery was coming from by watching impacts, or whatever they were looking for? Was this ever done in WWII, or is radar required? Gyrene
  19. Well, if Vegas is to be included in the Greater Souther California Co-Prosperity Sphere, then so can Havasu. Yes, Lake Havasu. During Spring break. HHHmmmmmmmm Spring break at Havasu.... Hmmmmmmm CM what? Gyrene
  20. Russell's got the 1000 yard stare...And that is the grin of a man who welcomes death. Watch, as he laughs at the Artillery barrage! Hoozah! Send more postcards. Gyrene
  21. This will probably get moved to the General Forum, but until it does I'd like to make a comment or two about the picture. If those are indeed wheel assemblies from an American helicopter then they could only be from a H47 or H53, they are too big for anything else. (MH47 & MH53, in this case). They could also be from bombed out Taliban aircraft, I've been to several crash sites, and I can tell you that if those wheel assemblies are in that good of a shape, then there are other, bigger and more recognizable helicopter parts to be dragged in front of the camera. Well see. Gyrene
  22. Voidhawk, thanks for the link. It shows me exactly the type of brown I need for the ballast. Gyrene
  23. Clubfoot, I love the recon pictures, great touch. Any chance I can get this scenario? I'll try to find to some time to play it. Gyrene
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> (I might even slip the 747 pilot a few bucks to pass right over Disneyland just to make you happy) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bad idea Stuka...He might think you're trying to hi-jack the plane and crash it into Cinderella's castle... Gyrene
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