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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. BletchleyGeek has it. Any thermal damping system will fail once it becomes "heat soaked". The heat will escape. It is just a matter of where or when. Think of a person in a wrap suit. They dump the same amount heat, but in a more concentrated form from a smaller area. These blankets could not be used for any length of time on a running vehicle.
  2. The fights will be sudden and amazingly violent. Immobility is death. Massing artillery will lead to that artillery being destroyed. Decentralized forces and mobility with commensurate comms and intel will determine the victor.
  3. My beta testing forces me to keep most of my installs totally stock. I've only just gotten back into using mods. Vein's flames are a must. I'll add my vote for a Vein's flamethrower mod. The immersion is sooo much better. Thanks.
  4. Yeah. What he ^^^ just said. Great one to play.
  5. Well, if you can show me a sniper that can shoot down a low-flying bird, then we'll start looking into this. Really. The difficulty of precision aimed single fire shots hitting a moving target, at an unknown altitude and range is, well, very high. Lase it, you say? Um, sure. And a second later how good is that datum? Etc.
  6. Piston AR pretty much fills that role. Very nicely.
  7. Well, I don't know if we'll see it, but I'll damn well order it!!!
  8. Smart. I would never trust a politician to keep his word or honor a treaty if my country's survival was in the balance. The examples are too numerous to list.
  9. Watch his whiskers. He shaves, then has 4 days of stubble a few hours later.
  10. Played a lot back in CMx1. As far as making your oppo wait, well, a lot turns don't have action worth replaying. A few long pauses, with the chat window, are very acceptable. It'd be nice to have back.
  11. Actually, it was a fight against 4 Tigers in the movie. 1 couldn't be repaired in the field depot before the battle, due to lack of spares. 1 ran out of gas, enroute. 1 broke down and is still waiting for a new final drive. It was all in the film, realistically portrayed. No US tanker ever knew about the dangers he didn't face.
  12. LOL. Thanks for running this test and sharing it. Think about how friggin' detailed this game code is. Really. I think that the test shows that the game gets it exactly right. Veteran sniper: men running right at him, easy shots and the men drop Veteran sniper: targets moving laterally, ROF and accuracy drop Incoming fire: suppressed and inaccurate when able to fire As well, the number of shots and the rate seem spot on. And all this happens without player intervention. (This kind of magic from your computer is what sets BFC's coding/games apart, IMO.) Ken
  13. LOL... My point was NOT to try to balance an economic equation. It does not matter how many packs get sold. -I- will never see a penny. No beta tester will. My point was to show how much labor you are being offered in exchange for your labor. You give up 2 hours of your labor (at a $10/hr rate of unskilled labor - NOT that YOUR labor is unskilled, I'm just using that as a standard of exchange for unskilled labor) and you get HUNDREDS (if not thousands) of man-hours of skilled labor in return. (If you make more than $10/hr, then the bargain is even more lopsided.) (Yes, "skilled": in the sense that it would be hard to come up with a group equally as knowledgeable about this stuff. Not impossible, but the beta's are certainly not offering "unskilled" labor.) The labor exchange, when broken into equivalency, means you're getting a bargain. But it all hinges on whether you WANT that bargain, not whether it is worth $20. It is "worth" FAR more, unless you think beta "skilled" labor should be "worth" fractions of a penny per hour. "You theh! Work harder for me for pennies! No... For HALF a penny." Bwa-hah-hah. An anology? Sure. A brain surgeon, top in the world, knocks on your door. He says, "I will perform a hippocampus reduction on you for just $10." You say, "It is not worth $10." You would be wrong. It would be "worth" thousands, if not tens of thousands. Just call a hospital and ask what they'd charge for it. You then say, "Sure, but you're going to do thousands of those $10 surgeries and make a profit!" You would be missing the point. This is an exchange between you and the surgeon. It does not matter if anyone else gets the surgery or if the surgeon profits or loses. You then say, "But I don't WANT my hippocampus reduced!" Ahhh, NOW we've arrived at the heart of the matter.
  14. "Surcharge?!? But I thought you were merely calling me 'Sir Charge'!"
  15. Othello? Oh...a cherished memory. I plied my opponent with wine. At the end, as black, I had turned all but ONE. One little white chit, sixty three black. Yes...sweet victory.
  16. ^^^ LOL!! Seriously! RT(F)M. Oh. Which manual? Never mind... Cool that an idea to improve the game is already there, no?
  17. I like it. I -hate- not finding whatever it is, only to be told, "Why, old chap, that's OBVIOUSLY only available after August of '44. Heh, heh, heh... Effing beta tester..." Really. I hate it. The timeline "Unhistorical" setting would be a boon.
  18. ^^^ WWII average US age was 26. (Cheap google-fu. Use at your own risk.) Vietnam average US age was "about 19". (I am -extremely- suspect about that internet number, but have no other.) FWIW, when I was 26, I knew it all and was about as mature as was possible to be. AFAIWC.
  19. Okay... Time to wade in. Hell, it's raining outside, the wife's abed, and the wine has breathed. Is $20 too much? That's YOUR choice. Shrug. If a free market ever really existed since 1914, it'd give the answer. Begging that, the system we have now will give a close approximation. Will you trade the equivalent of $20 of your labor for the Vehicle Pack? Well, let's translate what's in the Vehicle Pack into labor. I did such a small, bit, tiny part of it, I am embarrassed to even say I pitched in. Really. Yet, I've invested about...30 hours of my personal labor into the pack. That's me. Is my labor worth 66 cents per hour? Well, no. It is worth FAR more. Really. I get paid a LOT more than that to add value in other venues. But that's there, not here. I know my market worth: it is...higher than 66 cents for each hour of labor I've put in. (Yes, that's a rough estimate. Change it as it suits you.) Others have put in FAR more effort. Let's say...10 guys have put in 5x the labor I've put in. You're looking at 51 times the labor I've just described. (Mine is one, theirs is 50.) So... 66 cents divided by 51 is...about 1 1/4 cents per hour. Is that what you value their contribution? If you think that's too steep, don't buy it. If you think MikeyD, Charles, Phil, Steve, and all the others who have put in more than I have, should get their labor value at 1 1/4 cents per hour, then trade your $20 of labor (what's that, an hour or two?), for their combined labor. Or, say that a flat, overcooked, pizza is a more worthy trade for your labor than the guys that made the pack. If enough folks buy pizza, you won't have to worry about the price of any future pack. If enough folks buy the pack, you'll have gaming to last a lifetime. Your choice. Free-ish market. Ken
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