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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. In Hitlers version of reality, it was equipped for winning the war. The Army was big enough to defeat France and UK combined. As for the Russians (and the US too, to a lesser extent), they were racially inferior and therefor would be defeated by will alone. So to Hitler, he had the right Army. </font>
  2. Or my 'Frequently-asked questions' thread at the top of the forum.
  3. Goddamn it!! I thought it was some sort of cruel joke at first. I can't believe it. When Jim's wife was very ill, Jim and I used to spend more time talking by e-mail than playing. He was one of the nicest people I've had the privilege of meeting on the internet. I still can't believe it. :mad: </font>
  4. There have been concerns raised that since turret size relative to hull size is not considered (the whole vehicle is given a 'silhouette' value), tanks like the Panzer IV (with 50mm of turret armour on a very small turret frontage) are unfairly whipped. Personally, I'd also like to see the armour rating for the Sherman reassessed. 89/0 on a turret that is visibly curved cannot be right.
  5. Terribly sorry I don't meet your exacting standards Jason. I was recalling a momentarily glimpsed sentence in a book I've thumbed through once.
  6. Maybe we could use it to crack your caveman skull open to use it as a drinking vessel. :mad: :mad:
  7. I was thinking of the complete package of Army and Air Force, with industry providing it with munitions to keep operations going. All of this requires machines - that is what I meant, rather than motorizing the Army. I don't think that there was another country - other than Japan maybe - that was quite so geared up for warmaking as Nazi Germany in 1941. [/QB]</font>
  8. My encyclopedia of German tanks for WW2 (technical editor Jentz whose name I've seen crop up here innumerable times) says that the 76.2mm guns captured by the Germans used only German 75mm ammo - which I assume is why their penetration values are higher in the game.
  9. I think it depends whether you prefer eastern or western front. I didn't enjoy the eastern front experience and was thrilled to get back to the west.
  10. Stuart Hills in "By Tank into Normandy" frequently states that he (as commander of the recce troop) dismounted to carry out recon on foot.
  11. The Red Army was still modernizing in 1941. It could have sone better in this regard, but most of the promising officers had been shot three years previously. So you have basically an army that is still stuck in the pre-mechanized era to a large extent (they still didn't appreciate just how violent the coming conflict would be - unlike Hitler who had a very clear idea). It is perhaps unfair to criticise the Soviets - the Germans were ahead of everyone else in this regard until 1942, when the rest of the worlds resources for warmaking were brfought into play. </font>
  12. Fortunately, it's nailed on face downwards, so rather than being upset having to look at his face, it's laughing at his withered genitalia.
  13. Where's your source? Mustapha Ali Al Kabir clearly states in his book "Early ranged weapons of the Pharonic Era" (Chapter MCCXXXVII, page 14,298 para 4) that the short bow (Kalai-alkal) wasn't in use until the later part of the 1st century BC? Only a bald man with a badger nailed to his chin would attempt to grog-bluff on this forum. :mad:
  14. Jamoomba demands to be named All-Seeing Puckered Deity for this project!
  15. Ye bunch of pig porking nancy boys!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: I rub my genitals against your sisters!!!!!111!!1 :mad: :mad:
  16. No, it doesn't change. Visibility on a clear day at dawn is about 2km (in my experience).
  17. Is this why your turn rate was so slow?? Now you can lose that much faster. :mad: :mad: What kind of rig do you have now? </font>
  18. Tee hee! Mozilla Firefox is your friend. You can feel it calling. Come to Firefox.
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