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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Patch...erm...right. I've probably got it around here somewhere. And it's not my fault we never finish a game. It's BFCs. They keep bringing new games out to confuse me. I'll give TCP/IP a go against you at some point. I always finish those.
  2. Sitting in my inbox along with all the other unreturned turns. :mad: :mad: :mad: By the way, which version did you send it in?
  3. Can you explain why, in your opinion, multi-multi play (which I assume is what you meant), would broaden the game's appeal? Without wishing to denigrate the 'junior CM Player team', targetting a younger market with a game which requires patience and brainpower is unlikely to be a financial goldmine.
  4. Can you explain why, in your opinion, multi-multi play (which I assume is what you meant), would broaden the game's appeal? Without wishing to denigrate the 'junior CM Player team', targetting a younger market with a game which requires patience and brainpower is unlikely to be a financial goldmine.
  5. The computer experience bonus isn't 'visible', in that the troops still say 'conscript' but actually fight as Regular (for example). It is in the manual, but since I haven't read a CM manual since CM:BO I couldn't tell you where.
  6. Too slow, monkeyboy. This n00b worships Jamoomba now.
  7. We probably won't see it for 10-12 months at best. It hasn't been revealed what theatre it'll cover. Personally I hope it goes back to Normandy.
  8. If you consider a chiropractor, look for a McTimoney chiropractor. They use very gentle motions to ease the back into the shape it should be, no violent movement or pain, no crunching or anything. I had very bad back and shoulder pains after a car accident 10 years ago, and went to see one. Three treatments later and my back and shoulder were no longer painful. I've been going to see him every 3 months for a year and a half now just to keep everything straightened up.
  9. We had a centimetre of snow here in the UK. Our first this winter. Temperature may drop to -1 C tonight. brrrrrr.
  10. Make CM:AK look like CM:BO? Cartoon colours and dayglo tanks? The man's mad.
  11. Gahh. I hate my life. It's 8:55pm, I've just got back from my last customer, and I now have 19 CVs to review for a Network Manager position for 8:30 tomorrow morning. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. I got it. I'm a bit (lot) busy with work. I owe Snarker a turn from about a month ago. :mad:
  13. Is that measurable in this thread? No snow here in IngoLand. We never get snow.
  14. ROTFLMAO! Good source, Philippe. Have you got any pictures of the Baby Doll Lounge? I ask purely from an academic slant, obviously.
  15. Today's kitsch is both yesterday's and tomorrow's fashion disasters. AC Cobra - hmm. It always struck me as more about noise than driving, but it does look nice. Front engine and rear wheel drive is never going to do it any favours on handling.
  16. Why do Merkuns like automatics? You lose all the welly from the engine, and it takes the thrill out of driving.
  17. And to think that all the poor, ignorant Europeans could produce in the 1960s was the Porsche 911, the Aston Martin DB5, the Ferrari Daytona and the Jaguar E-Type. The Ford GT40 - now that was a car. Probably IMO one of the few worthwhile constructions the US car industry has ever churned out.
  18. Maybe we just have a level of suckage about 100 times less than yours. I mean look at that - thing - that Axe posted a photo of. It looks like it came from the seventies. No car from the seventies deserves to be admired.
  19. Amazing, really, with such tiny cars, that they're faster, safer, more economical, more reliable, better built, and better looking than American cars. I wonder how we do it.
  20. Do you speak English? And what the hell is that picture of? A torpedo loading bay?
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