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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. Nice post Jason. Who'd a'thunk? The Allies seemed to know how to fight after all, I was really under the impression that they were all bumbling fools, the Americans specially. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> With 28 running tanks left but no fuel, vehicles abandoned, wounded left behind <hr></blockquote> That's some screwed up priorities. What sized force was this, btw? Gyrene
  2. Ha! Funny! The "Sonar" sound from the first site is the one note, electric piano intro from Pink Floyd's "Echoes" Nice Gyrene
  3. Hey! Nice links, thanks! I'll definitively be borrowing some of those soundbytes. Thanks again, just what I was looking for to use with my 1000.mov Mod Gyrene
  4. The Ginko supplement must be kicking in. I took a hint from bfamily33's post and things will go a lot smoother now. Make the vertical track, use that to make the diagonal track, then use both as underlying templates for the curved tracks. What a concept! Back to work. Gyrene
  5. bFamily, I *could* have done that, but the original I'm working in is 1024x1024 and the 128x128 makes it kind of hard to line up. I'm also making the gauge narrower than the stock one. If I had paid more attention to where the tracks lead it would have come out better also. Plus I like whining. Gyrene [ 11-08-2001: Message edited by: Gyrene ]</p>
  6. Clean rails, muddy rails, double tracks, lighter colored balast....grumble grumble...Why I oughta....! Gyrene
  7. Gibsonm: Try rum's advice first, delete the prefs file. If that doesn't work, then download OpenGL 1.2.1 and then use Tome Viewer to remove the extensions from the installer Tome (Scroll down the Installer disk image window). The 1.2.1 installer won't work because of your newer version already in, bu all you have to do is just swap out the 1.2.2 extensions with the 1.2.1 extensions you just pulled from the installer, and reboot. Save your 1.2.2 extensions just in case this doesn't fix the problem! if the problem remains, then I'd stick with the newer OpenGL. Gyrene
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>By Berlichtingen: Err...what are uou talking aboot ? <hr></blockquote> That Canadian fiasco I played against you. It dawned on me I never sent the surrender file. I shredded and buried the turn files in shame. Gyrene
  9. I'm trying to finish my high-res train track mod and I need to vent... Lining the bastiches up is a big freaking pain in the arse! Stupid 661.bmp...grumble grumble...Dag nab 671.bmp...%$@*&! Gyrene
  10. Oh, by the way! Andrew, you forgot the hood latches! You don't want hoods to go flopping open now, do you? Gyrene
  11. Soddball, do you mean the rims? If so, then they are not. Fancy some mag wheels for your Jeep? Gyrene
  12. Congrats on your new gig Manx!!!! Maybe CMHQ will have some class now Gyrene
  13. Biggles, you probably have an extension conflict of some sort. Do you have a Rev D (333mhz, tray loader) or a 400mhz DV? Go to the extension manager (Apple menu > Control Panels) and select MacOS Base then reboot your computer. The Base set *should* have everything you need to run CM, if you have a mouse that requires a custom driver, I'd use the stock Apple mouse for this test. If you can run the game without crashing then one of the extensions that was turned off is at fault. From this point on it's trial and error, you can work with the "Halves" method to isolate the culprit extension: -Select half of the extensions that were turned off and turn them on. -Reboot and try game -If it runs fine then the trouble is in the other half - Use the half method on the remaining extensions. -If it crashes on the first half, then half it now until you isolate the culprit. Also, test other half of the original turned off extensions, just in case. If you need help identifying extentions get Extension Overload from Versiontracker.com, it gives you a lot more info on system extensions that Apple's manager does. If this doesn't solve your problem, then we'll take it from there. Gyrene
  14. Wow! That Jeep mod is too nice! I wouldn't want to shoot at it, or get it shot at! I'll probably use it anyway. Of course it was made on a Mac. I can tell Gyrene
  15. Make sure you have OpenGL 1.12 or higher, and that you run the game at no higher then 800x600 resolution. 1024x768 is too much for the 8MB VRAM of your iMac DV and the game will drop out when the 3D portion of the game loads up. Gyrene
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>By Michael "Little e" emrys:But seriously, folks, the board has been doing strange things since the last upgrade. <hr></blockquote> Yeah, my posts used to be twice as interesting before the upgrade. Gyrene
  17. Recently overheard on the Taliban front: Taliban Guy#1:Ah! Look! It is another of Great Satan's C130's! Taliban Guy#2:Verily! It is probably on another mission to drop pamphlets and supply pallets to the Northern Alliance, may Allah curse their short beards! TG#1:You are correct! Look! A large package has just left Satan's plane! It drifts slowly to earth by parachute! TG#2:Large it is! And it's drifting towards us! TG#1:Let's go intercept it! Osama will be proud! TG#2:It's almost down, I wonder what is in it? --- Gyrene
  18. What about High Speed Truck Recon ™? Is that ok? Gyrene
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> The blast value of the daisy cutter would be: assuming 12000lbs of explosive which is 2 times the power of TNT. A 14 inch shell has 300lbs of explosive in it and has a blast of 2348. So the blast of a daisy cutter would be (12000*2)/300 * 2348 = 187840 or 950 VT 155 rounds. <hr></blockquote> So, would it be gamey for me to pick it for a QB? Gyrene
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> By 109 Gustav: 10,212 points. <hr></blockquote> That's one for the FAQ! Gyrene
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> No need to feel guilty - I just think the webmaster should have at least acknowledged where he got the pictures from. There are some awesome American pictures as part of the same collection that others might like to see. <hr></blockquote> Mike D, do you have a link for the original US site? Or were the pics from a book? Gyrene
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> By JasonC: Which matches the 12 + 190 and 24 + 250 MG ammo loads of CM exactly, on a "budget" of 25 bullets equals 1 CM shot. <hr></blockquote> If that's the case, then I see why why they run out so fast. Gyrene
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