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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Winecape was going to send me free wine for all the useful stuff I do, but I haven't done it yet.
  2. That horse and cart has the same suspension as Mike's Triumph Stag. Har har har. I bet the cart corners better too.
  3. :mad: :mad: :mad: GIVE US A BONE BEFORE WE ALL TURN INTO WARTGAMER!!1111!!!111 :mad: :mad: :mad:
  4. Jamoomba claims this triple postoid for his sex slave. :mad: :mad:
  5. I have seen StuGs and Shermans survive 75mm shell hits on a number of occasions. If you are concerned, the best thing to do is to create a test scenario and repeat it 100 times to see how often tanks survive. In a game I am playing at the moment, one of my Panzer IIIF was knocked out by a British 2pdr pillbox at 3,960m first shot. And one of my Pioneer teams blew up a building and the explosion destroyed an enemy tank nearby.
  6. Well, he's a bit foolish then. Tell him to come here and talk to us. We'll put him right. You can't "change turns".
  7. What my right honourable whiny crosspatch Finn was trying to tell you, in his grunting, mongoloid way, was that the 3 men per squad is hard-coded. Mods to change the stats of vehicles, the effects of weapons, or shapes of stuff aren't out there.
  8. I was seeking a simple, easy-to-work solution for non-technical people (which is what most of us are). I am assuming that mod downloaders will also share them, yes. A bit of a big assumption. I know that the system works and that it's fast enough to be worth doing. I also know that it's a potential backup solution. I shall continue to run the program on my machine with all the CM:AK mods from CMMods on it and available for whoever wants them. I certainly can't run it 24/7 but it'll be on when I'm around. Edited to add: It's not typical peer-to-peer such as EMule/Limewire. [ July 12, 2005, 05:35 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  9. When you fire at a target, there is a tiny chance that you may hit a 'weak point'. In this case, you knocked out a Tiger with it, which is cool. You haven't cheated. Just don't expect to see it again
  10. Knockouts with small-calibre shells are very rare. 2pdr AT and German 37mm and 50mm don't offer the same knockout potential on the lightly armoured vehicles. Learn to love extra-purchased LMGs in your QBs. For 7-9pts, you should get 1 per platoon to offer suppression because the rifle squads don't cut the mustard otherwise.
  11. Hey, I'm busy. You can have your scenarios when I've got time to write the briefings.
  12. If you wanted to help, you could have downloaded the software, tested it out, joined the group, and tried sharing mods. Instead, you were much more interested in telling me how much better you could do it. If you want to be useful, then try the damn program and stop telling me how much cleverer you are than everyone. Don't try to slap a guilt trip onto me. I am going ahead with setting this up. You turn if you want to - the Soddball's not for turning.
  13. My eyes saw that as a 12-pack of lager before I blinked and realised what it was.
  14. And of course the minor point that CMMods relies exclusively on the good will and sound finances of a single person seems to have leapt past your attention. </font>
  15. And of course the minor point that CMMods relies exclusively on the good will and sound finances of a single person seems to have leapt past your attention.
  16. If you'd checked the details on the program I've proposed, it does exactly what you described. But you knew that, right? I mean, you checked and everything, right?
  17. For maggot's sake, how pathetic can you get in geography??? ZEELAND is a Dutch province!!! Kinda logical as it was found by the Dutch (Australia was originally New Holland, btw). I think you may have had a mix-up between New Zealand and New Legoland there. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  18. If he bought the DVD pack, he'll have the partial manual. If he bought direct from BFC, he'll have the full manual (like wot I have).
  19. You may be able to order a printed manual from BFC. Have you tried contacting them?
  20. The system seems to work very smoothly for downloads and uploads (although much depends on who you're downloading from). I'm going to stick with the CMMods folder structure and look at file name structures and then go for an official set up over the weekend.
  21. And let's guess who you'll be playing, you UnterScandiwegian nancy boy. Real soldiers fight in the desert. :mad:
  22. I told you that inferno was okay. The other two scenarios you sent me, (all infantry and that 15 battle, 50 turn, 38,000 point monstrosity) just did not get me aroused. I need Jamoomba. :mad: </font>
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