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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I hate you all so much, I've got some evil new scenarios brewing up. Who needs some pain? :mad: :mad:
  2. Bingo. Then jump on their charred corpses.
  3. Bailed crews are worth extra. It's a way to reduce the tendency in CM:BO of people using bailed-out crews as expendable scouts for their main force. Historically, when a tank was hit, the crew bailed, they ran if they were able to, and headed back to base.
  4. Sorry, I hadn't thought of that. Good point. I'd like to continue with a PC-only test, then. Apparently the makers are planning a Mac version. [ June 26, 2005, 03:38 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  5. We all know the hard work that ColumbusOHGamer has done with cmmods and how much it's valued. I also appreciate that cmmods may not be around for ever - CohG has enough to do with his life and the expense and time required may be too much at some point. So I'm proposing that in the future we could make use of Grouper to share files amongst ourselves. It's not intended to replace his solution, nor am I attempting to slight the enormous amount of work he's done. Far from it. I had considered the possibility of a file-sharing approach before but the nature of these programs means that it's not possible to easily track down the mods we all love. Grouper is invitation-only and that means that it's easy to make a CM Mods specific group and share only mods within that. If you'd like to run some trials with me on the efficacy of this solution, please post here. It's best suited to those of use with broadband/cable connections, but if you're on a modem and want to give downloading a go, you can post here too.
  6. Well, you picked an HE-heavy force and you've discovered the weakness of it. I would suggest your best course of action is to use 'area fire' to level everything as fast as you can. 150 HE will easily disable a tank if you hit the ground close to it, and it's good for getting gun damage aswell.
  7. Not to mention that you can fire them in buildings with no risk of the buildings catching fire.
  8. Cider from Kent. Not a concept I have come across before. Somerset, Devon, Herefordshire, yes but not Kent. Perhaps I need to go East for a change, perhaps there is really more to Kent than the route to the tunnel. </font>
  9. My local cider distillery does an 8.8% and a 13.2%, both fine cloudy vintages. That's some :mad: cider!
  10. Pitiful. I can see the headlines now. "Badger Man Presides Over 50% Increase in Road Death Figures". :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  11. Yes. The terminology is used on modern engines (I've seen it in lots of car brochures).
  12. :mad: :mad: How's Inferno shaping up, Maggots?? And which idjit is looking at Alpine Summer?
  13. Actually, bikers with MGs would have made a superb Mad Max scenario in CM:AK - the desert, the Flak Trucks, the MG motorcyles..... I can see it now: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  14. All rioght Juice-boy where are these scenarios that you want tested? My addy is in the profile. [/QB]</font>
  15. Doh!! I stand in awe of your superior wisdom. Well, even the 4'th deepest is good enough for Axe. Now if you could just enlighten me on God's role in the Second World War. </font>
  16. Send something disgusting that I can pass on to Kiwi Mike. He requires another biatch-slapping. </font>
  17. How much RAM do you have? My setup (Athlon64 3500+, 2GB OCZ DDR, SATA drives, GFTi4200) runs a campaign bigger than To The Volga (8km x 4km, 75,000 points) without a complaint. Load times are about 30 seconds, and turn times are about 70 seconds. You can improve performance by shortening the Horizon range to 2,500m.
  18. :mad: :mad: :mad: Did anyone ask for your input, gimp? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  19. You should also be aware that a gun/tank 'area firing' at any range in CM automatically becomes identified. I've run tests on an 8km map and units were being successfully identified in woods from 4km away on their first shot. Area fire will get you killed.
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