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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Good mix! Off map artillery: Soviet use on the attack would've been pre-planned. Coordinating once the troops cross the start will take too long. You have been given sufficient forces to crush resistance. Do not rely upon artillery to do what your men should be capable of. There was a reason why the Soviets had the big-bore HE chuckers on armored chassis. If you've got room, something in that vein would be nice. I'd get rid of the mortars to make room for a pair of SU's of some variety. As to tactics? Really? Don't dance about: ATTACK! This should be fun. Ken P.S. That map looks made for you: Looooong edges, you edge-hugging gamey bastiche! <-- (I'm only jealous because I wish I could've done it in our game.)
  2. ...as it already is. (I think it's in the manual. When your guys are fanatic, you don't know. It prevents gaminess. But you should notice when guys stand like rocks amidst the rising tide of enemy forces. You can bet their morale has gone off scale, high.)
  3. Decals add sooooo much to the armor game. Especially MY armor.
  4. Didn't I see March quoted upstream?
  5. Well, since CMFI launched new features which were backported into CMBN as v2.0, then, YES, CMRT's features will be backported into CMBN and CMFI. I don't know how long it will take, or how much the charge for it will be (remember, engine UPGRADES cost money, bug PATCHES are free), but all version improvements are planned for backporting. REMEMBER: it will cost money to get the version upgrade. Ken
  6. Nice eye...but it has already been noticed by one of the sharper-eyed beta lads. I don't know if it's been fixed or not, but it is known. Think of it as a field mod.
  7. Flotation: the interleaved road wheels of the German "cats" were VERY good at distributing the weight across the entire track. Some tanks, despite having tracks, don't do that very well. The nearest Allied comparison would be the Churchill with its plethora of road wheels. There was a great analysis posted, years ago, of something called "MMP" (?), mean maximum pressure (?), which demonstrated why that distribution is almost more important than just average pressure (determined by dividing the vehicle weight by the area of track in contact with the ground). The suspension makes a HUGE difference in mobility. The Germans stumbled upon a very good solution.
  8. First, it's a game. Have some fun with it. As for artillery use, as mentioned, the different combatants had similar equipment, but vastly different capabilities as to its implementation. Most had one battalion (3x batteries) of 150mm and 3 battalions (total of 9x batteries) of 105mm. The 105 batteries (9) were typically paired with specific infantry battalions (9 in a division). The heavy (155) was allocated by the commander to the main point of effort. Usually. This type of organization evolved from WWI experience. The Germans kept to this type of use the most. The British/Commonwealth were very flexible, using communications networks to enable a single FO to call in every tube in range in an entire corps. So, if the allocated artillery couldn't get the job done, they could call more. It helped that the artillery COMMANDER was the guy acting as FO. It was not a request: it was an order. The US fell in between but gradually adopted the British/Commonwealth methods. All of the above is VERY rough and will be picked apart as being too simplistic and not reflecting some actual use. But that's how it starts. Now, if you have a division, it is part of a corps. That corps usually had some more artillery. In German, the ARKO; artillery commander, attached to a corps headquarters. They would help with the main point of attack. They would have 150mm or even 170mm artillery. (170 was rare, but a very accurate, very long range piece.) Of course, Germans being Germans, they had to make due with a lot of captured equipement, so you'd find just about anything. Flipping at random to the 10th PzGr Division in Nafziger's OOB book, they have 2 regiments, each of 3 battalions. (Most German armored units had 6 infantry battalions, using "infantry" to signify men with rifles, not tanks.) The artillery regiment had 2 105mm battalions (3 batteries of 3 guns in each battalion). The other battalion had 2 batteries of 3 150mm guns and 1 battery of 3 100mm guns. (I should be making a difference between "gun" and "howitzer". The German 100mm gun (Kanon) was a long-range weapon. The 150's and 105's (haubitze) were short-range howitzers. FWIW.) 3rd PzGr had 4 gun batteries and Wespes, as well, which just shows how different the divisional organizations could be. Hope that helps. A bit.
  9. Well, since you're a man and she's your girlfriend, OF COURSE you'll go back there. Sheesh. We know the priorities. Since you're Jewish and ate ham infested chorizo (isn't chorizo pork?), that's why you threw up. Duh. Of course you'll do it again. It tastes good. And aren't you just a little curious if you'll get sick again? Man up. Do what needs to be done. Oh, to keep on topic, if you DO get sick, play CMT whilst emptying your digestive track and let us know if it's as bad as some say. Ken
  10. But irregardless of the tank or the speed, it seems to be a constant 1%. That seems to be off. I would think that fast should be worse than slow. As far as Panthers and Shermans, I'd give Panthers the benefit of better flotation.
  11. And no matter how many EMP's you detonate, or viruses you introduce into code, or other comm snafu's which can occur, a shell fired from a barrel at something it's aimed at by the guy next to it, tends to hit. It just sucks to be that guy. Especially if the other guy knows where you are and has over the horizon assets that can get you. You've already bought the gun. It's fielded. Men are cheap and easily replaced. It's not like that direct fire gunner is gonna do anything better, like bayonet someone with his AK-74, or man a complex launch system. That's for the next guy. So, Soviet style, you keep the ATG AND you get the ATGM system. Full employment for EVERYONE. It's the socialist utopia, military style.
  12. As a beta tester, I think SOMETHING should be done about this. I'd love to help, but I don't have time, what with all the East Front goodness I'm mired in! It is amazing... :) Ken out.
  13. Most cannon companies are the regimental cannon companies, equipped with stubby infantry support guns of some variety. They gave the regiment some organic HE ability.
  14. You have the ATG selected: based on the lack of a bunker icon, it seems the ATG simply can't see it. This seems to be an LOS issue, not a unit firing issue. What happens when you draw a target line to the bunker?
  15. Well, I suppose that's for the OTHER players. For you, you need to hit "Cease Fire" at 7 minutes and assess your victory level.
  16. SLOW means crawl. That tires them out...a lot. Better to HUNT or QUICK or FAST with pauses between segments. (HUNT will freeze your men when they take incoming. So that is not one I use unless my men are moving in heavy cover/concealment like heavy forest. In the open it'll be a recipe for death! A dish served often when I command... ) Ken
  17. In combat conditions, after finally getting that screw off, it's guaranteed that you'll drop it into the mud, never to be found. And that screw is VITAL to the function of the device and there are no spares. And it's night. And raining. Guaranteed.
  18. Yeah, that seems to be an oddity. I've read and re-read that part of the thread several times. First, I need to satisfy myself that I can create an adequate baseline.
  19. FWIW, I've spent the day working on a test for this. Yep, I've thrown out the first several because I did 'em wrong. (That's my arrogance, I guess. ) I finally had it...until I realized I'd borked the map. So: working since 7 this morning and no results yet. But getting closer to a proper test. It is being looked at. My perspective: I don't care a whit about hit or kill chances...yet. This is purely a test of spotting hull down vs. non-hull down. That takes care of number 1. Number 2, I've gotten rid of extra eyeballs, so it'll be apples to apples. After I test apples, it'll be bananas, then on to oranges. Then, of course, the range will have to be changed. Then the button up status. Etc. It'll be a few days to get something which can withstand peer review. (Fair warning: I will NOT post the results here. Sorry. I'm not using v2.12, which is probably what most of you are up to. ) Was I allowed to say that? For HistoryLover (whose thread was closed), Kulik, VaB, and the rest: all your positive contributions have been heard, weighed, and taken into the balance. If there is something off with hulldown, let's start with the spotting. Then we can work to the hitting. Finally, we can finish with the killing. I'm no testing guru, but I'm posting this so you know that a beta tester has eschewed any more testing of the incredible REDACTED BY MODERATOR, and am instead working diligently on this. If you have input to SPOTTING testing with hulldown status, please let me know. Regards. Ken
  20. Pauses at waypoints to form up the unit can be minimized by breaking your squad up into individual teams.
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