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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>By Iron Chef Sakai: realy? the germans never coined the term blitzkrieg as lighting war? even though it's their own language? Dorosh just makes up stuff as he goes along, yes your right Hienze Guderian and all the other german high command had no title for their new tactics, they never coinded it blitzkrieg, Dorosh, do you read anything other then comic books dude? i'm waiting for you to actualy make sense and i have a feeling it will be a long time, Dorosh is talking about things from an alternate universe i guess. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Germans have been attributed with naming all sorts of things they didn't. Take the USMC's "Devil Dog" for example, it was held to be given to the Marines by the German defenders at Belleau Wood but "Teufel Hund" from all I've read & heard is bad grammar in German. The Marines were reported in German documents as "shock troops" & such, but the American made name "Devil Dog" stuck. Mike Dorosh seems to have presented pretty good evidence that "Blitzkrieg" was not coined by the Germans, but readily adopted none the less. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> right,....jerry? this does not proved your biassed or ignorant at all Dorosh, do you hear other people refering to the french as frogs on here? or the brits as limey's? ect..... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The terms Jerry, Limey & Frog do get tossed around in jest here quite a bit, so do Yank, Kraut , Canuck & others. It's never been meant with malice, BTS would not put up with it. Ask around about the guy from South Africa in this forum a while back with particular views about black people. See how long he lasted. --Edited to include "canuck" to the bad names list Gyrene [ 10-22-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> By Jarmo:Getting paid doesn't make you a better soldier. Training does. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> True. But wanting to be there does a lot to, and the will to be in the service to begin with goes in hand with the notion of a professional military. It is also true that in conscript armies there is the chance to volunteeer for extra training and admission to more "professional" units, even though you are still a conscript, you are also a volunteer in that case. Conscript doesn't always mean "highjacked", "pressganged" or "shanghai'd"; which is probably your point, and I agree. Gyrene
  3. Kickass looking map, SurlyBen. Shoot it my way, I'll try it vs the AI or find someone to PBEM it with. Gyrene
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Radeon I just discovered that the Radeon cards don't support fog table emulation! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Odd thing the Radeon does not support fog in the PC. ATI cards are far and away to most trouble free, compatible cards in the Mac. A cheap Voodoo 5500 will probably do you right. It's still a lot of video card, and sure to serve your gaming needs for a while, and a bargain to boot. If you can find one... Gyrene
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> BTS got that part of it right. I think the only thing they did wrong is allowing the player to buy the planes singly. They flew in flights of four or squadrons of twelve or sixteen.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Michael, the way BTS did *might* be right, in that with even flights of 4 aircraft only one would be diving at the target at a time, the others would be alternating between lookout for enemy fighters & looking for new targets/lining up for the next run. Gyrene
  6. Foobar, a couple more days and I'll have them ready. Gyrene
  7. Any part of the main body above the chassis, I'd assume. Gyrene
  8. What was the whole argument about anyway? That Bren tripods didn't exist? Gyrene
  9. Cement ties are a recent innovation, I think wood ties were the norm in the '40's. The ballast can get a bit more brown, but the rails have to be fairly shiny - bare metal shiny, unless one wants to mod an abandoned rail line, rust brown or that dark gray steel oxidation is not seen in constantly used rail tops. The mod actually looks better when you can see it in CM. The jpeg of the screenshot makes the picture look even worse.
  10. Invisible walls are a feature of the game. It lets you know when a building is occupied. Gyrene
  11. Delete your CM prefs file and re-start the game. This will probably solve your CM graphics weirdness. Gyrene
  12. The Router assigned IP to the computer you'll be playing CM on. Gyrene
  13. Michael, if the rails are not centered (Which doesn't mean I'm saying they're not...) They will be centered when the mod is done. Lord General, the grass is Gunnergoz's from Der Kessel. The rail switch will be fun to make... Gyrene
  14. Well, I'll go wherever it's at. The drive to San Diego for the last one wasn't bad, but maybe we could get something going halfway. Gyrene
  15. I pledge $5, but where do I send the money to? pledge: $5 total pledged: $45 remaining: $1155 Gyrene
  16. After following your suggestions, here's where am at with the tracks. tracks were made less shiny & narrower, ballast & wood made darker. Gyrene
  17. Set your router to forward ports 7023 & 7024 to the IP you plan to play from. CM uses these ports. Gyrene
  18. The Original iMacs (Tray loading cd-rom 233 to 333mhz G3's) do have 3d hardware, but they are not that great for modern games with only 6MB of memory. I works fine with CM at 800 x 600, but detail is not that great, although the speed is fine. Later iMacs, like the 350mhz & up models all have better 3d hardware, especilly the very latest 600-700mhz models. Powerbooks (Or any portable computer) all lag a bit behind desktop models and all cost more, even used. The Powerbook 3400 only has a 4mb video card, and it will not be that great for any 3d game. I would not get a portable unless you really have the need to take it around with you regularly. Older Blue & White desktop G3's are good buys now, and will give you a lot more upgrading options (Such as much better video cards than either iBooks or iMacs), and consequently lasting you longer. 350-400mhz iMacs can be had for pretty good prices in the refurbished market. Gyrene
  19. The original iBook will have lower performance than an iMac of the same period. Any slot loading iMac (350mhz & up) will have pretty good CM performance, as will any of the newer iBooks. Price and your need to transport it will dictate what mac to get. I've played a lot of CM with my old 333mhz iMac, so I can tell you that processor speed is not a problem, the video card is with those older iMacs. Gyrene
  20. Manx, those are really bad news for modders & CM players alike... Well have to find a good alternative. Gyrene
  21. Treeburst, why 154 times? Just curious, I figured an even number like 100 or even 50 would suffice. Are all terrain conditions even? Thanks for posting these results, altough an even experience match up would be better. Gyrene
  22. Were there any M3/M5 Stuart "Satan" tanks used in the ETO? There were more than a few in the Pacific, I'm just wondering if any made it to Europe. Gyrene [ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I think Affentitten's point was that from 1942 on that in the US most people who joined the Army and scored high on their tests went into either the Army Air Corps or Artillery or some other technical branch. The infantry was left with the leftovers. As the war progressed and there was a greater need for infantry replacements this changed. Early war though, the infantry got the low end of the scale. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That has been true of most militaries with the need to fill technical positions. I'd be hard pressed to think of exceptions. Btw, special forces types are not exceptions, as intelligence is a high requirement. Even today in the US military (And I'd suspect most others) Test score requirements for infantry are among the lowest of all available positions. Make of that what you will, it's just the way it is. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Can you verify if they were indeed career (=professional) servicemen ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Tero, yes actually. Back in those days the military was seen as a long term lifestyle or career and not as a way to get ahead in the civilian world. It followed the trends of the time with apprenticeships being the way to learn a trade and a considerable time investment. People tended to stick with a line of work longer then than now. the military was no exception. Whether long-serving personnel were up to any given standards of proficency it's debatable. Gyrene
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Uhm my GeForce II Card shows all of the graphics just fine.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Priest, the problem is with GeForce cards & Macs....The skies don't show. Michael: I understand what you are saying, but the lack of dynamic lighting in CM forces me to choose either no shine or shine. I'll try to find a happy medium. As before I'll put it out for public opinion to decide. Gyrene
  25. Thanks for the replies. I'll try the terrain related stuff first, and I'll tackle the vehicles next. There are a LOT of tanks out there that need dirtying up... Gyrene
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