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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. 76mm, Well, I disagree. All the of the following is ONLY in regards to the SECOND screenshot, FWIW. I couldn't help but notice that the range to the house is 62m. I've had carnal knowledge of women from greater distances than that. Really. That is CLOSE range. If you think that seven men should advance in tall grass to 62m of a building occupied by the enemy, and NOT be suppressed/suffer degradation of their LOS, then you are overly optimistic. In a non-suppressed environment, it is trivial for me to place rounds within 6" of the point of aim...with a handgun. Long guns are easier. A squad WILL fail to take an occupied house against unsuppressed defenders. 62m is FAR too close to set up a suppression point. Start 200m out (or even 300m). As one element sets up fire, another moves closer and does the same. Unit 3 leapfrogs and area fires. Bring 300m up to 100m (Units 1 and 2 are 150m and 200m out, or so.). From 100m and 150m, area fire. Pull 200m unit in... and have them rush the house. Up against the outside wall, FACE into it (TARGET it for 15s). Then, next turn, bring 150m up, pause, then assault. If you had incoming fire, then the squad in the tall grass is doing the right thing: trying to stay alive. It's up to you to stop the enemy fire before ordering your men so close. Or, get more fanatic men who won't cower or go prone. There is no "problem" (IMHO) if the game has men hiding in tall grass when someone is shooting at them from 62m. Suppression is key. Area Targeting is needed to suppress. I do (still) agree that Screenshot 1 doesn't seem right, at first blush. Ken Edited to add: In screenshot 2, your morale state is "+1 Nervous". That is why 3/7 are cowering and the other four have their noses pressed to the dirt. This is not an LOS issue: it is a suppression issue. Screenshot 1: The more I look at it, the more I think that the overhanging branches are blocking the LOS to the second floor. Put the camera at the second floor and try to spot your soldiers. I'll bet they can't be seen. (I have not opened the map to look...) To have LOS for area fire at a building, you need LOS to the center of that action spot. It really looks as if you need to get closer with that team. Of course, if they are prone, the tall grass may block LOS. Catch 22...I know. Morale state is important. That's why I -always- boost my men's morale by giving them my famous pre-battle speeches. It helps.
  2. Gah! Edited because I posted in the wrong thread. However, to be on-topic, I must admit that I'd left CMFI/GL for awhile, but have recently started playing it again...and it is even better than I'd remembered.
  3. Definitely a weak spot. 2nd shot: 3 of 7 are cowering. The tall grass obviously obscures the vision of the other 4. This is an issue with default posture. In tall grass the soldiers are prone. That blinds them. If they were kneeling, or at least occasionally prairie dogging, then they should have LOS. However, since 3/7's are cowering, I'd assume some incoming fire made them lie down. If you put them in that location, with NO incoming fire (or negative morale effects), I'd bet they'd have LOS/LOF. 1st screenie: The LOS line seems to be broken at the fence. Their position with the open road right in front of them seems that it should give a clear LOS to the building. There seems to be a non-intuitive interaction between the tall grass, trees, and fence (possibly the smoke, as well) and a lack of "bonus" for the open road. Any chance you could post a screenie of the map, from overhead, showing both locations? Oh, and identifying the map/battle? Thanks, Ken
  4. Umm, they are already there. They're the ones with the heavier whisker shadows. (My abject apologies the the many beautiful Russian, Ukrainian, Eurasian, Baltic, and Polish women who may take offense. And some of the Moldavian, Bulgarian, Rumanian, and any other woman. Is that enough?)
  5. I didn't just open the map: I went to the location, got permission from the owner, and went upstairs. The reason your men can't get to the window you want them position towards is that the owner has a friggin' stack of furniture and luggage blocking the way. If that weren't bad enough, the internal chimney flue further restricted access. Oh, the spiders were bad, too. If your friend has the patience to wait a week for you to place one machinegun team, you've got a quality partner. Don't lose him. Seriously: can LOS fidelity be better? Yes. Is your game broken? Well, you think so. Me? I'd take that map and have an adequate setup in about 15 minutes. Maybe your setup would have you win and mine would have me lose. Shrug. I would've gotten a week's worth of gaming in. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. (<-- No, they're not modeled, either.) C'mon. Stop the Sandhurst solution and get into the field and find something that works. If it's that important to have LOS/LOF from there, buy some demo men and blow up the intervening obstructions. It was done, you know. (Or mod the map and resubmit the qb to your buddy.) Ken
  6. ^^^ Like they've said: which front do you like? Regardless, if you're split on them, you'll end up with both anyway.
  7. FO's can call in multiple batteries, but only on the same mission.
  8. It is said that waving his piston in the vague direction of his men is often all the motivation they need to charge into near death!
  9. It's not suicidal...if I don't die! "Forward, men!"
  10. ^^^ What he said. Rolling barrages were really just box barrages which lifted. For example, a box 300 yards by 2,000 yards would get pummeled for 15 minutes. Then the guns would lift to the next 300 yards (by 2,000 yards). The "creep" would get averaged. In this case 300 yards every 15 minutes would be 100yards/5min or 20 yards a minute. If the infantry really tried to keep that steady pace, they'd get shelled as they entered the impact zone. It was really "run fast and then duck for 15 minutes, then get up and run fast for 300 yards (or as close as you dared), then duck for 15 minutes."
  11. A couple of observations/suggestions. In CMx1, crew experience made a big difference. I seem to remember that only crack (?) or higher could use stereoscopic range finders. (What? Oh, you guys and your expectations. Fine! I've got the manuals here. Let me look it up...) CMBB manual, p. 126-127: "Very Long-Range: Extreme magnification power. Used only by late-model Jagdpanther. Crew must be veteran or better to use without penalty." So, not exactly germane (guffaw), but it does point to a possibility. If the crew is insufficiently experienced, perhaps they cannot utilize the Nashorn's superior optics? Try cranking 'em up. A green crew wouldn't be selected for an elite weapon system. Also, as far as spotting, there seems to be some distinct steps in size or spottability. T34's are kind of small. Nashorns are big. The game does NOT take the vehicle size into account for spotting (that I know of). Instead, it assigns it to a broad category; small, medium, or large. (Hell, maybe even extra-small, extra-large, tiny, and huge. I don't know.) Unbutton some elite/crack Nashorns. Have the T34's drive up and park at 4km. That may allow better spotting. Ken
  12. That approach also had the added benefit of ridding society of, well, let's just say it's similar to one sweeping the crumbs of the table, shall we? Some port with your cigar? I must make the time to wrangle an invitation from you to visit your stables, what?
  13. What qb map? What buildings are you trying to use and what terrain are you trying to target? (A quick screenshot with a few circles drawn would be a help.) (And, c'mon: I thought my "conform" comment was damn good! ) Also...since you seem a fair-minded chap and don't/shouldn't want community help while the battle rages, do you want solutions posted, or wait until after the game is over?
  14. Very true. Once the ammo carriers have absorbed the enemy's munitions, the ammo and weapons they've brought forward are available for others. Their bodies provide convenient cover, as well. One added bonus is that their demise reduces the burden on my logistics at the very time that they've used up logistics that the enemy has so painstakingly brought forward. You're right: their bodies are not indicative of a mistake, but, rather, they mark the trail towards victory!!
  15. ^^^ Oh, oh, oh!...totally disgusting. You post that nastiness after I've brought you back from the beyond? Foul...in a cool way.
  16. Kansas looked down at the pulped mess at his feet. He knew that, this time, there was no covering it up, even if the rear-echelon type had probably deserved it. He sighed, pushed his helmet back, and locked eyes with Mitch. Mitch looked ready to say something. Suddenly, the corpse coughed. A gob of semi-coagulated blood flew up and struck Mitch in his just-opened mouth. Mitch heaved and bent over, swearing. Kansas knew that corpses often adjusted in the moments after death, but coughing up bloody phlegm was something new, even to him. Then the corpse groaned. At the same time, Mitch turned around, wiping his arm across his mouth, and said, "Damn. That's the first time blood tasted so sweet." Stunned, the pair watched as the corpse lifted his arm, and shoved his perforated helmet off, revealing more pulpy bloody mass. Mitch vomited. The corpse slowly felt his own pulped head with an exploratory hand. He scooped some of the brain mass up and slowly drew it towards his opened mouth. Kansas looked on in horror, as did the rest. When the corpse smeared the mass into his mouth, the others started puking with Mitch. And when the corpse slowly chewed his own scooped flesh with evident relish, even Kansas couldn't take it any more and lost the meager contents of his stomach. The corpse slowly sat up and used both hands to wipe the mess off his head. Holding out two handfuls of the crimson mess, he asked, "Do you guys want some?" Mitch screamed and ran off. Kansas stared. The corpse was looking right at him. In a shaking voice, Kansas stammered, "H-h-h-how? What is this?" The corpse, sitting upright, replied, "Fresh jelly donuts. They're good. Here." "You keep jelly donuts in your helmet?", Kansas asked. "Sure," the former corpse replied, "My helmet is too large and I don't have a liner. The only way I can keep from having it rattle around is to put some padding in. Jelly donuts are perfect. The sugar coating keeps them stuck in place, and the filling provides padding. I always start my day with a fresh dozen in place. HQ has its perks." Kansas could only stare, mouth agape.
  17. It can be frustrating when the terrain doesn't conform to your plan.
  18. The bigger ones actually flow better, IMO, than smaller ones. Spend some time coming up with a plan. (My favorite? ATTACK! ) Assign sub-groups to each element of the plan. Company A, secure the hill. Company B, pass to the right of the hill after A emplaced on it. Company C, 15 minutes after B goes right, goes left. Once you have the general scheme of maneuver, the first turn orders may take a little while, but then every following turn flows; there is a rhythm which your initial plan institutes. The benefit is that a single tactical "oops" (signified by pixeltruppen laying about) doesn't mean you've lost the battle. Plus, you won't complain about the designer restricting your battlespace. Oh, and as Lanzfeld posted, chicks dig CM players. Chicks dig big-game CM players more.
  19. For more precise placement in a building, break down to teams. At set up should be easy to see if it works. No deployment delay.
  20. Set the team with a face command to the southwest as part of the movement command into the building. After they deploy, they will be in that location. Cover arc will focus them to the south.
  21. Umm, I noticed an emoticon in the original which seemed to mean that he was tongue in cheek.
  22. Silence dropped like a veil over the field. Suddenly, from behind the shot up jeep, a small, querulous, feminine-sounding voice could be heard saying, "hey you guys, is the V3 upgrade worth $10?...". Brooklyn suddenly straightened. His head snapped towards the mewling sounds coming from behind the jeep. The vein pulsated. Mitch exchanged a look with Kansas. Brooklyn quickly strode towards the jeep, BAR twitching from side to side. Mitch gave Kansas a "follow me" head movement. Kansas nodded. The two of them raced towards Brooklyn who was nearing the jeep. Gus noticed all of this. He gave a sharp elbow to O'Hara, who was just drinking a great swallow from his whisky filled canteen. The jab caused O'Hara to splutter and cough. With a glare, he asked, "What's the meaning of that"? Gus simply nodded in the direction of the other three. O'Hara understood immediately. He replaced his canteen and moved off in trail. Gus looked at Lady's Man and fng, nodded towards the jeep and Brooklyn, and they all moved off. "Well, what have we here?", roared Brooklyn as he rounded the hood. The sight of the quivering, overweight, rear-echelon headquarters type filled him with rage. A rage reflected in his voice. And, more so, in the white-knuckled clench his fists had on his weapon. Kansas quickly joined in. "Hey", he said, "I think it's our turn, Brooklyn." Mitch nodded. The fat man on the ground kicked his heels in the dirt in a fruitless attempt to get away. Brooklyn merely stepped on his sleeve and stopped him. Mitch spoke up. "Yeah, I think I want to take care of this." Brooklyn looked from one to the other. "You mean, you guys are willing to pitch in"? "Sure", Mitch said, "you do most of the work. Let us do this. You take a break." O'Hara and the rest surrounded them, forming a wall around the mewling man on the ground and Brooklyn, Kansas, and Mitch. "Yeah, I'd like that", said Brooklyn. "Guys like this. They're the reason why The Kid bought it." "Don't you worry about it", said Kansas. "This guy'll get what he deserves. We'll see to it. Right, guys?" He made eye contact with the rest. They understood. "Sure. That'd be great" stated Brooklyn. O'Hara said, "C'mon, Brooklyn, let's go over here while Kansas takes care of this." Brooklyn's head sank. He seemed to shrink into himself. The muzzle of the BAR slowly dropped till it pointed towards the ground. He nodded to himself, as if agreeing to the outcome of some sort of an internal debate. Looking up, he said to O'Hara, "Sure. Let's go. I'd like that." The vein was no longer visible. Kansas heaved a sigh of relief. He exchanged glances with Mitch. This man's life would be saved. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Stunned, Kansas spun around! The mewling lickspittle was dead. Blood pumped out of the pulped mass which had once been his head. In disbelief, Kansas looked at fng, who stood there, smoking .45 in his hand. Fng looked around and said, "Now you guys know you don't have to worry about me. I can do the dirty work."
  23. Hmmm, away from my gaming machine atm. In QB, isn't there an option for Infantry? If a unit shows up there, it is pure infantry: all vehicles stripped out. (Done that way so those who don't want vehicles, which drive up costs, can have it.) If you purchase the same unit in Mixed or Armored (if possible), the vehicles should be there. For example, German panzergrenadiers have different squad sizes and equipment than infantry. If I just want a dismounted platoon of pzgr, this would be the only way to get them. All the above if from a dim, distant, and dark, past. Ken Edited to add: D'oh! Just reread your post where you clearly state you used "mixed" for the force type.
  24. The jeep shuddered to a halt in a spray of rocks and dirt.. The driver frantically ground the gears in a desperate bid to find reverse. Brooklyn looked up from Ziggy's corpse. The vein still pulsed. Smoothly, in a motion practiced thousands of times, he swapped the empty BAR magazine for a fresh one. The driver found the gear and let out the clutch with a roar from the engine. Brooklyn calmly raised the BAR, applied some lead to anticipate the jeep, and fired several short, controlled bursts. The jeep slowed, then stalled. The driver, invisible behind the shattered windshield was silent. A moment's pause, then his body slumped out of the jeep to the ground. "We don't want no witnesses blabbing about Ziggy, do we?" he asked. The men shook their heads.
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